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netsetup 1.2 Manual

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libsocket Copyright © 1997, 1998 by Indrek Mandre, Copyright © 1997-2000 by Richard Dawe

netsetup Copyright © 1997-2000 by Richard Dawe

netsetup sets up various configuration files for libsocket.

netsetup is an interactive program that creates versions of host.conf, resolv.conf and hosts, because these are not usually present on Windows '95 computers. These are required for libsocket's networking to function correctly. The files created need to moved and renamed to the Windows directory, usually C:\WINDOWS.

In order to create the files, netsetup needs the following information:

The first piece of information is used to create the hosts file. The remainder is used to create the host.conf and resolv.conf files.

The hosts file created contains entries for localhost and whatever name you entered for your computer. This file is used to resolve names when no DNS server is present - it is used to translate names to IP addresses, e.g. myserver ->

If there is no DNS server present, then netsetup will tell libsocket to use the hosts file for name resolution before using a DNS server. If one is present, then the order will be reversed.

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