#define xCAT(A,B) A ## B #define CAT(A,B) xCAT(A,B) #undef TYPE #define TYPE CAT(isl_,BASE) #define xFN(TYPE,NAME) TYPE ## _ ## NAME #define FN(TYPE,NAME) xFN(TYPE,NAME) #define TESTS CAT(reparse_,CAT(BASE,_tests)) /* Test parsing of objects of type TYPE by printing * the expressions and checking that parsing the output results * in the same expression. * Do this for a set of expressions parsed from strings. */ static isl_stat FN(check,TESTS)(isl_ctx *ctx) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(TESTS); ++i) { TYPE *obj; obj = FN(TYPE,read_from_str)(ctx, TESTS[i]); if (FN(check_reparse,BASE)(ctx, obj) < 0) return isl_stat_error; } return isl_stat_ok; }