; English JPTUI vocabulary ; Don't change !!! 0,"A VGA card is needed !" 10,"Ctrl" 11,"Alt" 12,"Shift" 13,"Home" 14,"PgUp" 15,"End" 16,"PgDn" 17,"BackSp" 18,"Ins" 19,"Del" 20,"Ctrl+Shift" 30,"Index" 50,"~OK" 51,"~Cancel" 52,"~Quit" 53,"~Yes" 54,"~No" 55,"~Abort" 56,"~Retry" 57,"~Ignore" 58,"~Continue" 59,"Yes To ~All" 60,"~Review" 70,"~Name :" 71,"~Search :" 72,"~Open" 80,"~Contents" 81,"~Index" 82,"~Back" 83,"~Previous" 84,"~Next" 100,"Invalid entry." 101,"You must enter^a value between^%g and %g." 102,"You must enter^a value between^%ld and %ld." 110,"This drive doesn't exist." 111,"There is no disk in drive %c:." 112,"This directory doesn't exist." 113,"Invalid filename." 120,"Help file not found." 121,"Invalid help file." 122,"No help available on this topic."