/* * netsetup.c * Networking parameters set-up program for libsocket, Version 1.2.1 * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 by Richard Dawe * * ---- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* * TODO: * * . Offer the choice of backing up config files if they exist, in addition * to overwriting them. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TRUE -1 #define FALSE 0 static void banner (void); static void clean_stdin (void); static void addforwardslash (char *p); static void forwardslashify (char *str); static int recursive_mkdir (const char *pathname, mode_t mode); static char *strdupnx (const char *str, int n); static int yesorno (void); static char *getdnsname (size_t maxlen); static char *getipaddr (void); static int check_net_mask (struct in_addr *mask); static int die (const char *msg); /* -------- - main - -------- */ int main (void) { int dns_present; /* Boolean */ char host_name[256]; /* Host name */ char host_name_short[256]; /* Host name without dom. */ char domain_name[256]; /* Domain name */ char *lsck_dir = NULL; /* libsocket's config dir */ char *win_dir = NULL; /* Windows directory */ char filename[PATH_MAX]; /* Temp. filename */ struct in_addr ip_addr, net_mask, net_addr, dns_addr[MAXNS + 1]; char net_addr_str[16]; /* Net address in string */ char line[256]; FILE *fOut; /* Output file handle */ char *p, *q; int found; int i, j, k; int ret; char *pret; bzero(&ip_addr, sizeof(ip_addr)); bzero(&net_mask, sizeof(net_mask)); bzero(&net_addr, sizeof(net_addr)); bzero(&dns_addr, sizeof(dns_addr)); /* Banner */ banner(); /* Message about answering questions, aborting, etc. */ printf("When asked a question, use 'y' or 'Y' for yes, 'n' or 'N' for no," "'q' or 'Q'\n" "to quit. You can also use ESC to quit (abort) at any point.\n\n"); /* --- Ask the questions --- */ /* - libsocket configuration info - */ printf("* libsocket Configuration Directory *\n\n"); if (getenv("LSCK") == NULL) { if (getenv("LIBSOCKET") != NULL) { lsck_dir = strdup(getenv("LIBSOCKET")); forwardslashify(lsck_dir); printf("WARNING: Please use LSCK environment variable " "instead of LIBSOCKET.\n"); } } else { lsck_dir = strdup(getenv("LSCK")); forwardslashify(lsck_dir); } printf("The libsocket environment variable, LSCK, specifies the directory " "where\nlibsocket's configuration files are stored.\n\n"); if (lsck_dir == NULL) { printf("LSCK has not been set. Do you wish to set it up [ynq]? "); ret = yesorno(); if (ret == -1) die("User ended netsetup"); if (ret == 1) { printf("Please enter the libsocket configuration directory " "(e.g. c:/lsck):\n"); fflush(stdout); clean_stdin(); scanf("%255s", line); /* Set up the new var */ p = line + strlen(line) - 1; /* Trailing slash? */ if ((*p == '\\') || (*p == '/')) *p = '\0'; lsck_dir = strdup(line); forwardslashify(lsck_dir); setenv("LSCK", lsck_dir, 1); /* Add to AUTOEXEC.BAT? */ printf("Add the line 'SET LSCK=%s' to c:/autoexec.bat [ynq]? ", lsck_dir); ret = yesorno(); if (ret == -1) die("User ended netsetup"); if (ret == 1) { fOut = fopen("c:/autoexec.bat", "at"); if (fOut != NULL) { fprintf(fOut, "SET LSCK=%s\n", lsck_dir); fclose(fOut); } } /* Create the directory */ recursive_mkdir(lsck_dir, S_IWUSR); } else { printf("netsetup needs the configuration directory to be set!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { printf("The libsocket configuration directory is '%s'.\n", lsck_dir); } /* windir - the Windows directory - handle the case where this is not * present. */ printf("\n"); if (getenv("windir") == NULL) { win_dir = strdup(lsck_dir); forwardslashify(win_dir); printf("Windows directory not found - netsetup will put all " "configuration files in\n'%s'.