/* Copyright 2016-2017 Tobias Grosser * * Use of this software is governed by the MIT license * * Written by Tobias Grosser, Weststrasse 47, CH-8003, Zurich */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void die_impl(const char *file, int line, const char *message) { fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failed in %s:%d %s\n", file, line, message); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static void assert_impl(bool condition, const char *file, int line, const char *message) { if (condition) return; return die_impl(file, line, message); } #define die(msg) die_impl(__FILE__, __LINE__, msg) #undef assert #define assert(exp) assert_impl(exp, __FILE__, __LINE__, #exp) #include "isl_test_cpp-generic.cc" /* Test that isl_bool values are returned correctly. * * In particular, check the conversion to bool in case of true and false, and * exception throwing in case of error. */ static void test_return_bool(isl::ctx ctx) { isl::set empty(ctx, "{ : false }"); isl::set univ(ctx, "{ : }"); isl::set null; bool b_true = empty.is_empty(); bool b_false = univ.is_empty(); bool caught = false; try { null.is_empty(); die("no exception raised"); } catch (const isl::exception_invalid &e) { caught = true; } assert(b_true); assert(!b_false); assert(caught); } /* Test that return values are handled correctly. * * Test that isl C++ objects, integers, boolean values, and strings are * returned correctly. */ static void test_return(isl::ctx ctx) { test_return_obj(ctx); test_return_int(ctx); test_return_bool(ctx); test_return_string(ctx); } /* Test that foreach functions are modeled correctly. * * Verify that lambdas are correctly called as callback of a 'foreach' * function and that variables captured by the lambda work correctly. Also * check that the foreach function handles exceptions thrown from * the lambda and that it propagates the exception. */ static void test_foreach(isl::ctx ctx) { isl::set s(ctx, "{ [0]; [1]; [2] }"); std::vector basic_sets; auto add_to_vector = [&] (isl::basic_set bs) { basic_sets.push_back(bs); }; s.foreach_basic_set(add_to_vector); assert(basic_sets.size() == 3); assert(isl::set(basic_sets[0]).is_subset(s)); assert(isl::set(basic_sets[1]).is_subset(s)); assert(isl::set(basic_sets[2]).is_subset(s)); assert(!basic_sets[0].is_equal(basic_sets[1])); auto fail = [&] (isl::basic_set bs) { throw "fail"; }; bool caught = false; try { s.foreach_basic_set(fail); die("no exception raised"); } catch (char const *s) { caught = true; } assert(caught); } /* Test the functionality of "every" functions. * * In particular, test the generic functionality and * test that exceptions are properly propagated. */ static void test_every(isl::ctx ctx) { isl::union_set us(ctx, "{ A[i]; B[j] }"); test_every_generic(ctx); auto fail = [] (isl::set s) -> bool { throw "fail"; }; bool caught = false; try { us.every_set(fail); die("no exception raised"); } catch (char const *s) { caught = true; } assert(caught); } /* Test that an exception is generated for an isl error and * that the error message is captured by the exception. * Also check that the exception can be copied and that copying * does not throw any exceptions. */ static void test_exception(isl::ctx ctx) { isl::multi_union_pw_aff mupa(ctx, "[]"); isl::exception copy; static_assert(std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible::value, "exceptions must be nothrow-copy-constructible"); static_assert(std::is_nothrow_assignable::value, "exceptions must be nothrow-assignable"); try { auto umap = isl::union_map::from(mupa); } catch (const isl::exception_unsupported &error) { die("caught wrong exception"); } catch (const isl::exception &error) { assert(strstr(error.what(), "without explicit domain")); copy = error; } assert(strstr(copy.what(), "without explicit domain")); } /* Test basic schedule tree functionality. * * In particular, create a simple schedule tree and * - perform some generic tests * - test map_descendant_bottom_up in the failing case * - test foreach_descendant_top_down * - test every_descendant */ static void test_schedule_tree(isl::ctx ctx) { auto root = test_schedule_tree_generic(ctx); auto fail_map = [](isl::schedule_node node) { throw "fail"; return node; }; auto caught = false; try { root.map_descendant_bottom_up(fail_map); die("no exception raised"); } catch (char const *s) { caught = true; } assert(caught); int count = 0; auto inc_count = [&count](isl::schedule_node node) { count++; return true; }; root.foreach_descendant_top_down(inc_count); assert(count == 8); count = 0; auto inc_count_once = [&count](isl::schedule_node node) { count++; return false; }; root.foreach_descendant_top_down(inc_count_once); assert(count == 1); auto is_not_domain = [](isl::schedule_node node) { return !node.isa(); }; assert(root.child(0).every_descendant(is_not_domain)); assert(!root.every_descendant(is_not_domain)); auto fail = [](isl::schedule_node node) { throw "fail"; return true; }; caught = false; try { root.every_descendant(fail); die("no exception raised"); } catch (char const *s) { caught = true; } assert(caught); auto domain = root.as().domain(); auto filters = isl::union_set(ctx, "{}"); auto collect_filters = [&filters](isl::schedule_node node) { if (node.isa()) { auto filter = node.as(); filters = filters.unite(filter.filter()); } return true; }; root.every_descendant(collect_filters); assert(domain.is_equal(filters)); } /* Test basic AST generation from a schedule tree. * * In particular, create a simple schedule tree and * - perform some generic tests * - test at_each_domain in the failing case */ static void test_ast_build(isl::ctx ctx) { auto schedule = test_ast_build_generic(ctx); bool do_fail = true; int count_ast_fail = 0; auto fail_inc_count_ast = [&count_ast_fail, &do_fail](isl::ast_node node, isl::ast_build build) { count_ast_fail++; if (do_fail) throw "fail"; return node; }; auto build = isl::ast_build(ctx); build = build.set_at_each_domain(fail_inc_count_ast); auto caught = false; try { auto ast = build.node_from(schedule); } catch (char const *s) { caught = true; } assert(caught); assert(count_ast_fail > 0); auto build_copy = build; int count_ast = 0; auto inc_count_ast = [&count_ast](isl::ast_node node, isl::ast_build build) { count_ast++; return node; }; build_copy = build_copy.set_at_each_domain(inc_count_ast); auto ast = build_copy.node_from(schedule); assert(count_ast == 2); count_ast_fail = 0; do_fail = false; ast = build.node_from(schedule); assert(count_ast_fail == 2); } /* Basic test of the templated interface. * * Intersecting the domain of an access relation * with statement instances should be allowed, * while intersecting the range with statement instances * should result in a compile-time error. */ static void test_typed(isl::ctx ctx) { struct ST {}; struct AR {}; isl::typed::map access(ctx, "{ S[i, j] -> A[i] }"); isl::typed::set instances(ctx, "{ S[i, j] : 0 <= i, j < 10 }"); #ifndef COMPILE_ERROR access.intersect_domain(instances); #else access.intersect_range(instances); #endif } /* Test the (unchecked) isl C++ interface * * This includes: * - The isl C <-> C++ pointer interface * - Object construction * - Different parameter types * - Different return types * - Foreach functions * - Exceptions * - Spaces * - Schedule trees * - AST generation * - AST expression generation * - Templated interface */ int main() { isl_ctx *ctx = isl_ctx_alloc(); isl_options_set_on_error(ctx, ISL_ON_ERROR_ABORT); test_pointer(ctx); test_constructors(ctx); test_parameters(ctx); test_return(ctx); test_foreach(ctx); test_every(ctx); test_exception(ctx); test_space(ctx); test_schedule_tree(ctx); test_ast_build(ctx); test_ast_build_expr(ctx); test_typed(ctx); isl_ctx_free(ctx); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }