2020-07-07 ----------- MGRX 1.3.4 released 2020-06-30 Add gradients as a new pattern type, step 3 Modified pattern filled an patterned functions to work with gradients. Added test/gradtest.c example program. Modified test/patrtest.c to test bitmpas, pixmaps and gradients. 2020-06-29 Add gradients as a new pattern type, step 2 Defined the gradient structures: typedef struct {...} GrGrdLinearData; typedef struct {...} GrGrdRadialData; typedef struct {...} GrGrdStop; typedef struct {...} GrGradient; Added GrGradient to the GrPattern union New functions in src/pattern/gradient.c: GrPattern *GrCreateLinGradient(int xi, int yi, int xf, int yf); GrPattern *GrCreateRadGradient(int xc, int yc, int r); int GrAddGradientStop(GrPattern *p, int dist, GrColor c); int GrGenGradientColorTbl(GrPattern *p); GrColor GrGradientColor(GrPattern *p, int x, int y, int xo, int yo); GrPattern *GrBuildPixmapFromGradient(GrPattern *p, int xo, int yo, int w, int h); 2020-06-28 Add gradients as a new pattern type, step 1 Renamed GrPattern.ispixmap to GrPattern.ptype, with possible values: GR_PTYPE_BITMAP 0 GR_PTYPE_PIXMAP 1 GR_PTYPE_GRADIENT 2 (new!!) Modified pattern filled an patterned functions to have the change in account. 2020-06-27 New test program pixmtest in place of imgtest that has been deleted. New test program patrtest to test pattern filled and patterned shapes. 2020-06-26 Added Patterned Align functions: void GrPatndAlignLine(int xo,int yo,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,GrLinePattern *lp); void GrPatndAlignBox(int xo,int yo,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,GrLinePattern *lp); void GrPatndAlignCircle(int xo,int yo,int xc,int yc,int r,GrLinePattern *lp); void GrPatndAlignEllipse(int xo,int yo,int xc,int yc,int xa,int ya,GrLinePattern *lp); void GrPatndAlignCircleArc(int xo,int yo,int xc,int yc,int r,int start,int end,int style,GrLinePattern *lp); void GrPatndAlignEllipseArc(int xo,int yo,int xc,int yc,int xa,int ya,int start,int end,int style,GrLinePattern *lp); void GrPatndAlignPolyLine(int xo,int yo,int numpts,int points[][2],GrLinePattern *lp); void GrPatndAlignPolygon(int xo,int yo,int numpts,int points[][2],GrLinePattern *lp); 2020-06-26 Added more Pattern Align functions: void GrPatAlignFilledCircleArc(int xo,int yo,int xc,int yc,int r,int start,int end,int style,GrPattern *p); void GrPatAlignFilledEllipseArc(int xo,int yo,int xc,int yc,int xa,int ya,int start,int end,int style,GrPattern *p); void GrPatAlignFloodFill(int xo,int yo,int x, int y, GrColor border, GrPattern *p); 2020-06-25 Added more Pattern Align functions: void GrPatAlignFilledCircle(int xo,int yo,int xc,int yc,int r,GrPattern *p); void GrPatAlignFilledEllipse(int xo,int yo,int xc,int yc,int xa,int ya,GrPattern *p); void GrPatAlignFilledConvexPolygon(int xo,int yo,int n,int pt[][2],GrPattern *p); void GrPatAlignFilledPolygon(int xo,int yo,int n,int pt[][2],GrPattern *p); 2020-06-24 Added Pixmpap display and transformation functions: void GrPixmapDisplay(int x,int y, GrPixmap *p); void GrPixmapDisplayExt(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2, GrPixmap *p); GrPixmap *GrPixmapInverse(GrPixmap *p,int flag); GrPixmap *GrPixmapStretch(GrPixmap *p,int nwidth,int nheight); 2020-06-24 Added Pattern Align functions: void GrPatAlignFilledPlot(int xo,int yo,int x,int y,GrPattern *p); void GrPatAlignFilledLine(int xo,int yo,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,GrPattern *p); void GrPatAlignFilledBox(int xo,int yo,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,GrPattern *p); 2020-06-24 Added Non Resize versions of GrBuildPixmap functions: GrPattern *GrBuildPixmapNR(const char *pixels,int w,int h,const GrColorTableP ct); GrPattern *GrBuildPixmapFromBitsNR(const char *bits,int w,int h,GrColor fgc,GrColor bgc); 2020-06-24 Deprecated GrImage and its asociated functions. 2020-06-20 Solved old bugs handling memflags and generating pixmaps from bits in makepat.c 2020-06-19 Get rid of farmalloc/farfree 2020-06-18 Removed src/text/dumptext.c 2020-06-18 Added GrPatternDrawCharExt function. 