@echo off echo ... echo If you don't print the source codes on paper and have the printouts echo in hand and read them while running the executables resulting from echo the following compilation of the source codes, what the executables echo print to the screen will often make little sense. echo ... echo compiling arithmet, genpdex2, cgenpdex gxx arithmet.cc -o arithmet.exe -w gxx genpdex2.cc -o genpdex2.exe -w gxx cgenpdex.cc -o cgenpdex.exe -w echo ... cgnlndex, seresdx5, cpolydex gxx cgnlndex.cc -o cgnlndex.exe -w gxx seresdx5.cc -o seresdx5.exe -w gxx cpolydex.cc -o cpolydex.exe -w echo ... cpadedx1, seresdx2, pid gxx cpadedx1.cc -o cpadedx1.exe -w gxx seresdx2.cc -o seresdx2.exe -w gxx pid.cc -o pid.exe -w echo ... seresdx3, gnlindex, cseresex gxx seresdx3.cc -o seresdx3.exe -w gxx gnlindex.cc -o gnlindex.exe -w gxx cseresex.cc -o cseresex.exe -w echo ... padedex, polydex2, seresdx4 gxx padedex.cc -o padedex.exe -w gxx polydex2.cc -o polydex2.exe -w gxx seresdx4.cc -o seresdx4.exe -w echo ... example, cpadedex, polydex gxx example.cc -o example.exe -w gxx cpadedex.cc -o cpadedex.exe -w gxx polydex.cc -o polydex.exe -w echo All Done! echo.