iso8859-2 plus table, and cp-1252

Description                               Code            Entity name   
===================================       ============    ==============
quotation mark                            "  --> "     "   --> "
ampersand                                 &  --> &     &    --> &
less-than sign                            &#60;  --> <     &lt;     --> <
greater-than sign                         &#62;  --> >     &gt;     --> >

Description                          Char Code            Entity name   
===================================  ==== ============    ==============
euro sign                              �    &128; --> €
undefined                              �    &129; --> 
single low-9 quotation mark            �    &130; --> ‚
latin small letter f with hook         �    &131; --> ƒ
double low-9 quotation mark            �    &132; --> „
horizontal ellipsis                    �    &133; --> …
dagger                                 �    &134; --> †
double dagger                          �    &135; --> ‡
modifier letter circumflex accent      �    &136; --> ˆ
per mille sign                         �    &137; --> ‰
latin capital letter s with caron      �    &138; --> Š
single left-pointing angle quote mark  �    &139; --> ‹
latin capital ligature oe              �    &140; --> Œ
undefined                              �    &141; --> 
latin capital letter z with caron      �    &142; --> Ž
undefined                              �    &143; --> 

undefined                              �    &144; --> 
left single quotation mark             �    &145; --> ‘
right single quotation mark            �    &146; --> ’
left double quotation mark             �    &147; --> “
right double quotation mark            �    &148; --> ”
bullet                                 �    &149; --> •
en dash                                �    &150; --> –
em dash                                �    &151; --> —
small tilde                            �    &152; --> ˜
trade mark sign                        �    &153; --> ™
latin small letter s with caron        �    &154; --> š
single right-pointing angle quote mark �    &155; --> ›
latin small ligature oe                �    &156; --> œ
undefined                              �    &157; --> 
latin small letter z with caron        �    &158; --> ž
latin capital letter y with diaeresis  �    &159; --> Ÿ