\n", lsck_dir); } else { win_dir = strdup(getenv("windir")); forwardslashify(win_dir); printf("Windows directory is '%s'.\n", win_dir); } /* - Host & domain name - */ printf("\n" "* Host and domain name *\n\n" "These are required if you wish to use text names rather than IP " "addresses.\n\n"); /* Host name */ printf("Please enter your computer's host name: "); fflush(stdout); pret = getdnsname(sizeof(host_name)); if (pret == NULL) die("User ended netsetup or an error occurred getting DNS host name"); strcpy(host_name, pret); /* Build a suggested domain name from the host name */ p = strchr(host_name, '.'); if (p != NULL) { strcpy(domain_name, p + 1); printf("Using '%s' as the domain name.\n", domain_name); } else { /* Domain name */ printf("Do you have a domain name [ynq]? "); ret = yesorno(); if (ret == -1) die("User ended netsetup"); if (ret == 1) { printf("Please enter your computer's domain name: "); pret = getdnsname(sizeof(host_name)); if (pret == NULL) die("User ended netsetup or an error occurred getting " "DNS domain name"); /* Now add this to the host name */ strcat(host_name, "."); strcat(host_name, pret); printf("Now using '%s' as host name.\n", host_name); } } /* - IP address details - */ printf("\n" "* IP Address Information *\n\n" "This is required for IP networking and text name to IP address " "mappings\n(name resolving).\n\n"); /* IP address */ printf("Please enter your computer's IP address (e.g.\n"); ret = 0; while (ret == 0) { pret = getipaddr(); if (pret == NULL) die("User ended netsetup or an error occurred getting the IP address"); ret = inet_aton(pret, &ip_addr); if (!ret) printf("Invalid IP address: %s\n", pret); } /* Network mask */ printf("Please enter your computer's IP network mask " "(e.g.\n"); ret = 0; while (ret == 0) { pret = getipaddr(); if (pret == NULL) die("User ended netsetup or an error occurred getting " "the IP network mask"); ret = inet_aton(pret, &net_mask); if (!ret || !check_net_mask(&net_mask)) { printf("Invalid IP mask: %s\n", pret); ret = 0; } } /* Make network address from network mask */ net_addr.s_addr = ip_addr.s_addr & net_mask.s_addr; printf("Using %s as the network address.\n\n", inet_ntoa(net_addr)); /* DNS details */ bzero(dns_addr, sizeof(dns_addr)); printf("Do you have a DNS server [ynq]? "); ret = yesorno(); if (ret == -1) die("User ended netsetup"); dns_present = (ret == 1) ? TRUE : FALSE; if (dns_present == TRUE) { for (i = 0; i < MAXNS; i++) { printf ("Please enter the IP address for DNS server %i " "(enter for none):\n", i + 1); ret = 0; while (ret == 0) { pret = getipaddr(); if (pret == NULL) die("User ended netsetup or an error occurred getting" "a DNS server's IP address"); ret = inet_aton(pret, &dns_addr[i]); if (!ret) printf("Invalid DNS server IP address: %s\n", pret); } printf("Is there another DNS server [ynq]? "); ret = yesorno(); if (ret == -1) die("User ended netsetup"); if (ret == 0) break; } } /* Print a summary and ask for confirmation. */ printf("\nSummary of configuration:\n" "\n"); printf("libsocket directory: %s\n" "Windows directory: %s\n" "\n", lsck_dir, win_dir); printf("Host name: %s\n", host_name); printf("IP address/mask: %s/", inet_ntoa(ip_addr)); printf("%s\n", inet_ntoa(net_mask)); printf("IP network address: %s\n", inet_ntoa(net_addr)); printf("\n"); printf("DNS servers:"); if (dns_present == TRUE) { printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < MAXNS; i++) { if (dns_addr[i].s_addr == 0) break; printf("\t%s\n", inet_ntoa(dns_addr[i])); } } else { printf(" None configured\n"); } printf("\n"); printf("Is this configuration OK [ynq]? "); ret = yesorno(); if ((ret == 0) || (ret == -1)) die("User ended netsetup"); /* --- Create the files --- */ /* Installation message */ printf("\n" "* Creating