2020-06-18 Solved an old bug in _GrDrawWordText when drawing text with GrPatternDrawStringExt in subcontext. 2020-06-18 Solved an old bug in GrPatternFilledLine when drawing in subcontext. 2020-06-01 Use only int arithmetic in png2ctx.c 2020-04-10 ----------- MGRX 1.3.3 released 2020-04-08 Workarround to solve a race condition in W10, sometimes hDCMem was used before it was ready. 2020-03-24 To help use the i18n catalog, added the field "sid" to GUIMenuItem and GUIMenuBarItem, so menus and the bar menu continue to be defined statically, without populate the "title" and "key" fields, and them use this new funcions: void GUIMenusSetI18nFields(void); void GUIMenuBarSetI18nFields(void); 2020-03-24 Added to MGRX a catalog implementation to help internationalize programs, it doesn't depend of any other mgrx function and it is Chrtype agnostic (this is why (void *) is used). The functions: int GrI18nInit(int nlg, int nstr, void *defstr); void GrI18nEnd(void); int GrI18nSetLabel(int lid, void *label); void * GrI18nGetLabel(int lid); int GrI18nSetLang(int lid); void GrI18nAddStrings(int lid, int fsid, int nums, void **str); void * GrI18nGetString(int sid); New test program to test the catalog: test/i18ntest.c 2020-03-20 New GUIObject field "visible", if 0 the object is ignored within the group. After GUIObjectSet.. the object is visible by default, its value can be changed using the new function: void GUIGroupSetVisible(GUIGroup *g, int id, int visible); After doing changes in visibility it is necesary to set the correct GUIContext and call the function: void GUIGroupRestartAfterVisibleChanges(GUIGroup *g); that recalculates the selected object and paints the visible objects. 2020-03-15 Added GUI component GUIRawDataList2 a generic version of GUIRawDataList, that can handle generic registers, not only strings, to substitute it in the future, for now to be used by GUIOBJTYPE_REGLIST. Added new object: GUIOBJTYPE_REGLIST, a deployed list of registers. 2020-03-07 New menu item type GUI_MI_TITLE to show a menu title. Added 'border' field to the GUIMenu structure, if =1 a thick border is drawn around the menu. New function: void GUIMenusSetColors2(GrColor bgt, GrColor fgt, GrColor inb); to set the bg and fg title colors and the inner color border. 2020-02-20 New GrGUI function: int GUIMenuGetDims(int idmenu, int *width, int *height); to know the menu dimensions before running it. 2020-02-18 New GrGUIfunctions: void GUIDBPauseBltsToScreen(void); void GUIDBRestartBltsToScreen(void); can be used to pause and restart the blts performed by GUIDBCurCtxBltToScreen and GUIDBCurCtxBltRectToScreen when in double buffer mode, so it is easy to control the real screen update when necesary. 2020-02-02 New testgui program "showfnt2", show the MGRX font collection using the new GUIOBJTYPE_DLIST object to select the font. 2020-02-01 New GUI component GUIRawDataList mainly for use by GUIOBJTYPE_LIST and the new GUIOBJTYPE_DLIST, a deployed list. 2020-01-30 Restructured internal GrGUI code when using double buffer. Now all the blits to screen are managed by this two functions: void GUIDBCurCtxBltToScreen(void); void GUIDBCurCtxBltRectToScreen(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2); they copy the whole or a rect from the current context to the screen context, obviusly the current context must be the global context or a subcontext of it, like the one provided by GUIContext. Both functions do nothing if the double buffer is no enabled. Renamed GUIManageExposeEvents to GUIDBManageExposeEvents. 2020-01-26 Updated from ASCII to ISO8859-1 all cour, helv & tms fonts. Errors in lucb40b.fnt, lucb40bi.fnt, lucb40.fnt, lucb40i.fnt and lucs40.fnt have been corrected. Checked baseline correctness for most fonts (except xm fonts). 2020-01-22 Updated all tmgrx fonts from the last Terminus font distribution, applying the variants dv1, ij1 and td1. 2020-01-19 Updated testgui/demintl2.c test program to cover the new font encoding. 2020-01-19 Added the three new fonts as built-in fonts ready to use: GrFont_PX8x18, GrFont_PX11x22 and GrFont_PX14x28 2020-01-19 Added three fonts that are GR_FONTENC_CP437EXT coded, px8x18.fnt, px11x22.fnt and px14x28.fnt. They are derived from pc public domain fonts. 