iso8859-1 table, with cp-1252

Description                               Code            Entity name   
===================================       ============    ==============
quotation mark                            "  --> "    "   --> "
ampersand                                 &  --> &    &    --> &
less-than sign                            &#60;  --> <    &lt;     --> <
greater-than sign                         &#62;  --> >    &gt;     --> >

Description                          Char Code            Entity name   
===================================  ==== ============    ==============
euro sign                              �    &128; --> €
undefined                              �    &129; --> 
single low-9 quotation mark            �    &130; --> ‚
latin small letter f with hook         �    &131; --> ƒ
double low-9 quotation mark            �    &132; --> „
horizontal ellipsis                    �    &133; --> …
dagger                                 �    &134; --> †
double dagger                          �    &135; --> ‡
modifier letter circumflex accent      �    &136; --> ˆ
per mille sign                         �    &137; --> ‰
latin capital letter s with caron      �    &138; --> Š
single left-pointing angle quote mark  �    &139; --> ‹
latin capital ligature oe              �    &140; --> Œ
undefined                              �    &141; --> 
latin capital letter z with caron      �    &142; --> Ž
undefined                              �    &143; --> 

undefined                              �    &144; --> 
left single quotation mark             �    &145; --> ‘
right single quotation mark            �    &146; --> ’
left double quotation mark             �    &147; --> “
right double quotation mark            �    &148; --> ”
bullet                                 �    &149; --> •
en dash                                �    &150; --> –
em dash                                �    &151; --> —
small tilde                            �    &152; --> ˜
trade mark sign                        �    &153; --> ™
latin small letter s with caron        �    &154; --> š
single right-pointing angle quote mark �    &155; --> ›
latin small ligature oe                �    &156; --> œ
undefined                              �    &157; --> 
latin small letter z with caron        �    &158; --> ž
latin capital letter y with diaeresis  �    &159; --> Ÿ

