/* * libsocket - BSD socket like library for DJGPP * Copyright 1997, 1998 by Indrek Mandre * Copyright 1997-2000 by Richard Dawe * * Portions of libsocket Copyright 1985-1993 Regents of the University of * California. * Portions of libsocket Copyright 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * Portions of libsocket Copyright 1997, 1998 by the Regdos Group. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* * w9x_addr.c * Find networking information from Win9x's registry. */ /* * TODO: * * - Test with non-MS stacks? * - Check type returned on RegQueryValueEx() calls */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* --- Defines --- */ /* Max length of registry key names */ #ifndef MAX_PATH #define MAX_PATH 260 #endif /* The IP address that implies DHCP is being used. */ #define DHCP_IP "" /* Some keys used to find out the IP interface type, i.e. dial-up or Ethernet. * These may be highly MS-stack dependent. Note that the *_KEY defines are * all off HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKLM for short. */ #define ROOT_KEY "Enum\\Root" #define ISAPNP_KEY "Enum\\ISAPNP" #define PCI_KEY "Enum\\PCI" #define NETWORK_KEY "Enum\\Network" #define CLASS_KEY "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Class" #define NDI_IF_SUBKEY "Ndi\\Interfaces" /* MAC "address" for dial-up connections. This is empirical, obtained from * winipcfg. This is used to distinguish Ethernet from dial-up DHCP * addresses. The last two digits appear to the index of the dial-up * device used, i.e 0x0 0x0, 0x0 0x1, ... */ static char DIALUP_MAC[6] = {0x44, 0x45, 0x53, 0x54, 0x0, 0x0}; #define DIALUP_DESC "Dial-Up Adapter" #define DIALUP_ADAPTER "MS$PPP" #define DIALUP_VXD "pppmac.vxd" #define DIALUP_IF_LOWER "vcomm" #define ETHERNET_IF_LOWER "ethernet" /* Functions */ static int __win9x_enuminterfaces (LSCK_IF_ADDR_TABLE *addr, char *key, int *if_count, int *dialup_count, int *dhcp_count); static int __win9x_getethcardaddrs (LSCK_IF_ADDR_INET *tif, HKEY hkNet, HKEY hkMSTCP, HKEY hkNetTrans, int *dhcp_count); static int __win9x_getstaticaddr (HKEY hkNetTrans, LSCK_IF_ADDR_INET *tif); static int __win9x_getdynamicaddr (HKEY hkNetTrans, int dhcp_num, LSCK_IF_ADDR_INET *tif); /* ------------------------ * - __win9x_getaddrtable - * ------------------------ */ LSCK_IF_ADDR_TABLE *__win9x_getaddrtable (void) { /* Interface table building variables */ LSCK_IF_ADDR_INET *lo = NULL; /* Loopback device - always present. */ LSCK_IF_ADDR_TABLE *addr = NULL; int if_count = 0; int dialup_count = -1; /* 1st index = 0 */ int dhcp_count = -1; /* 1st index = 0 */ int i; /* Get the loopback device info */ lo = __lsck_if_addr_inet_loopback(); /* Set up the address table */ addr = (LSCK_IF_ADDR_TABLE *) malloc (sizeof (LSCK_IF_ADDR_TABLE)); if (addr == NULL) { free (lo); return (NULL); } for (i = 0; i < (LSCK_IF_ADDR_TABLE_MAX + 1); i++) { addr->table.inet[i] = NULL; } addr->family = AF_INET; addr->table.inet[if_count] = lo; if_count++; /* Enumerate all local devices of the "Net" class off * HKLM\Enum\Root. If RegOpenKey() fails, just skip getting the IP * address data. */ __win9x_enuminterfaces(addr, ROOT_KEY, &if_count, &dialup_count, &dhcp_count); __win9x_enuminterfaces(addr, ISAPNP_KEY, &if_count, &dialup_count, &dhcp_count); __win9x_enuminterfaces(addr, PCI_KEY, &if_count, &dialup_count, &dhcp_count); return(addr); } /* -------------------------- * - __win9x_enuminterfaces - * -------------------------- */ static int __win9x_enuminterfaces (LSCK_IF_ADDR_TABLE *addr, char *key, int *if_count, int *dialup_count, int *dhcp_count) { /* Registry key variables */ HKEY hkBase = NULL; HKEY hkDev = NULL; HKEY hkEnum = NULL; HKEY hkBindings = NULL; HKEY hkClass = NULL; HKEY hkNetwork = NULL; HKEY hkMSTCP = NULL; HKEY hkNet = NULL; HKEY hkNetTrans = NULL; HKEY hkInterface = NULL; long int res = 0; char devname[256]; /* Device name in HKLM\Enum\Root tree */ char