2020-01-18 New font encoding GR_FONTENC_CP437EXT a custom encoding that cover CP437 + ISO8859-1 + CP1252 (by now). The encoding details are described in doc/cp437ext.txt 2020-01-11 ----------- MGRX 1.3.2 released 2020-01-10 Added two new font encodings GR_FONTENC_ISO_8859_5 and GR_FONTENC_ISO_8859_7. 2020-01-06 Updated programmer's guides. 2020-01-04 testgui demo grgui11.c uses GrStretchBlt. 2019-11-26 New 32bpp memory framedrivers in src/newfdrv that uses only C standard bit operations and C standard functions. Not used by now, they will be activate in a future release. 2019-11-23 Added setmark parameter to GUITAMoveCursor and GUITAMoveCursorRel, if =1 clear marked area, =-1 extend marked area, =0 do nothing. Changed names of GUITADrawChar and GUITADrawString to GUITAPutChar and GUITAPutString. They describe best its function. 2019-11-22 GUIScrollbar new specific events GREV_SCBVERT and GREV_SCBHORZ, with p1 = new lift inivalue. Events are sent when clicking over or under the lift and when dragging the lift. Changed GUITextArea mini editor to respond to the new events. Changed GUITextArea cursor movement behaviour to be similar to other modern editors. 2019-11-19 Added mark capabilities (with keys and mouse) and (internal) clipboard interaction to the GUITextArea mini editor. 2019-11-17 First work to add clipboard interaction to GrGUI. In GUIOBJTYPE_ENTRY objects you can mark text with shift+cursor keys or the mouse and reacts to ^C ^X ^V. The clipboard is internal to the program (by now). 2019-11-13 The xwin and win32 drivers generate GREV_WMEND events when requested. Modified the testgui/demmgrx2.c to request GREV_WMEND events (and handle them). 2019-11-12 Preparation for the new GREV_WMEND event, generated in windowing systems when user click the close window button and the programmer has equested it. New function: void GrEventGenWMEnd(int when) "when" can be GR_GEN_WMEND_NO (the default) or GR_GEN_WMEND_YES. 2019-11-10 ----------- MGRX 1.3.1 released 2019-11-07 For the GrGUI entry object we draw first the object in memory, so blinking cursor can be draw faster. 2019-11-01 changes to src/fonts/fdv_xwin.c, the X11 font driver, calculate properly char dimensions, so that there aren't cut characters. 2019-10-28 New function: void GUIGroupSetText(GUIGroup *g, int id, void *newtext); Update the text propertie of an object (by now only for entries). 2019-10-27 Two new GUITile types: GUI_TT_ACTIVEBWVSCB and GUI_TT_ACTIVEBWHSCB Tiles with only Vertical or Horizontal scrollbar. 2019-10-26 New function: GUITile * GUITileGetPointer(int idt); returns a pointer to the registered tile idt. New function: int GUITilesProcessTileEvent(GrEvent *ev, int idt); sends a even to a specific registered tile to be processed. even if it isn't the active tile. 2019-10-24 The functions GrDumpFont, GrDumpFnaFont and GrDumpGrxFont now returns an int, 1=succes, 0=fail 2019-10-22 Added SubstructureRedirectMask to go/return from fullsecreen in vd_xwin.c. Now go to fullscrenn works in Raspbian X11. 2019-10-20 Added new function to stretch blit a context to another: void GrStretchBlt(GrContext *dst,int dx1,int dy1,int dx2,int dy2, GrContext *src,int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,GrColor oper); 2019-10-17 ----------- MGRX 1.3.0 released 2019-10-16 Added new section to the programer's manual: "Recode to/from GR_UCS2_TEXT chartype" 2019-10-15 Solved a bug in the W32 videodriver, when changing modes without exiting, we need to delete the old hDCMem and generate a new one. 2019-10-13 Moved test graphics files to the testimg subdirectory, so both normal tests and GrGUI tests can use them. 2019-10-13 Added GrGUI to MGRX. GrGUI is a mini Graphics User Interface specifically designed for MGRX. The added code consist of: - the src/grgui subdirectory with the GrGUI library functions. - the include/grgui.h main include file. - the doc/grguipm.htm file, the GrGUI programmer's guide. - the testgui subdirectory with demo GrGUI programs, includes demmgrx2, demintl2 and eleven examples used in the pm. By default GrGUI is included in the MGRX library, but a switch is provided in makedefs.grx to exclude it. 2019-10-07 New recode utility functions: unsigned short GrCharRecodeToUCS2(long chr,int chrtype); long GrCharRecodeFromUCS2(long chr,int chrtype); unsigned short *GrTextRecodeToUCS2(const void *text,int length, int chrtype); 2019-09-19 Remove RAM3x8 framedriver and a lot of conditional compilation defines, really we have never used it. 2019-09-19 Solved a bug in vd_mem.c, missing color component positions in the 24 bpp videomode. 