/* * corrupt_mpeg2.c * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Michel Lespinasse * Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Aaron Holtzman * * This file is part of mpeg2dec, a free MPEG-2 video stream decoder. * See http://libmpeg2.sourceforge.net/ for updates. * * mpeg2dec is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * mpeg2dec is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_IO_H #include #include #if defined(__DJGPP__) #include /* declares isatty() */ #include /* declares __djgpp_set_ctrl_c() */ #endif #endif #include static FILE * in_file; static FILE * seed_file; static int seed_loaded = 0; static uint32_t rsl[55]; static int rsl_i = -1; typedef struct { uint32_t p, q[8], r; } randbyte_t; #define CORRUPT_RANDOM 0 #define CORRUPT_VALUE 1 typedef struct corrupt_s { int type; int chunk_start, chunk_stop; int bit_start, bit_stop; union { randbyte_t prob; } u; struct corrupt_s * next; uint8_t mask; } corrupt_t; #define CORRUPT_LIST_SIZE 10 static corrupt_t corrupt_list[10]; static int corrupt_list_index = 0; static corrupt_t * corrupt_head = NULL; static int current_chunk = -1, current_bit = 0, target_bit = 0x7fffffff; static inline uint32_t fastrand (void) { if (++rsl_i == 55) rsl_i = 0; return rsl[rsl_i] += rsl[(rsl_i < 31) ? rsl_i + 24 : rsl_i - 31]; } static uint32_t clip (double p) { return (p < 0) ? 0 : ((p >= 1) ? 0xffffffff : (uint32_t)(p*4294967296.0)); } static void randbyte_init (double p, randbyte_t * rnd) { double q, r; int i; rnd->p = clip (p); r = 1; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { r *= 1 - p; q = p / (1 - r); rnd->q[i] = clip (q); } rnd->r = clip (1 - r); } static inline uint8_t randbyte (const randbyte_t * const rnd) { int i, j; if (fastrand () > rnd->r || rnd->r == 0) return 0; i = 7; j = 0; do if (fastrand () <= (j ? rnd->p : rnd->q[i])) j |= 1 << i; while (i--); return j; } static void print_usage (char ** argv) { fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [-h] [-l ] [-s ] \\\n" "\t\t[-r prob[,restrict] [-v prob[,restrict]] \n" "\t-h\tdisplay help\n" "\t-l load seed\n" "\t-s save seed file\n" "\t-r random corruption\n" "\t-v random value\n" "restrict: chunk[-endchunk][,bit[-endbit]]\n", argv[0]); exit (1); } static void corrupt_arg (corrupt_t * corrupt, int type, char * s, char ** argv) { corrupt->type = type; if (! *s) s = (char *)",0-0xff,0-"; else if (*s != ',' || !isdigit (s[1])) print_usage (argv); corrupt->chunk_start = strtol (s + 1, &s, 0); if (*s != '-') corrupt->chunk_stop = corrupt->chunk_start; else if (isdigit (* ++s)) corrupt->chunk_stop = strtol (s, &s, 0); else print_usage (argv); if (! *s) s = (char *)",32-"; else if (*s != ',' || !isdigit (s[1])) print_usage (argv); corrupt->bit_start = strtol (s + 1, &s, 0); if (*s != '-') corrupt->bit_stop = corrupt->bit_start; else if (isdigit (* ++s)) corrupt->bit_stop = strtol (s, &s, 0); else corrupt->bit_stop = 0x7ffffffe; if (corrupt->chunk_start < 0 || corrupt->chunk_start > corrupt->chunk_stop || corrupt->chunk_stop >= 0x1000 || corrupt->bit_start < 0 || corrupt->bit_start > corrupt->bit_stop || *s) print_usage (argv); if (corrupt->chunk_stop < 0x100) { corrupt->chunk_start <<= 4; corrupt->chunk_stop = (corrupt->chunk_stop << 4) | 0xf; } } static void handle_args (int argc, char ** argv) { int c; double prob; char * s; corrupt_t * corrupt; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "hl:s:r:v:")) != -1) switch (c) { case 'l': if (seed_file || seed_loaded) print_usage (argv); if (sscanf (optarg, "%08jx%08jx%08jx%08jx", (uintmax_t *)rsl, (uintmax_t *)(rsl+1), (uintmax_t *)(rsl+2), (uintmax_t *)(rsl+3)) != 4) print_usage (argv); seed_loaded = 1; break; case 's': if (seed_file || seed_loaded) print_usage (argv); seed_file = fopen (optarg, "wt"); if (!seed_file) print_usage (argv); break; case 'r': prob = strtod (optarg, &s); if (prob < 0 || prob > 1 || corrupt_list_index == CORRUPT_LIST_SIZE) print_usage (argv); corrupt = corrupt_list + corrupt_list_index++; corrupt_arg (corrupt, CORRUPT_RANDOM, s, argv); randbyte_init (prob, &corrupt->u.prob); break; case 'v': prob = strtod (optarg, &s); if (prob < 0 || prob > 1 || corrupt_list_index == CORRUPT_LIST_SIZE) print_usage (argv); corrupt = corrupt_list + corrupt_list_index++; corrupt_arg (corrupt, CORRUPT_VALUE, s, argv); randbyte_init (prob, &corrupt->u.prob); break; default: print_usage (argv); } if (optind < argc) { in_file = fopen (argv[optind], "rb"); if (!in_file) { fprintf (stderr, "%s - could not open file %s\n", strerror (errno), argv[optind]); exit (1); } } else in_file = stdin; if (!seed_file && !seed_loaded) seed_file = fopen ("seed", "wt"); } static void update_corrupt_list (void) { corrupt_t * corrupt; corrupt_t ** corrupt_link; corrupt_link = &corrupt_head; target_bit = 0x7fffffff; for (corrupt = corrupt_list; corrupt < corrupt_list + corrupt_list_index; corrupt++) if (corrupt->chunk_start <= current_chunk && corrupt->chunk_stop >= current_chunk && corrupt->bit_stop >= current_bit) { if (corrupt->bit_start >= current_bit + 8) { if (corrupt->bit_start <= target_bit) target_bit = corrupt->bit_start & ~7; } else { *corrupt_link = corrupt; corrupt_link = &corrupt->next; if (corrupt->bit_stop >= current_bit + 7) { corrupt->mask = 0xff; if (corrupt->bit_stop <= target_bit) target_bit = (corrupt->bit_stop + 1) & ~7; } else { corrupt->mask = -1 << (7 - (corrupt->bit_stop & 7)); target_bit = current_bit + 8; } if (corrupt->bit_start > current_bit) { corrupt->mask &= 0xff >> (corrupt->bit_start & 7); target_bit = current_bit + 8; } } } *corrupt_link = NULL; } static void corrupt (uint8_t * ptr) { corrupt_t * corrupt_ptr; if (ptr[0] == 0 && ptr[1] == 0 && ptr[2] == 1) { current_chunk = (ptr[3] << 4) | (ptr[4] >> 4); current_bit = 0; update_corrupt_list (); } else if (current_bit == target_bit) update_corrupt_list (); current_bit += 8; for (corrupt_ptr = corrupt_head; corrupt_ptr; corrupt_ptr = corrupt_ptr->next) switch (corrupt_ptr->type) { case CORRUPT_RANDOM: *ptr ^= randbyte (&corrupt_ptr->u.prob) & corrupt_ptr->mask; break; case CORRUPT_VALUE: *ptr = ((*ptr & ~corrupt_ptr->mask) | (randbyte (&corrupt_ptr->u.prob) & corrupt_ptr->mask)); break; } } static void corrupt_loop (void) { #define BUFFER_SIZE 4096 static uint8_t buffer1[BUFFER_SIZE + 4]; static uint8_t buffer2[BUFFER_SIZE + 4]; static uint8_t terminator[4] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}; uint8_t * buf; uint8_t * end; uint8_t * current; buf = buffer1; end = buf + fread (buf, 1, BUFFER_SIZE, in_file); while (end == buf + BUFFER_SIZE) { uint8_t * lastbuf; uint8_t * lastbuf_end; lastbuf = buf; lastbuf_end = buf + BUFFER_SIZE; buf = (buf == buffer1) ? buffer2 : buffer1; memcpy (buf, terminator, 4); end = buf + fread (buf, 1, BUFFER_SIZE, in_file); memcpy (lastbuf_end, buf, 4); for (current = lastbuf; current < lastbuf_end; current++) corrupt (current); fwrite (lastbuf, BUFFER_SIZE, 1, stdout); } memcpy (end, terminator, 4); for (current = buf; current < end; current++) corrupt (current); fwrite (buf, end - buf, 1, stdout); } int main (int argc, char ** argv) { int i; #ifdef HAVE_IO_H setmode (fileno (stdin), O_BINARY); setmode (fileno (stdout), O_BINARY); #if defined __DJGPP__ /* Putting stdin/stdout in binary mode if it is connected to the console, would make it impossible for the user to interrupt the program through Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break. */ if (isatty(fileno(stdout))) { setmode (fileno (stdin), O_TEXT); setmode (fileno (stdout), O_TEXT); } #endif #endif handle_args (argc, argv); if (!seed_loaded) { srand (time (NULL)); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) rsl[i] = rand (); fprintf (seed_file, "%08jx%08jx%08jx%08jx\n", (uintmax_t)rsl[0], (uintmax_t)rsl[1], (uintmax_t)rsl[2], (uintmax_t)rsl[3]); fclose (seed_file); } for (i = 4; i < 55; i++) rsl[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) fastrand (); corrupt_loop (); return 0; }