non-breaking space                   �    &#160; -->      &nbsp;   -->  
inverted exclamation                 �    &#161; --> ¡    &iexcl;  --> ¡
cent sign                            �    &#162; --> ¢    &cent;   --> ¢
pound sterling                       �    &#163; --> £    &pound;  --> £
general currency sign                �    &#164; --> ¤    &curren; --> ¤
yen sign                             �    &#165; --> ¥    &yen;    --> ¥
broken vertical bar                  �    &#166; --> ¦    &brvbar; --> ¦
                                             Non-standard &brkbar; --> &brkbar;
section sign                         �    &#167; --> §    &sect;   --> §
umlaut (dieresis)                    �    &#168; --> ¨    &uml;    --> ¨
                                             Non-standard &die;    --> ¨
copyright                            �    &#169; --> ©    &copy;   --> ©
feminine ordinal                     �    &#170; --> ª    &ordf;   --> ª
left angle quote, guillemotleft      �    &#171; --> «    &laquo;  --> «
not sign                             �    &#172; --> ¬    &not;    --> ¬
soft hyphen                          �    &#173; --> ­    &shy;    --> ­
registered trademark                 �    &#174; --> ®    &reg;    --> ®
macron accent                        �    &#175; --> ¯    &macr;   --> ¯
                                             Non-standard &hibar;  --> &hibar;
degree sign                          �    &#176; --> °    &deg;    --> °
plus or minus                        �    &#177; --> ±    &plusmn; --> ±
superscript two                      �    &#178; --> ²    &sup2;   --> ²
superscript three                    �    &#179; --> ³    &sup3;   --> ³
acute accent                         �    &#180; --> ´    &acute;  --> ´
micro sign                           �    &#181; --> µ    &micro;  --> µ
paragraph sign                       �    &#182; --> ¶    &para;   --> ¶
middle dot                           �    &#183; --> ·    &middot; --> ·
cedilla                              �    &#184; --> ¸    &cedil;  --> ¸
superscript one                      �    &#185; --> ¹    &sup1;   --> ¹
masculine ordinal                    �    &#186; --> º    &ordm;   --> º
right angle quote, guillemotright    �    &#187; --> »    &raquo;  --> »
fraction one-fourth                  �    &#188; --> ¼    &frac14; --> ¼
fraction one-half                    �    &#189; --> ½    &frac12; --> ½
fraction three-fourths               �    &#190; --> ¾    &frac34; --> ¾
inverted question mark               �    &#191; --> ¿    &iquest; --> ¿
capital A, grave accent              �    &#192; --> À    &Agrave; --> À
capital A, acute accent              �    &#193; --> Á    &Aacute; --> Á
capital A, circumflex accent         �    &#194; --> Â    &Acirc;  --> Â
capital A, tilde                     �    &#195; --> Ã    &Atilde; --> Ã
capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark   �    &#196; --> Ä    &Auml;   --> Ä
capital A, ring                      �    &#197; --> Å    &Aring;  --> Å
capital AE diphthong (ligature)      �    &#198; --> Æ    &AElig;  --> Æ
capital C, cedilla                   �    &#199; --> Ç    &Ccedil; --> Ç
capital E, grave accent              �    &#200; --> È    &Egrave; --> È
capital E, acute accent              �    &#201; --> É    &Eacute; --> É
capital E, circumflex accent         �    &#202; --> Ê    &Ecirc;  --> Ê
capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark   �    &#203; --> Ë    &Euml;   --> Ë
capital I, grave accent              �    &#204; --> Ì    &Igrave; --> Ì
capital I, acute accent              �    &#205; --> Í    &Iacute; --> Í
capital I, circumflex accent         �    &#206; --> Î    &Icirc;  --> Î
capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark   �    &#207; --> Ï    &Iuml;   --> Ï
capital Eth, Icelandic               �    &#208; --> Ð    &ETH;    --> Ð
                                             Non-standard &Dstrok; --> Đ
capital N, tilde                     �    &#209; --> Ñ    &Ntilde; --> Ñ
capital O, grave accent              �    &#210; --> Ò    &Ograve; --> Ò
capital O, acute accent              �    &#211; --> Ó    &Oacute; --> Ó
capital O, circumflex accent         �    &#212; --> Ô    &Ocirc;  --> Ô
capital O, tilde                     �    &#213; --> Õ    &Otilde; --> Õ
capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark   �    &#214; --> Ö    &Ouml;   --> Ö
multiply sign                        �    &#215; --> ×    &times;  --> ×
capital O, slash                     �    &#216; --> Ø    &Oslash; --> Ø
capital U, grave accent              �    &#217; --> Ù    &Ugrave; --> Ù
capital U, acute accent              �    &#218; --> Ú    &Uacute; --> Ú
capital U, circumflex accent         �    &#219; --> Û    &Ucirc;  --> Û
capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark   �    &#220; --> Ü    &Uuml;   --> Ü
capital Y, acute accent              �    &#221; --> Ý    &Yacute; --> Ý
capital THORN, Icelandic             �    &#222; --> Þ    &THORN;  --> Þ
small sharp s, German (sz ligature)  �    &#223; --> ß    &szlig;  --> ß
small a, grave accent                �    &#224; --> à    &agrave; --> à
small a, acute accent                �    &#225; --> á    &aacute; --> á
small a, circumflex accent           �    &#226; --> â    &acirc;  --> â
small a, tilde                       �    &#227; --> ã    &atilde; --> ã
small a, dieresis or umlaut mark     �    &#228; --> ä    &auml;   --> ä
small a, ring                        �    &#229; --> å    &aring;  --> å
small ae diphthong (ligature)        �    &#230; --> æ    &aelig;  --> æ
small c, cedilla                     �    &#231; --> ç    &ccedil; --> ç
small e, grave accent                �    &#232; --> è    &egrave; --> è
small e, acute accent                �    &#233; --> é    &eacute; --> é
small e, circumflex accent           �    &#234; --> ê    &ecirc;  --> ê
small e, dieresis or umlaut mark     �    &#235; --> ë    &euml;   --> ë
small i, grave accent                �    &#236; --> ì    &igrave; --> ì
small i, acute accent                �    &#237; --> í    &iacute; --> í
small i, circumflex accent           �    &#238; --> î    &icirc;  --> î
small i, dieresis or umlaut mark     �    &#239; --> ï    &iuml;   --> ï
small eth, Icelandic                 �    &#240; --> ð    &eth;    --> ð
small n, tilde                       �    &#241; --> ñ    &ntilde; --> ñ
small o, grave accent                �    &#242; --> ò    &ograve; --> ò
small o, acute accent                �    &#243; --> ó    &oacute; --> ó
small o, circumflex accent           �    &#244; --> ô    &ocirc;  --> ô
small o, tilde                       �    &#245; --> õ    &otilde; --> õ
small o, dieresis or umlaut mark     �    &#246; --> ö    &ouml;   --> ö
division sign                        �    &#247; --> ÷    &divide; --> ÷
small o, slash                       �    &#248; --> ø    &oslash; --> ø
small u, grave accent                �    &#249; --> ù    &ugrave; --> ù
small u, acute accent                �    &#250; --> ú    &uacute; --> ú
small u, circumflex accent           �    &#251; --> û    &ucirc;  --> û
small u, dieresis or umlaut mark     �    &#252; --> ü    &uuml;   --> ü
small y, acute accent                �    &#253; --> ý    &yacute; --> ý
small thorn, Icelandic               �    &#254; --> þ    &thorn;  --> þ
small y, dieresis or umlaut mark     �    &#255; --> ÿ    &yuml;   --> ÿ

How to read this table. The columns are
textual description of the character
character inserted directly into the HTML page as one byte
character written as numeric HTML entity, in the format:
"how it looks literally" --> "what your browser does with it"
character written as symbolic HTML entity, in the format:
"how it looks literally" --> "what your browser does with it"
So for example, if you see something like "&divide; --> &divide;" in the 4th column, this means your browser doesn't know about the entity name "divide" and just puts it literally.

This table grew out of an overview of the "ISO Latin-1 Character Set" overview related to the Hyper-G Text Format (HTF). The entity names &brkbar; and &Dstrok; seem to be unique to HTF. The entity name &hibar; has been supported by X Mosaic but seems to be replaced with &macr;. The entity names &uml; and &die; should be equivalent.

The standards stuff: The HTML 2.0 Standard includes a section on Character Entity Sets and an overview on the HTML Coded Character Set (The entity names are derived from ISO 8879).
Or have a look at the Latin-1 Character Entities as listed in an draft for the HTML 3.0 specification.
The Appendix II of CERN's HTML+ Discussion Document contains a table (in PostScript format) of the proposed character entities for HTML+ and their corresponding character codes for Unicode and the Adobe Latin-1 & Symbol character sets.

Please note that there is nothing wrong with using characters of ISO Latin-1 above 127: the normal transmission protocol for the WWW, HTTP/1.0, uses the 8bit ISO latin-1 as default encoding. (Thanks to Roman Czyborra for pointing this out!)

Other information:

Martin Ramsch, 16.02.1994, 07.01.1996, 01.07.1996, 1998-10-09, 2000-05-15