2019-09-16 Use the more accurate clock_getres function in GrMsecTime function (Linux console and x11 versions). For old glibc versions (< 2.17) it is necesary setting NEED_LIBRT to "y" in makedefs.grx 2019-09-13 demomgrx showes the screen and ram framebuffers modes. 2019-09-13 New function: char *GrFrameDriverName(GrFrameMode m); returns a short text describing the GrFrameMode given. 2019-09-11 ----------- mGRX 1.2.0 released 2019-09-11 Polished GrFrameMode enum type in mgrx.h 2019-09-09 New specific and faster frame drivers for 32bpp and 16 bpp linux framebuffer, written from scratch. For 8bpp and 24bpp the generic frame drivers are still used, because I don't have any plattform to test those modes. 2019-09-07 Added support for ARM (tested in a Raspberry Pi 4 using Raspbian). Both console framebuffer and X11 drivers work, only a few changes in makefiles and include files was necesary. The console framebuffer works better than the i386 version on top of a Nvida card (today little attention is paid to the support of console framebuffer by video drivers). The X11 version is a bit slow and have some glitches, the big one is that the xserver ignore any function to draw except GXcopy. 2019-08-27 ----------- mGRX 1.1.2 released 2019-08-25 Solved an old bug showing in 16 color modes. The defaut red mouse allocated a cell with a red color not in the ega color table, so if GrAllocEgaColors() is called after mouse initialization the last ega color (white) can't be alloced. Solution: setting the default mouse color to black & white and allocate black & white colors first in GrAllocEgaColors() to prevent no cells for the two basic colors. 2019-08-24 GREV_EXPOSE event populates "count" in the "kbstat" field. If count is zero, no more Expose events follow. The X11 man pages say: Simple applications that do not want to optimize redisplay can just ignore all Expose events with nonzero counts and perform full redisplays on events with zero counts. 2019-08-22 Decorate demomgrx background. 2019-08-19 Added "life_db" test program, double buffer version of life, much faster than the normal version in X11 and Win32, a bit slower in Linux-fb and djgpp. 2019-08-18 Don't recode ASCII keys (include controls) when reading keyboard, it can hide the control keys in MSDOS and Win32. 2019-08-17 Solved a bug in libgrx.h getting BYTE_ORDED showed in win32 after remove of assembler code in memfill.h. 2019-08-14 Removed assembler code from src/include/memfill.h, tested all platforms. 2019-08-13 Moved sttcopy and sttzero to libgrx.h using string.h routines. Deleted includes memcopy.h and memfill.h for files that do not need them now. 2019-08-13 Restaured "CCOPT += -DLFB_BY_NEAR_POINTER" in src/makefile.lnx because the framebuffer is in user space. we can now remove lfb--.o files from the linuxfb build. 2019-08-12 Checking the 32 bit build in linux I had unespected segment violation with the fb friver, the cause was the i386 assembler code used by sttcopy function. Because I don't know how to debug assembler, and it is not used in the 64 bit build, and have not found speed difference with and without the assembler code in other 32 bit plattforms (like DJGPP) I deleted the i386 assembler code in src/include/memcopy.h. As far as the DJGPP and Win32 versions will continue to run I will try to eliminate more assembler code in future. 2019-08-10 Updated the programmer manual explaining how to use the portable color tables defined in mgrxcolr.h 2019-08-03 Changed the obsolete termio by termios in the linux framebuffer input driver, this solve problems with control keys. 2019-08-02 Added support for the imps2 mouse protocol in the linux framebuffer input driver, now we have wheel events. 