/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Petri Lehtinen * * Jansson is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details. */ #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H #include #endif #include "hashtable.h" #include "jansson.h" #include "jansson_private.h" #include "utf.h" /* Work around nonstandard isnan() and isinf() implementations */ #ifndef isnan #ifndef __sun static JSON_INLINE int isnan(double x) { return x != x; } #endif #endif #ifndef isinf static JSON_INLINE int isinf(double x) { return !isnan(x) && isnan(x - x); } #endif json_t *do_deep_copy(const json_t *json, hashtable_t *parents); static JSON_INLINE void json_init(json_t *json, json_type type) { json->type = type; json->refcount = 1; } int jsonp_loop_check(hashtable_t *parents, const json_t *json, char *key, size_t key_size, size_t *key_len_out) { size_t key_len = snprintf(key, key_size, "%p", json); if (key_len_out) *key_len_out = key_len; if (hashtable_get(parents, key, key_len)) return -1; return hashtable_set(parents, key, key_len, json_null()); } /*** object ***/ extern volatile uint32_t hashtable_seed; json_t *json_object(void) { json_object_t *object = jsonp_malloc(sizeof(json_object_t)); if (!object) return NULL; if (!hashtable_seed) { /* Autoseed */ json_object_seed(0); } json_init(&object->json, JSON_OBJECT); if (hashtable_init(&object->hashtable)) { jsonp_free(object); return NULL; } return &object->json; } static void json_delete_object(json_object_t *object) { hashtable_close(&object->hashtable); jsonp_free(object); } size_t json_object_size(const json_t *json) { json_object_t *object; if (!json_is_object(json)) return 0; object = json_to_object(json); return object->hashtable.size; } json_t *json_object_get(const json_t *json, const char *key) { if (!key) return NULL; return json_object_getn(json, key, strlen(key)); } json_t *json_object_getn(const json_t *json, const char *key, size_t key_len) { json_object_t *object; if (!key || !json_is_object(json)) return NULL; object = json_to_object(json); return hashtable_get(&object->hashtable, key, key_len); } int json_object_set_new_nocheck(json_t *json, const char *key, json_t *value) { if (!key) { json_decref(value); return -1; } return json_object_setn_new_nocheck(json, key, strlen(key), value); } int json_object_setn_new_nocheck(json_t *json, const char *key, size_t key_len, json_t *value) { json_object_t *object; if (!value) return -1; if (!key || !json_is_object(json) || json == value) { json_decref(value); return -1; } object = json_to_object(json); if (hashtable_set(&object->hashtable, key, key_len, value)) { json_decref(value); return -1; } return 0; } int json_object_set_new(json_t *json, const char *key, json_t *value) { if (!key) { json_decref(value); return -1; } return json_object_setn_new(json, key, strlen(key), value); } int json_object_setn_new(json_t *json, const char *key, size_t key_len, json_t *value) { if (!key || !utf8_check_string(key, key_len)) { json_decref(value); return -1; } return json_object_setn_new_nocheck(json, key, key_len, value); } int json_object_del(json_t *json, const char *key) { if (!key) return -1; return json_object_deln(json, key, strlen(key)); } int json_object_deln(json_t *json, const char *key, size_t key_len) { json_object_t *object; if (!key || !json_is_object(json)) return -1; object = json_to_object(json); return hashtable_del(&object->hashtable, key, key_len); } int json_object_clear(json_t *json) { json_object_t *object; if (!json_is_object(json)) return -1; object = json_to_object(json); hashtable_clear(&object->hashtable); return 0; } int json_object_update(json_t *object, json_t *other) { const char *key; json_t *value; if (!json_is_object(object) || !json_is_object(other)) return -1; json_object_foreach(other, key, value) { if (json_object_set_nocheck(object, key, value)) return -1; } return 0; } int json_object_update_existing(json_t *object, json_t *other) { const char *key; size_t key_len; json_t *value; if (!json_is_object(object) || !json_is_object(other)) return -1; json_object_keylen_foreach(other, key, key_len, value) { if (json_object_getn(object, key, key_len)) json_object_setn_nocheck(object, key, key_len, value); } return 0; } int json_object_update_missing(json_t *object, json_t *other) { const char *key; json_t *value; if (!json_is_object(object) || !json_is_object(other)) return -1; json_object_foreach(other, key, value) { if (!json_object_get(object, key)) json_object_set_nocheck(object, key, value); } return 0; } int do_object_update_recursive(json_t *object, json_t *other, hashtable_t *parents) { const char *key; size_t key_len; json_t *value; char loop_key[LOOP_KEY_LEN]; int res = 0; size_t loop_key_len; if (!json_is_object(object) || !json_is_object(other)) return -1; if (jsonp_loop_check(parents, other, loop_key, sizeof(loop_key), &loop_key_len)) return -1; json_object_keylen_foreach(other, key, key_len, value) { json_t *v = json_object_get(object, key); if (json_is_object(v) && json_is_object(value)) { if (do_object_update_recursive(v, value, parents)) { res = -1; break; } } else { if (json_object_setn_nocheck(object, key, key_len, value)) { res = -1; break; } } } hashtable_del(parents, loop_key, loop_key_len); return res; } int json_object_update_recursive(json_t *object, json_t *other) { int res; hashtable_t parents_set; if (hashtable_init(&parents_set)) return -1; res = do_object_update_recursive(object, other, &parents_set); hashtable_close(&parents_set); return res; } void *json_object_iter(json_t *json) { json_object_t *object; if (!json_is_object(json)) return NULL; object = json_to_object(json); return hashtable_iter(&object->hashtable); } void *json_object_iter_at(json_t *json, const char *key) { json_object_t *object; if (!key || !json_is_object(json)) return NULL; object = json_to_object(json); return hashtable_iter_at(&object->hashtable, key, strlen(key)); } void *json_object_iter_next(json_t *json, void *iter) { json_object_t *object; if (!json_is_object(json) || iter == NULL) return NULL; object = json_to_object(json); return hashtable_iter_next(&object->hashtable, iter); } const char *json_object_iter_key(void *iter) { if (!iter) return NULL; return hashtable_iter_key(iter); } size_t json_object_iter_key_len(void *iter) { if (!iter) return 0; return hashtable_iter_key_len(iter); } json_t *json_object_iter_value(void *iter) { if (!iter) return NULL; return (json_t *)hashtable_iter_value(iter); } int json_object_iter_set_new(json_t *json, void *iter, json_t *value) { if (!json_is_object(json) || !iter || !value) { json_decref(value); return -1; } hashtable_iter_set(iter, value); return 0; } void *json_object_key_to_iter(const char *key) { if (!key) return NULL; return hashtable_key_to_iter(key); } static int json_object_equal(const json_t *object1, const json_t *object2) { const char *key; const json_t *value1, *value2; if (json_object_size(object1) != json_object_size(object2)) return 0; json_object_foreach((json_t *)object1, key, value1) { value2 = json_object_get(object2, key); if (!json_equal(value1, value2)) return 0; } return 1; } static json_t *json_object_copy(json_t *object) { json_t *result; const char *key; json_t *value; result = json_object(); if (!result) return NULL; json_object_foreach(object, key, value) json_object_set_nocheck(result, key, value); return result; } static json_t *json_object_deep_copy(const json_t *object, hashtable_t *parents) { json_t *result; void *iter; char loop_key[LOOP_KEY_LEN]; size_t loop_key_len; if (jsonp_loop_check(parents, object, loop_key, sizeof(loop_key), &loop_key_len)) return NULL; result = json_object(); if (!result) goto out; /* Cannot use json_object_foreach because object has to be cast non-const */ iter = json_object_iter((json_t *)object); while (iter) { const char *key; const json_t *value; key = json_object_iter_key(iter); value = json_object_iter_value(iter); if (json_object_set_new_nocheck(result, key, do_deep_copy(value, parents))) { json_decref(result); result = NULL; break; } iter = json_object_iter_next((json_t *)object, iter); } out: hashtable_del(parents, loop_key, loop_key_len); return result; } /*** array ***/ json_t *json_array(void) { json_array_t *array = jsonp_malloc(sizeof(json_array_t)); if (!array) return NULL; json_init(&array->json, JSON_ARRAY); array->entries = 0; array->size = 8; array->table = jsonp_malloc(array->size * sizeof(json_t *)); if (!array->table) { jsonp_free(array); return NULL; } return &array->json; } static void json_delete_array(json_array_t *array) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < array->entries; i++) json_decref(array->table[i]); jsonp_free(array->table); jsonp_free(array); } size_t