non-breaking space                   �    &#160; -->      &nbsp;   -->  
capital A, ogonek                    �    &#260; --> Ą    &Aogon;  --> Ą
breve                               {�}  {&#728;}-->{˘}  {&breve;} -->{˘}
capital L, stroke                    �    &#321; --> Ł    &Lstrok; --> Ł
general currency sign                �    &#164; --> ¤    &curren; --> ¤
capital L, caron                     �    &#317; --> Ľ    &Lcaron; --> Ľ
capital S, acute accent              �    &#346; --> Ś    &Sacute; --> Ś
section sign                         �    &#167; --> §    &sect;   --> §
umlaut (dieresis)                    �    &#168; --> ¨    &uml;    --> ¨
                                                          &die;    --> ¨
capital S, caron                     �    &#352; --> Š    &Scaron; --> Š
capital S, cedilla                   �    &#350; --> Ş    &Scedil; --> Ş
capital T, caron                     �    &#356; --> Ť    &Tcaron; --> Ť
capital Z, acute accent              �    &#377; --> Ź    &Zacute; --> Ź
soft hyphen                         [�]  [&#173;]-->[­]  [&shy;]   -->[­]
capital Z, caron                     �    &#381; --> Ž    &Zcaron; --> Ž
capital Z, dot above                 �    &#379; --> Ż    &Zdot;   --> Ż
degree sign                          �    &#176; --> °    &deg;    --> °
small a, ogonek                      �    &#261; --> ą    &aogon;  --> ą
ogonek                              {�}  {&#731;}-->{˛}  {&ogon;}  -->{˛}
small l, stroke                      �    &#322; --> ł    &lstrok; --> ł
acute accent                         �    &#180; --> ´    &acute;  --> ´
small l, caron                       �    &#318; --> ľ    &lcaron; --> ľ
small s, acute accent                �    &#347; --> ś    &sacute; --> ś
caron                               {�}  {&#711;}-->{ˇ}  {&caron;} -->{ˇ}
cedilla                              �    &#184; --> ¸    &cedil;  --> ¸
small s, caron                       �    &#353; --> š    &scaron; --> š
small s, cedilla                     �    &#351; --> ş    &scedil; --> ş
small t, caron                       �    &#357; --> ť    &tcaron; --> ť
small z, acute accent                �    &#378; --> ź    &zacute; --> ź
double acute accent                 {�}  {&#733;}-->{˝}  {&dblac;} -->{˝}
small z, caron                       �    &#382; --> ž    &zcaron; --> ž
small z, dot above                   �    &#380; --> ż    &zdot;   --> ż  
capital R, acute accent              �    &#340; --> Ŕ    &Racute; --> Ŕ
capital A, acute accent              �    &#193; --> Á    &Aacute; --> Á
capital A, circumflex accent         �    &#194; --> Â    &Acirc;  --> Â
capital A, breve                     �    &#258; --> Ă    &Abreve; --> Ă
capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark   �    &#196; --> Ä    &Auml;   --> Ä
capital L, acute accent              �    &#313; --> Ĺ    &Lacute; --> Ĺ
capital C, acute accent              �    &#262; --> Ć    &Cacute; --> Ć
capital C, cedilla                   �    &#199; --> Ç    &Ccedil; --> Ç
capital C, caron                     �    &#268; --> Č    &Ccaron; --> Č
capital E, acute accent              �    &#201; --> É    &Eacute; --> É
capital E, ogonek                    �    &#280; --> Ę    &Eogon;  --> Ę
capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark   �    &#203; --> Ë    &Euml;   --> Ë
capital E, caron                     �    &#282; --> Ě    &Ecaron; --> Ě
capital I, acute accent              �    &#205; --> Í    &Iacute; --> Í
capital I, circumflex accent         �    &#206; --> Î    &Icirc;  --> Î
capital D, caron                     �    &#270; --> Ď    &Dcaron; --> Ď
capital D, stroke                    �    &#272; --> Đ    &Dstrok; --> Đ
capital Eth, Icelandic               N/A  &#208; --> Ð    &ETH;    --> Ð
capital N, acute accent              �    &#323; --> Ń    &Nacute; --> Ń
capital N, caron                     �    &#327; --> Ň    &Ncaron; --> Ň
capital O, acute accent              �    &#211; --> Ó    &Oacute; --> Ó
capital O, circumflex accent         �    &#212; --> Ô    &Ocirc;  --> Ô
capital O, double acute accent       �    &#368; --> Ű    &Odblac; --> Ő
capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark   �    &#214; --> Ö    &Ouml;   --> Ö
multiply sign                        �    &#215; --> ×    &times;  --> ×
capital R, caron                     �    &#344; --> Ř    &Rcaron; --> Ř
capital U, ring                      �    &#366; --> Ů    &Uring;  --> Ů
capital U, acute accent              �    &#218; --> Ú    &Uacute; --> Ú
capital U, double acute accent       �    &#368; --> Ű    &Udblac; --> Ű
capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark   �    &#220; --> Ü    &Uuml;   --> Ü
capital Y, acute accent              �    &#221; --> Ý    &Yacute; --> Ý
capital T, cedilla                   �    &#354; --> Ţ    &Tcedil; --> Ţ
small sharp s, German (sz ligature)  �    &#223; --> ß    &szlig;  --> ß
small r, acute accent                �    &#341; --> ŕ    &racute; --> ŕ
small a, acute accent                �    &#225; --> á    &aacute; --> á
small a, circumflex accent           �    &#226; --> â    &acirc;  --> â
small a, breve                       �    &#259; --> ă    &abreve; --> ă
small a, dieresis or umlaut mark     �    &#228; --> ä    &auml;   --> ä
small l, acute accent                �    &#314; --> ĺ    &lacute; --> ĺ
small c, acute accent                �    &#263; --> ć    &cacute; --> ć
small c, cedilla                     �    &#231; --> ç    &ccedil; --> ç
small c, caron                       �    &#269; --> č    &ccaron; --> č
small e, acute accent                �    &#233; --> é    &eacute; --> é
small e, ogonek                      �    &#281; --> ę    &eogon;  --> ę
small e, dieresis or umlaut mark     �    &#235; --> ë    &euml;   --> ë
small e, caron                       �    &#283; --> ě    &ecaron; --> ě
small i, acute accent                �    &#237; --> í    &iacute; --> í
small i, circumflex accent           �    &#238; --> î    &icirc;  --> î
small d, caron                       �    &#271; --> ď    &dcaron; --> ď
small d, stroke                      �    &#273; --> đ    &dstrok; --> đ
small eth, Icelandic                 N/A  &#240; --> ð    &eth;    --> ð
small n, acute accent                �    &#324; --> ń    &nacute; --> ń
small n, caron                       �    &#328; --> ň    &ncaron; --> ň
small o, acute accent                �    &#243; --> ó    &oacute; --> ó
small o, circumflex accent           �    &#244; --> ô    &ocirc;  --> ô
small o, double acute accent         �    &#369; --> ű    &odblac; --> ő
small o, dieresis or umlaut mark     �    &#246; --> ö    &ouml;   --> ö
division sign                        �    &#247; --> ÷    &divide; --> ÷
small r, caron                       �    &#345; --> ř    &rcaron; --> ř
small u, ring                        �    &#367; --> ů    &uring;  --> ů
small u, acute accent                �    &#250; --> ú    &uacute; --> ú
small u, double acute accent         �    &#369; --> ű    &udblac; --> ű
small u, dieresis or umlaut mark     �    &#252; --> ü    &uuml;   --> ü
small y, acute accent                �    &#253; --> ý    &yacute; --> ý
small t, cedilla                     �    &#355; --> ţ    &tcedil; --> ţ
dot above                           {�}  {&#729;}-->{˙}  {&dot;}   -->{˙}