Files *\n\n"); /* - lsck.cfg - */ sprintf(filename, "%s/lsck.cfg", lsck_dir); if (access(filename, F_OK) == 0) { printf("%s already exists - overwrite [ynq]? ", filename); fflush(stdout); clean_stdin(); scanf("%[yYnN]", line); if ((*line == 'N') || (*line == 'n')) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("Creating %s...", filename); fOut = fopen(filename, "wt"); if (fOut == NULL) { printf("failed\n"); perror("netsetup"); } else { /* Header */ fprintf(fOut, "# lsck.cfg\n" "# libsocket configuration file\n" "# Created by netsetup\n" "#\n\n"); /* Host & domain name */ fprintf(fOut, "[main]\n" "hostname=%s\n\n", host_name); /* As libsocket only runs under Windows, use Windows config files */ fprintf(fOut, "# Use some Windows configuration files\n" "hosts=%s/hosts\n" "networks=%s/networks\n" "services=%s/services\n" "protocols=%s/protocol\n\n", win_dir, win_dir, win_dir, win_dir); /* Resolver config files */ fprintf(fOut, "# Resolver configuration files\n" "host.conf=%s/host.cfg\n" "resolv.conf=%s/resolv.cfg\n\n", lsck_dir, lsck_dir); /* Global remote auto-login files */ fprintf(fOut, "# Global remote auto-login files\n" "hosts.equiv=%s/hosts.equ\n" ".rhosts=%s/rhosts\n" ".netrc=%s/netrc\n\n", lsck_dir, lsck_dir, lsck_dir); /* Done */ printf("done\n"); fclose(fOut); } /* - hosts - */ strcpy(host_name_short, host_name); p = strchr(host_name_short, '.'); if (p != NULL) *p = '\0'; p = inet_ntoa(ip_addr); sprintf(filename, "%s/hosts", win_dir); printf("Modifying %s...", filename); fOut = fopen(filename, "a+t"); if (fOut == NULL) { printf("failed\n"); perror("netsetup"); } else { rewind(fOut); found = 0; /* Look for the IP address & host name */ while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fOut) != NULL) { q = line; while ((*q == ' ') || (*q == '\t')) q++; if (*q == '#') continue; if ( (strstr(q, p) != NULL) && (strstr(q, host_name_short) != NULL)) { found = 1; break; } } fseek(fOut, 0, SEEK_END); if (!found) fprintf(fOut, "%s %s\n", p, host_name_short); /* Done */ if (!found) printf("done\n"); else printf("done (no changes needed)\n"); fclose(fOut); } /* - networks - */ /* Build the network mask in string form */ bzero(net_addr_str, sizeof(net_addr_str)); for (i = 3; i > 0; i--) { j = (ntohl(net_addr.s_addr) >> (i * 8)) & 0xFF; k = (ntohl(net_mask.s_addr) >> (i * 8)) & 0xFF; if (k != 0) { sprintf(line, "%d", j); if (i < 3) strcat(net_addr_str, "."); strcat(net_addr_str, line); } } sprintf(filename, "%s/networks", win_dir); printf("Modifying %s...", filename); fOut = fopen(filename, "a+t"); if (fOut == NULL) { printf("failed\n"); perror("netsetup"); } else { rewind(fOut); found = 0; /* No domain name => this isn't needed, so skip it */ if (*domain_name == '\0') found = 1; /* Look for the IP address & host name */ while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fOut) != NULL) { q = line; while ((*q == ' ') || (*q == '\t')) q++; if (*q == '#') continue; if ( (strstr(q, net_addr_str) != NULL) && (strstr(q, domain_name) != NULL)) { found = 1; break; } } fseek(fOut, 0, SEEK_END); if (!found) fprintf(fOut, "%s %s\n", net_addr_str, domain_name); /* Done */ if (!found) printf("done\n"); else printf("done (none needed)\n"); fclose(fOut); } /* - host.cfg - */ sprintf(filename, "%s/host.cfg", lsck_dir); if (access(filename, F_OK) == 0) { printf("%s already exists - overwrite [ynq]? ", filename); fflush(stdout); clean_stdin(); scanf("%[yYnN]", line); if ((*line == 'N') || (*line == 'n')) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("Creating %s...", filename); fOut = fopen(filename, "wt"); if (fOut == NULL) { printf("failed\n"); perror("netsetup"); } else { fprintf(fOut, "# host.conf\n" "# Resolver configuration file\n" "# Created