enumname[256]; /* Instance of device in HKLM\Enum\Root\ * tree */ char valname[256]; DWORD valname_len; DWORD val_type; DWORD buf_type; char buf[256]; DWORD buf_len; LSCK_IF_ADDR_INET if_build; LSCK_IF_ADDR_INET *tif = NULL; char *p, *q; long int i, j, k; /* Open the base key */ res = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key, &hkBase); for (i = 0; res == ERROR_SUCCESS; i++) { res = RegEnumKey(hkBase, i, devname, sizeof(devname)); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; /* Now enumerate all instances of this device, to find one of * the "Net" class. */ res = RegOpenKey(hkBase, devname, &hkDev); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; for (j = 0; res == ERROR_SUCCESS; j++) { res = RegEnumKey(hkDev, j, enumname, sizeof(enumname)); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; res = RegOpenKey(hkDev, enumname, &hkEnum); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; buf_len = sizeof(buf); res = RegQueryValueEx(hkEnum, "Class", NULL, &buf_type, buf, &buf_len); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkEnum); hkEnum = NULL; /* Some keys may not have a Class entry, * but this is not an error. Continue after * this error. */ if (res == ERROR_CANTREAD) res = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; } if (strcmp(buf, "Net") != 0) { RegCloseKey(hkEnum); hkEnum = NULL; continue; } /* This is a network device. Its bindings show which * MSTCP key to use, to determine its NetTrans key. * They also show which Net key to use, to determine * what type of device it is. */ /* No room for interface data! */ if (!(*if_count < LSCK_IF_ADDR_TABLE_MAX)) { RegCloseKey(hkEnum); hkEnum = NULL; break; } /* Get the Net key. */ buf_len = sizeof(buf); res = RegQueryValueEx(hkEnum, "Driver", NULL, &buf_type, buf, &buf_len); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkEnum); hkEnum = NULL; break; } res = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, CLASS_KEY, &hkClass); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkEnum); hkEnum = NULL; break; } res = RegOpenKey(hkClass, buf, &hkNet); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkEnum); hkEnum = NULL; break; } /* Enumerate the bindings. */ res = RegOpenKey(hkEnum, "Bindings", &hkBindings); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkEnum); RegCloseKey(hkNet); hkEnum = hkNet = NULL; break; } for (k = 0; res == ERROR_SUCCESS; k++) { valname_len = sizeof(valname); buf_len = sizeof(buf); res = RegEnumValue(hkBindings, k, valname, &valname_len, NULL, &val_type, buf, &buf_len); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; /* nul-terminate the value's name */ valname[valname_len] = '\0'; /* Is this a binding to MSTCP? If not, next! */ if (strstr(valname, "MSTCP\\") != valname) continue; /* Open the network key. */ res = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, NETWORK_KEY, &hkNetwork); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkNetwork); hkNetwork = NULL; break; } /* Open the MSTCP key for later. */ res = RegOpenKey(hkNetwork, valname, &hkMSTCP); RegCloseKey(hkNetwork); hkNetwork = NULL; if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS) break; else hkMSTCP = NULL; } RegCloseKey(hkBindings); hkBindings = NULL; if (hkMSTCP == NULL) { /* No MSTCP binding found => no good. */ RegCloseKey(hkNet); hkNet = NULL; continue; } /* Open the NetTrans key using the info obtained from * the MSTCP key. */ buf_len = sizeof(buf); res = RegQueryValueEx(hkMSTCP, "Driver", NULL, &buf_type, buf, &buf_len); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkClass); RegCloseKey(hkNet); RegCloseKey(hkMSTCP); RegCloseKey(hkEnum); hkClass = hkNet = hkMSTCP = hkEnum = NULL; break; } res = RegOpenKey(hkClass, buf, &hkNetTrans); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkClass); RegCloseKey(hkNet); RegCloseKey(hkMSTCP); RegCloseKey(hkEnum); hkClass = hkNet = hkMSTCP = hkEnum = NULL; break; } RegCloseKey(hkClass); hkClass = NULL; /* Now interpret the MSTCP, Net and NetTrans keys to * obtain the IP address data. */ bzero(&if_build, sizeof(if_build)); /* - Step 1: Interface type - */ /* TODO: Do all dial-up adapters have a description * "Dial-Up Adapter"? Maybe the PPTP adapter has * something different - check by installing * DUN 1.3. */ /* Get the driver description. */ buf_len = sizeof(buf); res = RegQueryValueEx(hkNet, "DriverDesc", NULL, &buf_type, buf, &buf_len); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkNet); RegCloseKey(hkMSTCP); RegCloseKey(hkNetTrans); RegCloseKey(hkEnum); hkNet = hkMSTCP = hkNetTrans = hkEnum = NULL; break; } p = strdup(buf); /* Get the NDIS driver's lower interface binding. */ res = RegOpenKey(hkNet, NDI_IF_SUBKEY, &hkInterface); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkNet); RegCloseKey(hkMSTCP); RegCloseKey(hkNetTrans); RegCloseKey(hkEnum); hkNet = hkMSTCP = hkNetTrans = hkEnum = NULL; break; } buf_len = sizeof(buf); res = RegQueryValueEx(hkInterface, "Lower", NULL, &buf_type, buf, &buf_len); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hkInterface); RegCloseKey(hkNet); RegCloseKey(hkMSTCP); RegCloseKey(hkNetTrans); RegCloseKey(hkEnum); hkInterface = hkNet = hkMSTCP = hkNetTrans = hkEnum = NULL; break; } RegCloseKey(hkInterface); hkInterface = NULL; q = strdup(buf); if ( (strcmp(p, DIALUP_DESC) == 0) && (strcmp(q, DIALUP_IF_LOWER) == 0)) { /* Dial-up interface */ free(p); free(q); (*dialup_count)++; /* TODO: Which dial-up adapter is not active? * BUG BUG BUG! */ if (!__win9x_ras_active()) { /* Not active => no IP address. */ RegCloseKey(hkNet); RegCloseKey(hkMSTCP); RegCloseKey(hkNetTrans); RegCloseKey(hkEnum); hkNet = hkMSTCP = hkNetTrans = hkEnum = NULL; continue; } /* Store the hardware details. */ if_build.hw_type = LSCK_IF_HW_TYPE_DIALUP; memcpy (if_build.hw_addr, DIALUP_MAC, sizeof (DIALUP_MAC)); if_build.hw_addrlen = sizeof (DIALUP_MAC); *((unsigned short *) &if_build.hw_addr[4]) = (unsigned short) *dialup_count; } if (strcmp(q, ETHERNET_IF_LOWER) == 0) { /* Ethernet */ free(p); free(q); if_build.hw_type = LSCK_IF_HW_TYPE_ETHERNET; } /* Step 2: Address information */ switch(if_build.hw_type) { default: /* Er? */ break; case LSCK_IF_HW_TYPE_DIALUP: /* TODO: How to get RAS IP details? */ break; case LSCK_IF_HW_TYPE_ETHERNET: __win9x_getethcardaddrs(&if_build, hkNet, hkMSTCP, hkNetTrans, dhcp_count); break; } /* Step 3: Add to list */ tif = (LSCK_IF_ADDR_INET *) malloc (sizeof (LSCK_IF_ADDR_INET)); if (tif != NULL) { addr->table.inet[*if_count] = tif; memcpy(tif, &if_build, sizeof(if_build)); (*if_count)++; tif = NULL; } /* Close all keys. */ RegCloseKey(hkNet); RegCloseKey(hkMSTCP); RegCloseKey(hkNetTrans); hkNet = hkMSTCP = hkNetTrans = NULL; RegCloseKey(hkEnum); hkEnum = NULL; } /* End of enum => still successful */ if (res == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) res = ERROR_SUCCESS; RegCloseKey(hkDev); hkDev = NULL; } RegCloseKey(hkBase); hkBase = NULL; /* TODO: Make this return 0 when no addresses found. */ return(1); } /* ------------------------- * - __win9x_getstaticaddr - * ------------------------- */ static int __win9x_getstaticaddr (HKEY hkNetTrans, LSCK_IF_ADDR_INET * tif) { long int res; DWORD buf_type; char buf[256]; DWORD buf_len; char *p, **r; int i; /* IP address */ buf_len = sizeof(buf); res = RegQueryValueEx(hkNetTrans, "IPAddress", NULL, &buf_type, buf, &buf_len); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) return(0); if (inet_aton(buf, &tif->addr) == -1) return(0); /* Address mask */ buf_len = sizeof(buf); res = RegQueryValueEx(hkNetTrans, "IPMask", NULL, &buf_type, buf, &buf_len); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) return(0); if (inet_aton(buf, &tif->netmask) == -1) return (0); /* Gateway - This may or may not be present, so don't fail here. */ /* TODO: Allow multiple gateways */ buf_len = sizeof(buf); res = RegQueryValueEx(hkNetTrans, "DefaultGateway", NULL, &buf_type, buf, &buf_len); /* TODO: Should probably check for other error values too. */ if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS) { p = strchr (buf, ','); if (p != NULL) *p = '\0'; if (inet_aton(buf, &tif->gw) == -1) return (0); tif->gw_present = 1; } /* Host name, domain name, DNS addresses are globally config'd */ p = __win9x_mstcp_gethostname (); /* NB: Node name! */ if (p != NULL) { strncpy (tif->hostname, p, MAXGETHOSTNAME); tif->hostname[MAXGETHOSTNAME - 1] = '\0'; free (p); } p = __win9x_mstcp_getdomainname (); if (p != NULL) { strncpy (tif->domainname, p, MAXGETHOSTNAME); tif->domainname[MAXGETHOSTNAME - 1] = '\0'; free (p); } /* Append the domain name to the node ("host") name, if necessary */ if ( (strchr(tif->hostname, '.') == 0) && (strlen(tif->domainname) != 0) ) { if ( (strlen(tif->hostname) + 1 + strlen(tif->domainname)) < MAXGETHOSTNAME) { strcat(tif->hostname, "."); strcat(tif->hostname, tif->domainname); } } r = __win9x_mstcp_getdnsaddrs (); if (r != NULL) { for (i = 0; (r[i] != NULL) && (i < LSCK_IF_ADDR_INET_DNS_MAX); i++) { if (inet_aton (r[i], &tif->dns[i]) == -1) break; } for (i = 0; r[i] != NULL; i++) { free (r[i]); } free (r); } tif->fixed = 1; /* Set hardware info up. */ tif->hw_type = LSCK_IF_HW_TYPE_ETHERNET; /* Success */ return (1); } /* -------------------------- * - __win9x_getdynamicaddr - * -------------------------- */ static int __win9x_getdynamicaddr (HKEY hkNetTrans, int dhcp_num, LSCK_IF_ADDR_INET * tif) { long int res; DWORD buf_type; char buf[256]; DWORD buf_len; int valuesize; char *p; if (!__win9x_dhcp_getipaddr(dhcp_num, &tif->addr)) return (0); if (!__win9x_dhcp_getnetmask(dhcp_num, &tif->netmask)) return (0); /* Gateway - even if DHCP hasn't given us a gateway address, it may * have been set through the TCP/IP control panel. */ if (__win9x_dhcp_getgwaddr (dhcp_num, &tif->gw)) tif->gw_present = 1; if (!tif->gw_present) { /* TODO: Allow multiple gateways */ buf_len = sizeof(buf); res = RegQueryValueEx(hkNetTrans, "DefaultGateway", NULL, &buf_type, buf, &buf_len); /* TODO: Should probably check for other error values too. */ if (res == ERROR_SUCCESS) { p = strchr (buf, ','); if (p != NULL) *p = '\0'; if (inet_aton(buf, &tif->gw) == -1) return (0); tif->gw_present = 1; } } /* Host name, domain name, DNS */ valuesize = MAXGETHOSTNAME; __win9x_dhcp_gethostname (dhcp_num, tif->hostname, &valuesize); valuesize = MAXGETHOSTNAME; __win9x_dhcp_getdomainname (dhcp_num, tif->domainname, &valuesize); /* Append the domain name to the node ("host") name, if necessary */ if ( (strchr(tif->hostname, '.') == 0) && (strlen(tif->domainname) != 0) ) { if ( (strlen(tif->hostname) + 1 + strlen(tif->domainname)) < MAXGETHOSTNAME) { strcat(tif->hostname, "."); strcat(tif->hostname, tif->domainname); } } __win9x_dhcp_getdnsaddrs (dhcp_num, tif->dns, LSCK_IF_ADDR_INET_DNS_MAX); tif->fixed = 0; /* Hardware address */ tif->hw_addrlen = LSCK_IF_ADDR_INET_HW_ADDRLEN_MAX; if (!__win9x_dhcp_gethwaddr (dhcp_num, tif->hw_addr, &tif->hw_addrlen)) return (0); tif->hw_type = LSCK_IF_HW_TYPE_ETHERNET; /* OK */ return (1); } /* --------------------------- * - __win9x_getethcardaddrs - * --------------------------- */ static int __win9x_getethcardaddrs (LSCK_IF_ADDR_INET *tif, HKEY hkNet, HKEY hkMSTCP, HKEY hkNetTrans, int *dhcp_count) { long int res; DWORD buf_type; char buf[256]; DWORD buf_len; /* Is this a static or a dynamically (DHCP) assigned address? */ buf_len = sizeof(buf); res = RegQueryValueEx(hkNetTrans, "IPAddress", NULL, &buf_type, buf, &buf_len); if (res != ERROR_SUCCESS) return(0); tif->fixed = !(strcmp(buf, DHCP_IP) == 0); if (tif->fixed) { /* Static address */ if (!__win9x_getstaticaddr(hkNetTrans, tif)) return(0); } else { /* DHCP-assigned */ (*dhcp_count)++; if (!__win9x_getdynamicaddr(hkNetTrans, *dhcp_count, tif)) return(0); } /* Success */ return(1); }