Some other characters of interest    Char Code            Entity name   
===================================  ==== ============    ==============
capital AE diphthong (ligature)      N/A  &#198; --> Æ    &AElig;  --> Æ
small ae diphthong (ligature)        N/A  &#230; --> æ    &aelig;  --> æ
capital OE ligature                  N/A {&#338;}-->{Œ}  {&OElig;} -->{Œ}
small oe ligature                    N/A {&#339;}-->{œ}  {&oelig;} -->{œ}
copyright                            N/A  &#169; --> ©    &copy;   --> ©
registered trademark                 N/A  &#174; --> ®    &reg;    --> ®
trademark sign                       N/A  &#8482;--> ™   &trade;  --> ™
em space                             N/A [&#8195;]->[ ] [&emsp;]  -->[ ]
en space                             N/A [&#8194;]->[ ] [&ensp;]  -->[ ]
1/3-em space                         N/A [&#8196;]->[ ] [&emsp13;] -->[ ]
1/4-em space                         N/A [&#8197;]->[ ] [&emsp14;] -->[ ]
thin space                           N/A [&#8201;]->[ ] [&thinsp;]-->[ ]
hair space                           N/A [&#8202;]->[ ] [&hairsp;]-->[ ]
em dash                              N/A [&#8212;]->[—] [&mdash;] -->[—]
en dash                              N/A [&#8211;]->[–] [&ndash;] -->[–]

Characters not found in ISO-8859-2 have "N/A" in the Char column. Some characters for which I could not find entity names in either RFC 2070 or the ISOlat1, ISOlat2, ISOnum, ISOpub and ISOtech sets (the ones included by Peter Flynn's HTML Pro DTD) are shown enclosed in {braces}.

There also is a variation of this table which tests ISO-8859-2 characters and entities in ALT attributes.

See Martin Ramsch's original ISO-8859-1 Table for related info and links, and for some notes on entity names. This file is mostly just an adaptation of his table to the ISO-8859-2 character set.

[email protected] 1997-03-09