by netsetup\n\n"); if (dns_present == TRUE) fprintf(fOut, "order hosts, bind\n"); else fprintf(fOut, "order hosts\n"); /* Done */ printf("done\n"); fclose(fOut); } /* - resolv.cfg - */ sprintf(filename, "%s/resolv.cfg", lsck_dir); if (access(filename, F_OK) == 0) { printf("%s already exists - overwrite [ynq]? ", filename); fflush(stdout); clean_stdin(); scanf("%[yYnN]", line); if ((*line == 'N') || (*line == 'n')) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("Creating %s...", filename); fOut = fopen(filename, "wt"); if (fOut == NULL) { printf("failed\n"); perror("netsetup"); } else { fprintf(fOut, "# resolv.conf\n" "# Resolver configuration file\n" "# Created by netsetup\n\n"); if (dns_present == TRUE) { for (i = 0; i < MAXNS; i++) { if (dns_addr[i].s_addr == 0) break; fprintf(fOut, "nameserver %s\n", inet_ntoa(dns_addr[i])); } } /* Done */ printf("done\n"); fclose(fOut); } /* Tidy up */ free(lsck_dir); free(win_dir); /* Success */ return(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* ---------- - banner - ---------- */ static void banner (void) { /* Copyright */ printf ("Netsetup Version 1.2.1, libsocket networking set-up\n" "Copyright (C) 1997-2000 by Richard Dawe\n"); printf ("libsocket Copyright 1997, 1998 by Indrek Mandre\n" "libsocket Copyright 1997-2000 by Richard Dawe\n\n"); /* Info message */ printf("Netsetup will ask you a series of questions about your TCP/IP " "configuration.\nIt may help you to look at the TCP/IP settings " "in the Network Control Panel\nor run 'winipcfg'. See the " "libsocket documentation for further help.\n\n"); fflush(stdout); } /* --------------- * - clean_stdin - * --------------- */ /* Remove all whitespace from stdin, so scanf works properly. */ static void clean_stdin (void) { int c; /* Remove any whitespace */ while ( (c = getc(stdin)) != EOF ) { if (!isspace(c)) { ungetc(c, stdin); break; } } } /* ------------------- * - addforwardslash - * ------------------- */ /* Add a forward slash to the end safely, i.e. if has one, don't do it. */ static void addforwardslash (char *p) { if (p == NULL) return; if (p[strlen(p) - 1] == '/') return; strcat(p, "/"); } /* ------------------- * - forwardslashify - * ------------------- */ static void forwardslashify (char *str) { char *p; if (str == NULL) return; for (p = str; *p != '\0'; p++) { if (*p == '\\') *p = '/'; } } /* ----------- * - yesorno - * ----------- */ /* This returns 1 on yes, 0 on no, -1 on quit/abort. Loop until we get * a valid response. */ static int yesorno (void) { int key; for (;;) { key = getch(); switch(key) { case 'y': case 'Y': printf("%c\n", key); return(1); case 'n': case 'N': printf("%c\n", key); return(0); case 'q': case 'Q': case '\e': printf("%c\n", key); return(-1); } } } /* -------------- * - getdnsname - * -------------- */ /* * Get a DNS-format name from the user. Valid characters are [A-Za-z0-9.-]. * The maximum component length is 64 characters. 'max_len' specifies * the maximum total length, including nul character. * * On success, a pointer to a static buffer containing the name is returned; * otherwise NULL is returned. * */ static char * getdnsname (size_t maxlen) { static char buf[256]; size_t len = 0; int ok = 1; int key; if (maxlen > sizeof(buf)) maxlen = sizeof(buf); maxlen--; /* reserve space for the nul */ while (len < maxlen) { key = getch(); /* - Control keys - */ /* Escape => abort */ if (key == '\e') { ok = 0; break; } else if (key == '\b') { /* Backspace */ if (len == 0) { putch('\a'); continue; } printf("\b \b"); len--; } else if ((key == '\r') || (key == '\n')) { /* Input complete. If there's a tailing dot, strip it off. */ printf("\n"); if ((len > 0) && (buf[len - 1] == '.')) { len--; buf[len] = '\0'; } break; } /* If