2019-06-20 Added color tables (new concept) for easy use of colors by names, there are two tables defined: EGA (16 colors) and WEB (138 colors). The definitions are in the new main include file include/mgrxcolr.h and the necesary code in src/setup/colortbl.c. Added the clrtable.c program to test color tables. 2019-06-11 ----------- mGRX 1.1.1 released 2019-06-10 Solved a very old problem in Customized and Patterned line drawings funtions. The intersect code (in src/wideline/drwcpoly.c) gave bad results for solid and pattern filed wide lines, changed to a simple algorithm that works very well, except for circles and dashed lines, so we use part of the original code for these cases. Added the cusptest.c program to test Customized and Patterned line drawings. 2017-10-01 New functions: reverse recode from font encoding to chrtype long GrFontCharReverseRecode(const GrFont *font,unsigned int chr,int chrtype); get a string for the numerical fontencoding char *GrStrFontEncoding(int fontencoding); these functions enqueue an event the first in the queue int GrEventEnqueueFirst(GrEvent * ev); int GrEventParEnqueueFirst(int type, long p1, long p2, long p3, long p4); 2017-10-01 New funtion to enqueue a event by its parameters int GrEventParEnqueue(int type, long p1, long p2, long p3, long p4); Changed wait input if no events to delay(1) instead dpmi_yield in the djgpp version, so now demommgrx runs smoothly like other versions. 2017-09-09 ----------- mGRX 1.1.0 released 2017-09-08 Fix a proglem in jpeg read with new version 9 of libjpeg, they have changed the default for cinfo.scale_denom and cinfo.scale_num. Fix warnings with DJGPP 2.05 in src/include/vesa.h. 2017-09-07 Changed __attribute__((packed)) by #pragma pack in fdv_win.h, to workarround a bug in mingw gcc. Fix a problem with GR_UNDERLINE_TEXT and C_OPER. Workarround to SetDIBColorTable fail seems on W7 with the 256 color driver, probably a race condition. Added some usual modes to the windows video driver. No restart test/demomgrx.c in X11 an WIN32 after running a demo. Some improvements to test/fontdemo.c. 2017-09-02 Setting the encoding field to the fonts provided with MGRX. Updated the programmer's manual. 2017-08-31 New function to save a font in own MGRX font format void GrDumpGrxFont(const GrFont *font,char *fileName); 2017-08-09 Corrected a very old bug in GrClearContextC and GrFloodSpillC and GrFloodSpillC2. They didn't restore the original context. Updated test/fontdemo.c Fixed an error in test/keys.c 2017-08-05 Fixed a warning en src/input/grev_x11.c, XKeycodeToKeysym is deprecated replaced by XkbKeycodeToKeysym. 2017-07-22 New function to get the real strlen of a text string of type chrtype int GrStrLen(const void *text, int chrtype); Now GrDrawString (and friends) calculates the text length (using GrStrLen) if the length parameter is equal to zero. Begining update of the programmer manual. 2017-07-16 Now the xwin driver generates GREV_EXPOSE and stop using backingstore if requested by the user. Modified the test/life.c to request GREV_EXPOSE events (and handle them). It is now much faster under the xwin driver. 2017-07-13 Preparation for the new GREV_EXPOSE event, added p4 to the GrEvent struct, new function "void GrEventGenExpose(int when)", when can be GR_GEN_EXPOSE_NO (the default) or GR_GEN_EXPOSE_YES. Updated the readme file. 2017-07-11 Replaced the GrDefaultFont define by two functions GrGetDefaultFont() and GrSetDefaultFont, now you can set the default font you want (set to built-in GrFont_PC8x14 by default). New GrNextUTF8Char function. Added recode capacity for GR_FONTENC_MGRX512. Expanded test/demointl.c to test the new capacities. 