json_array_size(const json_t *json) { if (!json_is_array(json)) return 0; return json_to_array(json)->entries; } json_t *json_array_get(const json_t *json, size_t js_index) { json_array_t *array; if (!json_is_array(json)) return NULL; array = json_to_array(json); if (js_index >= array->entries) return NULL; return array->table[js_index]; } int json_array_set_new(json_t *json, size_t js_index, json_t *value) { json_array_t *array; if (!value) return -1; if (!json_is_array(json) || json == value) { json_decref(value); return -1; } array = json_to_array(json); if (js_index >= array->entries) { json_decref(value); return -1; } json_decref(array->table[js_index]); array->table[js_index] = value; return 0; } static void array_move(json_array_t *array, size_t dest, size_t src, size_t count) { memmove(&array->table[dest], &array->table[src], count * sizeof(json_t *)); } static void array_copy(json_t **dest, size_t dpos, json_t **src, size_t spos, size_t count) { memcpy(&dest[dpos], &src[spos], count * sizeof(json_t *)); } static json_t **json_array_grow(json_array_t *array, size_t amount, int copy) { size_t new_size; json_t **old_table, **new_table; if (array->entries + amount <= array->size) return array->table; old_table = array->table; new_size = max(array->size + amount, array->size * 2); new_table = jsonp_malloc(new_size * sizeof(json_t *)); if (!new_table) return NULL; array->size = new_size; array->table = new_table; if (copy) { array_copy(array->table, 0, old_table, 0, array->entries); jsonp_free(old_table); return array->table; } return old_table; } int json_array_append_new(json_t *json, json_t *value) { json_array_t *array; if (!value) return -1; if (!json_is_array(json) || json == value) { json_decref(value); return -1; } array = json_to_array(json); if (!json_array_grow(array, 1, 1)) { json_decref(value); return -1; } array->table[array->entries] = value; array->entries++; return 0; } int json_array_insert_new(json_t *json, size_t js_index, json_t *value) { json_array_t *array; json_t **old_table; if (!value) return -1; if (!json_is_array(json) || json == value) { json_decref(value); return -1; } array = json_to_array(json); if (js_index > array->entries) { json_decref(value); return -1; } old_table = json_array_grow(array, 1, 0); if (!old_table) { json_decref(value); return -1; } if (old_table != array->table) { array_copy(array->table, 0, old_table, 0, js_index); array_copy(array->table, js_index + 1, old_table, js_index, array->entries - js_index); jsonp_free(old_table); } else array_move(array, js_index + 1, js_index, array->entries - js_index); array->table[js_index] = value; array->entries++; return 0; } int json_array_remove(json_t *json, size_t js_index) { json_array_t *array; if (!json_is_array(json)) return -1; array = json_to_array(json); if (js_index >= array->entries) return -1; json_decref(array->table[js_index]); /* If we're removing the last element, nothing has to be moved */ if (js_index < array->entries - 1) array_move(array, js_index, js_index + 1, array->entries - js_index - 1); array->entries--; return 0; } int json_array_clear(json_t *json) { json_array_t *array; size_t i; if (!json_is_array(json)) return -1; array = json_to_array(json); for (i = 0; i < array->entries; i++) json_decref(array->table[i]); array->entries = 0; return 0; } int json_array_extend(json_t *json, json_t *other_json) { json_array_t *array, *other; size_t i; if (!json_is_array(json) || !json_is_array(other_json)) return -1; array = json_to_array(json); other = json_to_array(other_json); if (!json_array_grow(array, other->entries, 1)) return -1; for (i = 0; i < other->entries; i++) json_incref(other->table[i]); array_copy(array->table, array->entries, other->table, 0, other->entries); array->entries += other->entries; return 0; } static int json_array_equal(const json_t *array1, const json_t *array2) { size_t i, size; size = json_array_size(array1); if (size != json_array_size(array2)) return 0; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { json_t *value1, *value2; value1 = json_array_get(array1, i); value2 = json_array_get(array2, i); if (!json_equal(value1, value2)) return 0; } return 1; } static json_t *json_array_copy(json_t *array) { json_t *result; size_t i; result = json_array(); if (!result) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < json_array_size(array); i++) json_array_append(result, json_array_get(array, i)); return result; } static json_t *json_array_deep_copy(const json_t *array, hashtable_t *parents) { json_t *result; size_t i; char loop_key[LOOP_KEY_LEN]; size_t loop_key_len; if (jsonp_loop_check(parents, array, loop_key, sizeof(loop_key), &loop_key_len)) return NULL; result = json_array(); if (!result) goto out; for (i = 0; i < json_array_size(array); i++) { if (json_array_append_new(result, do_deep_copy(json_array_get(array, i), parents))) { json_decref(result); result = NULL; break; } } out: hashtable_del(parents, loop_key, loop_key_len); return result; } /*** string ***/ static json_t *string_create(const char *value, size_t len, int own) { char *v; json_string_t *string; if (!value) return NULL; if (own) v = (char *)value; else { v = jsonp_strndup(value, len); if (!v) return NULL; } string = jsonp_malloc(sizeof(json_string_t)); if (!string) { jsonp_free(v); return NULL; } json_init(&string->json, JSON_STRING); string->value = v; string->length = len; return &string->json; } json_t *json_string_nocheck(const char *value) { if (!value) return NULL; return string_create(value, strlen(value), 0); } json_t *json_stringn_nocheck(const char *value, size_t len) { return string_create(value, len, 0); } /* this is private; "steal" is not a public API concept */ json_t *jsonp_stringn_nocheck_own(const char *value, size_t len) { return string_create(value, len, 1); } json_t *json_string(const char *value) { if (!value) return NULL; return json_stringn(value, strlen(value)); } json_t *json_stringn(const char *value, size_t len) { if (!value || !utf8_check_string(value, len)) return NULL; return json_stringn_nocheck(value, len); } const char *json_string_value(const json_t *json) { if (!json_is_string(json)) return NULL; return json_to_string(json)->value; } size_t json_string_length(const json_t *json) { if (!json_is_string(json)) return 0; return json_to_string(json)->length; } int json_string_set_nocheck(json_t *json, const char *value) { if (!value) return -1; return json_string_setn_nocheck(json, value, strlen(value)); } int json_string_setn_nocheck(json_t *json, const char *value, size_t len) { char *dup; json_string_t *string; if (!json_is_string(json) || !value) return -1; dup = jsonp_strndup(value, len); if (!dup) return -1; string = json_to_string(json); jsonp_free(string->value); string->value = dup; string->length = len; return 0; } int json_string_set(json_t *json, const char *value) { if (!value) return -1; return json_string_setn(json, value, strlen(value)); } int json_string_setn(json_t *json, const char *value, size_t len) { if (!value || !utf8_check_string(value, len)) return -1; return json_string_setn_nocheck(json, value, len); } static void json_delete_string(json_string_t *string) { jsonp_free(string->value); jsonp_free(string); } static int json_string_equal(const json_t *string1, const json_t *string2) { json_string_t *s1, *s2; s1 = json_to_string(string1); s2 = json_to_string(string2); return s1->length == s2->length && !memcmp(s1->value, s2->value, s1->length); } static json_t *json_string_copy(const json_t *string) { json_string_t *s; s = json_to_string(string); return json_stringn_nocheck(s->value, s->length); } json_t *json_vsprintf(const char *fmt, va_list ap) { json_t *json = NULL; int length; char *buf; va_list aq; va_copy(aq, ap); length = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, ap); if (length < 0) goto out; if (length == 0) { json = json_string(""); goto out; } buf = jsonp_malloc((size_t)length + 1); if (!buf) goto out; vsnprintf(buf, (size_t)length + 1, fmt, aq); if (!utf8_check_string(buf, length)) { jsonp_free(buf); goto out; } json = jsonp_stringn_nocheck_own(buf, length); out: va_end(aq); return json; } json_t *json_sprintf(const char *fmt, ...) { json_t *result; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); result = json_vsprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return result; } /*** integer ***/ json_t *json_integer(json_int_t value) { json_integer_t *integer = jsonp_malloc(sizeof(json_integer_t)); if (!integer) return NULL; json_init(&integer->json, JSON_INTEGER); integer->value = value; return &integer->json; } json_int_t json_integer_value(const json_t *json) { if (!json_is_integer(json)) return 0; return json_to_integer(json)->value; } int json_integer_set(json_t *json, json_int_t value) { if (!json_is_integer(json)) return -1; json_to_integer(json)->value = value; return 0; } static void json_delete_integer(json_integer_t *integer) { jsonp_free(integer); } static int json_integer_equal(const json_t *integer1, const json_t *integer2) { return json_integer_value(integer1) == json_integer_value(integer2); } static json_t *json_integer_copy(const json_t *integer) { return json_integer(json_integer_value(integer)); } /*** real ***/ json_t *json_real(double value) { json_real_t *real; if (isnan(value) || isinf(value)) return NULL; real = jsonp_malloc(sizeof(json_real_t)); if (!real) return NULL; json_init(&real->json, JSON_REAL); real->value = value; return &real->json; } double json_real_value(const json_t *json) { if (!json_is_real(json)) return 0; return json_to_real(json)->value; } int json_real_set(json_t *json, double value) { if (!json_is_real(json) || isnan(value) || isinf(value)) return -1; json_to_real(json)->value = value; return 0; } static void json_delete_real(json_real_t *real) { jsonp_free(real); } static int json_real_equal(const json_t *real1, const json_t *real2) { return json_real_value(real1) == json_real_value(real2); } static json_t *json_real_copy(const json_t *real) { return json_real(json_real_value(real)); } /*** number ***/ double json_number_value(const json_t *json) { if (json_is_integer(json)) return (double)json_integer_value(json); else if (json_is_real(json)) return json_real_value(json); else return 0.0; } /*** simple values ***/ json_t *json_true(void) { static json_t the_true = {JSON_TRUE, (size_t)-1}; return &the_true; } json_t *json_false(void) { static json_t the_false = {JSON_FALSE, (size_t)-1}; return &the_false; } json_t *json_null(void) { static json_t the_null = {JSON_NULL, (size_t)-1}; return &the_null; } /*** deletion ***/ void json_delete(json_t *json) { if (!json) return; switch (json_typeof(json)) { case JSON_OBJECT: json_delete_object(json_to_object(json)); break; case JSON_ARRAY: json_delete_array(json_to_array(json)); break; case JSON_STRING: json_delete_string(json_to_string(json)); break; case JSON_INTEGER: json_delete_integer(json_to_integer(json)); break; case JSON_REAL: json_delete_real(json_to_real(json)); break; default: return; } /* json_delete is not called for true, false or null */ } /*** equality ***/ int json_equal(const json_t *json1, const json_t *json2) { if (!json1 || !json2) return 0; if (json_typeof(json1) != json_typeof(json2)) return 0; /* this covers true, false and null as they are singletons */ if (json1 == json2) return 1; switch (json_typeof(json1)) { case JSON_OBJECT: return json_object_equal(json1, json2); case JSON_ARRAY: return json_array_equal(json1, json2); case JSON_STRING: return json_string_equal(json1, json2); case JSON_INTEGER: return json_integer_equal(json1, json2); case JSON_REAL: return json_real_equal(json1, json2); default: return 0; } } /*** copying ***/ json_t *json_copy(json_t *json) { if (!json) return NULL; switch (json_typeof(json)) { case JSON_OBJECT: return json_object_copy(json); case JSON_ARRAY: return json_array_copy(json); case JSON_STRING: return json_string_copy(json); case JSON_INTEGER: return json_integer_copy(json); case JSON_REAL: return json_real_copy(json); case JSON_TRUE: case JSON_FALSE: case JSON_NULL: return json; default: return NULL; } } json_t *json_deep_copy(const json_t *json) { json_t *res; hashtable_t parents_set; if (hashtable_init(&parents_set)) return NULL; res = do_deep_copy(json, &parents_set); hashtable_close(&parents_set); return res; } json_t *do_deep_copy(const json_t *json, hashtable_t *parents) { if (!json) return NULL; switch (json_typeof(json)) { case JSON_OBJECT: return json_object_deep_copy(json, parents); case JSON_ARRAY: return json_array_deep_copy(json, parents); /* for the rest of the types, deep copying doesn't differ from shallow copying */ case JSON_STRING: return json_string_copy(json); case JSON_INTEGER: return json_integer_copy(json); case JSON_REAL: return json_real_copy(json); case JSON_TRUE: case JSON_FALSE: case JSON_NULL: return (json_t *)json; default: return NULL; } }