/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Petri Lehtinen * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #if HAVE_STDINT_H #include #endif #include "hashtable.h" #include "jansson_private.h" /* for container_of() */ #include /* for JSON_INLINE */ #ifndef INITIAL_HASHTABLE_ORDER #define INITIAL_HASHTABLE_ORDER 3 #endif typedef struct hashtable_list list_t; typedef struct hashtable_pair pair_t; typedef struct hashtable_bucket bucket_t; extern volatile uint32_t hashtable_seed; /* Implementation of the hash function */ #include "lookup3.h" #define list_to_pair(list_) container_of(list_, pair_t, list) #define ordered_list_to_pair(list_) container_of(list_, pair_t, ordered_list) #define hash_str(key, len) ((size_t)hashlittle((key), len, hashtable_seed)) static JSON_INLINE void list_init(list_t *list) { list->next = list; list->prev = list; } static JSON_INLINE void list_insert(list_t *list, list_t *node) { node->next = list; node->prev = list->prev; list->prev->next = node; list->prev = node; } static JSON_INLINE void list_remove(list_t *list) { list->prev->next = list->next; list->next->prev = list->prev; } static JSON_INLINE int bucket_is_empty(hashtable_t *hashtable, bucket_t *bucket) { return bucket->first == &hashtable->list && bucket->first == bucket->last; } static void insert_to_bucket(hashtable_t *hashtable, bucket_t *bucket, list_t *list) { if (bucket_is_empty(hashtable, bucket)) { list_insert(&hashtable->list, list); bucket->first = bucket->last = list; } else { list_insert(bucket->first, list); bucket->first = list; } } static pair_t *hashtable_find_pair(hashtable_t *hashtable, bucket_t *bucket, const char *key, size_t key_len, size_t hash) { list_t *list; pair_t *pair; if (bucket_is_empty(hashtable, bucket)) return NULL; list = bucket->first; while (1) { pair = list_to_pair(list); if (pair->hash == hash && pair->key_len == key_len && memcmp(pair->key, key, key_len) == 0) return pair; if (list == bucket->last) break; list = list->next; } return NULL; } /* returns 0 on success, -1 if key was not found */ static int hashtable_do_del(hashtable_t *hashtable, const char *key, size_t key_len, size_t hash) { pair_t *pair; bucket_t *bucket; size_t js_index; js_index = hash & hashmask(hashtable->order); bucket = &hashtable->buckets[js_index]; pair = hashtable_find_pair(hashtable, bucket, key, key_len, hash); if (!pair) return -1; if (&pair->list == bucket->first && &pair->list == bucket->last) bucket->first = bucket->last = &hashtable->list; else if (&pair->list == bucket->first) bucket->first = pair->list.next; else if (&pair->list == bucket->last) bucket->last = pair->list.prev; list_remove(&pair->list); list_remove(&pair->ordered_list); json_decref(pair->value); jsonp_free(pair); hashtable->size--; return 0; } static void hashtable_do_clear(hashtable_t *hashtable) { list_t *list, *next; pair_t *pair; for (list = hashtable->list.next; list != &hashtable->list; list = next) { next = list->next; pair = list_to_pair(list); json_decref(pair->value); jsonp_free(pair); } } static int hashtable_do_rehash(hashtable_t *hashtable) { list_t *list, *next; pair_t *pair; size_t i, js_index, new_size, new_order; struct hashtable_bucket *new_buckets; new_order = hashtable->order + 1; new_size = hashsize(new_order); new_buckets = jsonp_malloc(new_size * sizeof(bucket_t)); if (!new_buckets) return -1; jsonp_free(hashtable->buckets); hashtable->buckets = new_buckets; hashtable->order = new_order; for (i = 0; i < hashsize(hashtable->order); i++) { hashtable->buckets[i].first = hashtable->buckets[i].last = &hashtable->list; } list = hashtable->list.next; list_init(&hashtable->list); for (; list != &hashtable->list; list = next) { next = list->next; pair = list_to_pair(list); js_index = pair->hash % new_size; insert_to_bucket(hashtable, &hashtable->buckets[js_index], &pair->list); } return 0; } int