2017-07-08 Setted the font encoding field to 1 in built-in pc fonts. New function to set the font encoding field: void GrFontSetEncoding(GrFont *font,int fontencoding); Deleted the GrProportionalTextWidth function because GrFontStringWidth works for both proportional and fixed fonts. GrFontStringWidth, GrFontStringHeight, GrCharWidth, GrCharHeight, GrCharSize, GrStringWidth, GrStringHeight, GrStringSize, GrDrawChar, GrDrawString (and friends) now recode form chrtype to font encoding if nedded (fon encoding != GR_FONTENC_UNKNOWN, chrtype != (GR_BYTE_TEXT || GR_WORD_TEXT) and font encoding not equivalent to chrtype. New function to get a chrtype equivalent to user encoding: char GrGetChrtypeForUserEncoding(void); Added maxlen parameter to GrUTF8StrToUCS2Str. Fixed a warning, really a bug, in src/setup/colors.c. GrDumpFont writes the font encoding field too. Changes in test/demointl and test/fontdemo to work properly. Added 16 new fonts "ter-mgrxNNS.psf" converted from terminus fonts, 512 glyps using the GR_FONTENC_MGRX512 encoding, NN can be 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 28, 32 and S b or n. 2017-07-04 Added encoding to GrFontHeader struct, it can be GR_FONTENC_UNKNOWN 0 /* unknow encoding (no recode) */ GR_FONTENC_CP437 1 /* standard dos encoding */ GR_FONTENC_CP850 2 /* standard dos encoding */ GR_FONTENC_CP1252 3 /* standard Win encoding */ GR_FONTENC_ISO_8859_1 4 /* standard latin encoding */ GR_FONTENC_UNICODE 5 /* direct UNICODE encoding */ GR_FONTENC_MGRX512 6 /* custom MGRX 512 char encoding */ GR_FONTENC_LASTENC 6 /* last encoding, for checks */ The new possible values of GrTextOption.txo_chrtype: GR_BYTE_TEXT 0 /* 1 byte per character, unknow encoding */ GR_WORD_TEXT 1 /* 2 bytes per character, unknow encoding */ GR_CP437_TEXT 2 /* 1 bpc standard DOS encoding */ GR_CP850_TEXT 3 /* 1 bpc latin1 DOS encoding */ GR_CP1252_TEXT 4 /* 1 bpc standard Win encoding */ GR_ISO_8859_1_TEXT 5 /* 1 bpc latin1 standard in some Linux */ GR_UTF8_TEXT 6 /* multibyte UTF-8 Unicode, restricted to 4 bytes */ GR_UCS2_TEXT 7 /* 2 bpc restricted Unicode, only BMP range */ New utility functions to deal with recode from GrTextOption.txo_chrtype to GrFontHeader.encoding: int GrFontNeedRecode(const GrFont *font,int chrtype); unsigned int GrFontCharRecode(const GrFont *font,long chr,int chrtype); unsigned short *GrFontTextRecode(const GrFont *font,const void *text,int length,int chrtype); GrTextOption.fgcv and GrTextOption.bgcv are now GrColor values. Added two new fonts pc850-14.psf and pc850-16.psf, now test/demointl has a real CP850 coded font. 2017-07-03 Deleted the GR_ATTR_TEXT char type. Hided for now GrTextRegion and functions. 2017-07-02 Replaced GrGetKbEncoding and GrSetKbEncoding with GrGetUserEncoding and GrSetUserEncoding, these functions exists even if not input driver is ebabled (like with the memory driver). User enconding default to GRENC_UTF_8 in linux and X11, GRENC_PC437 in DJGPP and GRENC_PC1252 in WIn32, but the programmer can set it like he wants. Now key events are recoded to the user encoding. Changes in test/demointl and test/fontdemo to work properly. Small change in fd_xwin.c, accel a bit drawpixel. Added 32 bpp mode to vd_lnxfb. 2017-06-19 Make x86_64 the default in linux and X11. Fix a warning in newer versions of libPNG. Output format changes in test/speedtst.c. 2009-01-29 ----------- mGRX 1.0.0 released 2009-01-25 Simplified the WM_PAINT proccess to solve a race condition found in Vista running in multiple core cpu's. 2008-11-19 Fixed a bug in GrMouseWarp win32 version, the cursor was set to the screen, instead to the client area, by Richard Sanders. 2008-11-05 Added GrClearContextC function, by Richard Sanders. 2008-09-07 New MGRXBIGG environment variable, it lets the user to limit the dimensions of GR_biggest_graphics mode. MGRXBIGG="maxw maxh" 2008-09-06 Deleted some graphicsmodes not used anymore: GR_80_25_text, GR_width_height_text, GR_biggest_text, GR_width_height_color_text, GR_width_height_bpp_text and GR_biggest_noninterlaced_graphics 2008-09-02 vdrivers/vd_win32.c: Added Mario Zagar fix for the app termination bug. 2008-08-01 fdrivers/fd_xwin.c: Sanitized pixel cache code. 2008-08-01 fdrivers/fd_xwin.c: New faster and specific for X11 putscanline function, this change accelerates a lot displaying pnm, png and jpeg images. 2008-02-03 ----------- mGRX 0.9.9 released 2008-02-03 Changed defaults in makedefs.grx: HAVE_LIBJPEG=y HAVE_LIBPNG=y NEED_ZLIB=y 2008-02-03 Make the w32 driver generates button4 and button5 mouse events (the scroll whell). 