we're at the maximum buffer size, wait for line completion. */ if (len == maxlen) { putch('\a'); continue; } /* - Data keys - */ if ((isalnum(key) || (key == '-')) && (key != '.')) { putch(key); buf[len] = (char) (key & 0xff); len++; } else if (key == '.') { if ( (len == 0) || ((len > 0) && (buf[len - 1] == '.'))) { /* Not ready for '.' yet */ putch('\a'); continue; } putch(key); buf[len] = '.'; len++; } else { /* Bad character */ putch('\a'); } } if (ok) { buf[len] = '\0'; return(buf); } return(NULL); } /* ------------- * - getipaddr - * ------------- */ /* * Get a dotted-quad IP address from the user. On success, a pointer to * a static buffer containing the name is returnd; otherwise NULL is returned. */ #define IP_MAX_COMPS 4 static char * getipaddr (void) { static char buf[16]; /* dotted quad + nul = (4 * 3) + 3 + 1 */ size_t maxlen = sizeof(buf) - 1; size_t len = 0; int ncomps = 1; int ok = 1; int key; while (len <= maxlen) { key = getch(); /* - Control keys - */ /* Escape => abort */ if (key == '\e') { ok = 0; break; } else if (key == '\b') { /* Backspace */ if (len == 0) { putch('\a'); continue; } else { if (buf[len - 1] == '.') ncomps--; } printf("\b \b"); len--; } else if ((key == '\r') || (key == '\n')) { /* We need four components to complete input. */ if ( (ncomps < 4) || ((ncomps == 4) && (!isdigit(buf[len - 1])))) { putch('\a'); continue; } /* Input complete */ printf("\n"); break; } /* If we're at the maximum buffer size, wait for line completion. */ if (len == maxlen) { putch('\a'); continue; } /* - Data keys - */ if (isdigit(key) && (key != '.')) { putch(key); buf[len] = (char) (key & 0xff); len++; } else if (key == '.') { if ( (len == 0) || ((len > 0) && (buf[len - 1] == '.'))) { /* Not ready for '.' yet */ putch('\a'); continue; } if (ncomps == IP_MAX_COMPS) { /* Already have the number of components we need. */ putch('\a'); continue; } putch(key); buf[len] = '.'; len++; ncomps++; } else { /* Bad character */ putch('\a'); } } if (ok) { buf[len] = '\0'; return(buf); } return(NULL); } /* ------- * - die - * ------- */ static int die (const char *msg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* ------------ * - strdupnx - * ------------ */ /* Copy a string and allocate n extra bytes. */ static char * strdupnx (const char *str, int n) { char *p = NULL; if (str == NULL) return(NULL); p = (char *) calloc(strlen(str) + 1 + n, 1); if (p == NULL) return(NULL); strcpy(p, str); return(p); } /* ------------------- * - recursive_mkdir - * ------------------- */ /* This works like mkdir, except that all the directory components are created. * This is like 'mkdir -p' from GNU fileutils. */ static int recursive_mkdir (const char *pathname, mode_t mode) { /* Allocate space to add trailing slash, if necessary. */ char *buf = strdupnx(pathname, 1); char *p = buf; int ret; addforwardslash(buf); #ifdef __DJGPP__ /* Skip the drive specifier. */ if (buf[1] == ':') p += 2; #endif while ((p = strchr(p + 1, '/')) != NULL) { /* Quit if it's a trailing slash */ if (*p == '\0') break; /* Chop up temporarily & create a component. */ *p = '\0'; ret = mkdir(buf, mode); *p = '/'; if ((ret != 0) && (errno != EEXIST)) { /* Pass down error */ free(buf); return(-1); } } free(buf); return(0); } /* ------------------ * - check_net_mask - * ------------------ */ static int check_net_mask (struct in_addr *mask) { unsigned long m = (unsigned long) mask->s_addr; int ret = 1; int found_zero, i, bit; for (found_zero = i = 0; i < 31; i++) { bit = (m >> i) & 1; /* Find first zero bit */ if (bit == 0) { found_zero = 1; continue; } /* If we've found a zero bit, we should not find a one bit. */ if (bit && found_zero) { ret = 0; break; } } return(ret); }