hashtable_init(hashtable_t *hashtable) { size_t i; hashtable->size = 0; hashtable->order = INITIAL_HASHTABLE_ORDER; hashtable->buckets = jsonp_malloc(hashsize(hashtable->order) * sizeof(bucket_t)); if (!hashtable->buckets) return -1; list_init(&hashtable->list); list_init(&hashtable->ordered_list); for (i = 0; i < hashsize(hashtable->order); i++) { hashtable->buckets[i].first = hashtable->buckets[i].last = &hashtable->list; } return 0; } void hashtable_close(hashtable_t *hashtable) { hashtable_do_clear(hashtable); jsonp_free(hashtable->buckets); } static pair_t *init_pair(json_t *value, const char *key, size_t key_len, size_t hash) { pair_t *pair; /* offsetof(...) returns the size of pair_t without the last, flexible member. This way, the correct amount is allocated. */ if (key_len >= (size_t)-1 - offsetof(pair_t, key)) { /* Avoid an overflow if the key is very long */ return NULL; } pair = jsonp_malloc(offsetof(pair_t, key) + key_len + 1); if (!pair) return NULL; pair->hash = hash; memcpy(pair->key, key, key_len); pair->key[key_len] = '\0'; pair->key_len = key_len; pair->value = value; list_init(&pair->list); list_init(&pair->ordered_list); return pair; } int hashtable_set(hashtable_t *hashtable, const char *key, size_t key_len, json_t *value) { pair_t *pair; bucket_t *bucket; size_t hash, js_index; /* rehash if the load ratio exceeds 1 */ if (hashtable->size >= hashsize(hashtable->order)) if (hashtable_do_rehash(hashtable)) return -1; hash = hash_str(key, key_len); js_index = hash & hashmask(hashtable->order); bucket = &hashtable->buckets[js_index]; pair = hashtable_find_pair(hashtable, bucket, key, key_len, hash); if (pair) { json_decref(pair->value); pair->value = value; } else { pair = init_pair(value, key, key_len, hash); if (!pair) return -1; insert_to_bucket(hashtable, bucket, &pair->list); list_insert(&hashtable->ordered_list, &pair->ordered_list); hashtable->size++; } return 0; } void *hashtable_get(hashtable_t *hashtable, const char *key, size_t key_len) { pair_t *pair; size_t hash; bucket_t *bucket; hash = hash_str(key, key_len); bucket = &hashtable->buckets[hash & hashmask(hashtable->order)]; pair = hashtable_find_pair(hashtable, bucket, key, key_len, hash); if (!pair) return NULL; return pair->value; } int hashtable_del(hashtable_t *hashtable, const char *key, size_t key_len) { size_t hash = hash_str(key, key_len); return hashtable_do_del(hashtable, key, key_len, hash); } void hashtable_clear(hashtable_t *hashtable) { size_t i; hashtable_do_clear(hashtable); for (i = 0; i < hashsize(hashtable->order); i++) { hashtable->buckets[i].first = hashtable->buckets[i].last = &hashtable->list; } list_init(&hashtable->list); list_init(&hashtable->ordered_list); hashtable->size = 0; } void *hashtable_iter(hashtable_t *hashtable) { return hashtable_iter_next(hashtable, &hashtable->ordered_list); } void *hashtable_iter_at(hashtable_t *hashtable, const char *key, size_t key_len) { pair_t *pair; size_t hash; bucket_t *bucket; hash = hash_str(key, key_len); bucket = &hashtable->buckets[hash & hashmask(hashtable->order)]; pair = hashtable_find_pair(hashtable, bucket, key, key_len, hash); if (!pair) return NULL; return &pair->ordered_list; } void *hashtable_iter_next(hashtable_t *hashtable, void *iter) { list_t *list = (list_t *)iter; if (list->next == &hashtable->ordered_list) return NULL; return list->next; } void *hashtable_iter_key(void *iter) { pair_t *pair = ordered_list_to_pair((list_t *)iter); return pair->key; } size_t hashtable_iter_key_len(void *iter) { pair_t *pair = ordered_list_to_pair((list_t *)iter); return pair->key_len; } void *hashtable_iter_value(void *iter) { pair_t *pair = ordered_list_to_pair((list_t *)iter); return pair->value; } void hashtable_iter_set(void *iter, json_t *value) { pair_t *pair = ordered_list_to_pair((list_t *)iter); json_decref(pair->value); pair->value = value; }