2008-02-02 Planned intl support (and 8, finished by now) Updated the programmer manual with the intl and GR_UTF8_TEXT support, 2008-01-30 Make textpatt.c demo program works in real color modes. 2008-01-26 Planned intl support (7) The functions: GrDrawString, GrPatternDrawString, GrPatternDrawStringExt, GrUsrDrawString, GrFontStringWidth, GrFontStringHeight, GrProportionalTextWidth, GrStringWidth, GrStringHeight, GrStringSize support the new GR_UTF8_TEXT text type, "len" must be the UTF8len or less. The functions: GrCharWidth, GrCharHeight, GrCharSize, GrDrawChar, GrPatternDrawChar, GrUsrDrawChar support the new GR_UTF8_TEXT text type too. "chr" must be a unique char, utf-8 encoded, but packed in a long (an union: long and char[4]), like it is packed int the GREV_KEY event. Some utility functions for UTF-8 are provided: int GrUTF8StrLen(unsigned char *s) long GrUCS2ToUTF8(unsigned short ch) unsigned short GrUTF8ToUCS2(unsigned char *s) unsigned short *GrUTF8StrToUCS2Str(unsigned char *s, int *ulen) 2008-01-23 Warnings fixed in fonts/fdv_bgi.c 2008-01-21 Planned intl support (6) Added intl support to the dj2 input driver (input/grev_dj2.c). It try to use the MGRXKBSYSENCODING environment variable. If not it sets GRENC_CP437. Added intl support to the w32 input driver (input/grev_w32.c). It try to use the MGRXKBSYSENCODING environment variable. If not it sets GRENC_CP1252. Some warnings fixed. 2008-01-20 Planned intl support (5) If kbsysencoding == GRENC_UTF_8, sets initial kbencoding to GRENC_ISO_8859_1, because is easier to handle. New input/auxintl.c with auxiliary intl functions Added intl support to the lnx input driver (input/grev_lnx.c). If the LANG environment variable contain "UTF-8" sets the KbSysEncoding to GRENC_UTF_8. If not it try to use the MGRXKBSYSENCODING environment variable. If not it sets GRENC_ISO_8859_1. 2008-01-19 Planned intl support (4) New input/recode.c recode between supported encodings. Added intl support to grevent.c, it process GREV_PREKEY events and recode if necesary. New test/demointl test program. 2008-01-14 Planned intl support (3) Added intl support to the x11 input driver (input/grev_x11.c). It try to open a XIM (X input method) and create a XIC (X input context), if it has succes, it uses Xutf8LookupString and sets the KbSysEncoding to GRENC_UTF_8. If it can't, uses the XLookupString and sets KbSysEncoding to GRENC_ISO_8859_1, but this function can't compose accented chars. 2008-01-12 Planned intl support (2) Changes in input/ninput.h to declare "int _GrGetKbSysEncoding(void)", internal funtion to be provided in the input drivers and the GrRecode function to be written. Added GREV_PREKEY event to mgrx.h. Input drivers with intl support send this ivent instead GREV_KEY, so "grevent.c" can recode it. Added "GrGetKbSysEncoding", "GrGetKbEncoding" and "GrSetKbEncoding" to input/grevent.c, do void GREV_PREKEY preprocess (to be worked later). 2008-01-11 Planned intl support (1) Changes in mgrx.h and general plan: - Defined the initial supported input encodings: #define GRENC_PC437 0 /* standard DOS encoding */ #define GRENC_PC850 1 /* latin1 DOS encoding */ #define GRENC_PC1252 2 /* standard Win encoding */ #define GRENC_ISO_8859_1 3 /* standard in some Linux */ #define GRENC_UTF_8 4 /* multibyte unicode, standard in newest Linux */ #define GRENC_UCS_2 5 /* restricted unicode, 2 bytes, only BMP range */ - The input driver must guess the system encoding and set an internal var. If unsure, the input driver will use the MGRXKBSYSENCODING environment variable. - The function "int GrGetKbSysEncoding(void)" returns the system encoding. - By default the input driver uses the system encoding in returned GREV_KEY events. Because now char con be a word (2 bytes) for UCS-2 encoding, or multibyte (limited to 4 in MGRX) for UTF-8,we need differ chars from special keycodes. So p2 is used to mark a special key with GRKEY_KEYCODE or to notify the number of bytes used in p1 for a char (1 to 4). The new cp1 char[4] menber event is a union with p1 to facilitate the use of UTF-8 returned chars. - The programmer can ask the input driver to recode the char to other of the supported encodings, before the event is returned with the new function "int GrSetKbEncoding(int enc)", so portable programs can be made for the four supported plattforms. It returns "1" if ok, or "0" else. - The function "int GrGetKbEncoding(void)" returns the actual encoding in use for the input driver. - A new character type "GR_UTF8_TEXT" is defined for use in the text drawing functions, but is to the programmer to use a font wiht the same encoding that the text to be drawn (by example a ISO-8859-1 font is ok for UTF-8 text). 2008-01-10 Changes in test/fontdemo.c to add some info 2008-01-04 Optimizations to png2ctx.c, by Josu Onaindia. 2008-01-03 Some changes in test/keys.c to work in graphic mode 2008-01-02 Added button4 and button5 mouse events (the scroll whell), only the x11 version works by now. 2008-01-02 Moved the 1msec delay in GrEventRead to x11 and lnx versions of _GrReadInputs, because dj2 and w32 doesn't need it. 2008-01-02 Some changes in test/polytest.c to show a bug (to be worked). 2007-12-27 ----------- mGRX 0.9.8 released 2007-12-27 Added GrFloodSpill functions, by richard at dogcreek.ca 2007-12-01 vd_xwin: go to fullscreen if w,h == X resolution, GR_biggest_graphics is honored. 2007-12-01 vd_xwin: modes higher than X resolution are made no-present. 2007-12-01 Added videomodes for wide monitors in x11 and w32 drivers. 2007-12-01 Introduction of GR_PtrInt (integer of same length as a pointer) to suppress warnings (in fact errors) when compiling with x86_64 platforms. Backport from GRX 2.4.7 (M.Lombardi). 2007-11-07 Simplify the include/arith.h code. 2007-06-09 ----------- mGRX 0.9.7 released 2007-06-03 The djgpp delay function doesn't work on WinXP and W2000. It is corrected in the djgpp CVS version. We included the source for the new delay in src/misc. When a new djgpp version will be released this source code will be removed. 2007-06-01 The X11 driver now uses a pixmap for backin store and responds to Expose events. But it is a bit slowly. If you want a faster driver edit src/include/libxwin.h and set USE_PIXMAP_FOR_BS to 0. 2007-06-01 GrEventRead now waits 1 msec if no event is ready, so now MGRX programs doesn't load the cpu 100%. 2007-06-01 GrSleep calls XFlush in the X11 platform, to flush the graphics queue before wait. 2007-05-13 new version of test/speedtst.c more accurate 2007-04-30 ----------- mGRX 0.9.6 released 2007-04-30 After a security update in xorg 7.2, bitblt ram to video doesn't work in the x11 driver. We had a bug in the framedriver. 2007-04-24 ----------- mGRX 0.9.5 released 2007-04-21 Renamed sincos by gr_sincos in genellip.c, it's an internal function in gcc.4.1.2 2007-04-21 Changed CLK_TCK by sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK), it's obsolete in gcc 4.1.2, reported by Bjorn Gustafsson 2006-05-15 Bug fixed in GrEventAddHook 2006-02-17 ----------- mGRX 0.9.4 released 2006-02-10 Better understanding of x86_64. Now by default an i386 library is built even on x86_64 platforms. If you set BUILD_X86_64 to 'y' in makdefs.grx a x86_64 library is built, and the install target go to the lib64 subdir 2006-02-09 Some clean-up in mgrx.h, libgrx.h, etc 2006-02-05 ----------- mGRX 0.9.3 released 2006-01-30 Updated the programmer's manual from the GRX user's manual 2005-01-20 Changed GRX20DRV to MGRXDRV and GRXFONT to MGRXFONT 2005-01-20 Changed main include file from grxkeys.h to mgrxkeys.h 2005-01-20 Removed old Dos video drivers (herc, ati, etc) 2004-12-25 New input interface in place 2004-10-04 Removed far and near keywords 2004-10-04 Changed main include file from grx20.h to mgrx.h 2004-09-24 Added x86_64 support 2004-09-24 Removed addons (bmp, tiff and printing code) 2004-09-24 Removed svgalib support 2004-09-24 Removed LEFTSIDE CAST constructions 2004-09-24 Removed configure script 2004-09-24 Removed WATCOM support 2004-09-24 Removed Borland-C support 2004-09-24 Removed Pascal support 2004-09-24 Removed BCCBGI code 2004-09-24 Derived mGRX from GRX 2.4.7 p1