/** ** grdriver.h ---- utilities for frame buffer and video card drivers ** ** Copyright (c) 1995 Csaba Biegl, 820 Stirrup Dr, Nashville, TN 37221 ** [e-mail: csaba@vuse.vanderbilt.edu] ** ** This file is part of the GRX graphics library. ** ** The GRX graphics library is free software; you can redistribute it ** and/or modify it under some conditions; see the "copying.grx" file ** for details. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** **/ #ifndef __GRDRIVER_H_INCLUDED__ #define __GRDRIVER_H_INCLUDED__ #ifndef __MGRX_H_INCLUDED__ #include "mgrx.h" #endif /* ** The following definitions shouldn't be used in portable ** or binary distributed programs for compatibility with ** future versions of GRX */ #ifdef USE_GRX_INTERNAL_DEFINITIONS /* * Video mode flag bits (in the 'GrVideoModeExt' structure) */ #define GR_VMODEF_LINEAR 1 /* uses linear memory mapping */ #define GR_VMODEF_ACCEL 2 /* it is an accelerated mode */ #define GR_VMODEF_FAST_SVGA8 4 /* use faster mixed linear-planar access */ #define GR_VMODEF_MEMORY 8 /* virtual screen, memory only mode */ extern GrFrameDriver /* * Standard frame drivers in GRX */ // MSDOS _GrFrameDriverEGAVGA1, /* EGA VGA mono */ _GrFrameDriverEGA4, /* EGA 16 color */ _GrFrameDriverSVGA4, /* (Super) VGA 16 color */ _GrFrameDriverSVGA8, /* (Super) VGA 256 color */ _GrFrameDriverVGA8X, /* VGA 256 color mode X */ _GrFrameDriverSVGA16, /* Super VGA 32768/65536 color */ _GrFrameDriverSVGA24, /* Super VGA 16M color */ _GrFrameDriverSVGA32L, /* Super VGA 16M color padded #1 */ _GrFrameDriverSVGA32H, /* Super VGA 16M color padded #2 */ // Linear Framebuffer _GrFrameDriverSVGA8_LFB, /* (Super) VGA 256 color */ _GrFrameDriverSVGA16_LFB, /* Super VGA 32768/65536 color */ _GrFrameDriverSVGA24_LFB, /* Super VGA 16M color */ _GrFrameDriverSVGA32L_LFB, /* Super VGA 16M color padded #1 */ _GrFrameDriverSVGA32H_LFB, /* Super VGA 16M color padded #2 */ // Linux Framebuffer _GrFrameDriverLNXFB_16, /* Linux fb 16bpp */ _GrFrameDriverLNXFB_32L, /* Linux fb 32bpp padded #1 */ _GrFrameDriverLNXFB_32H, /* Linux fb 32bpp padded #2 */ // X11 _GrFrameDriverXWIN8, /* X 8 bpp */ _GrFrameDriverXWIN16, /* X 16 bpp */ _GrFrameDriverXWIN24, /* X 24 bpp */ _GrFrameDriverXWIN32L, /* X 32 bpp padded #1 */ _GrFrameDriverXWIN32H, /* X 32 bpp padded #2 */ // Win32 _GrFrameDriverWIN32_4, /* WIN32 4 bpp */ _GrFrameDriverWIN32_8, /* WIN32 8 bpp */ _GrFrameDriverWIN32_24, /* WIN32 24 bpp */ // RAM _GrFrameDriverRAM1, /* mono */ _GrFrameDriverRAM4, /* 16 color planar */ _GrFrameDriverRAM8, /* 256 color */ _GrFrameDriverRAM16, /* 32768/65536 color */ _GrFrameDriverRAM24, /* 16M color */ _GrFrameDriverRAM32L, /* 16M color padded #1 */ _GrFrameDriverRAM32H, /* 16M color padded #2 */ /* * This is a NULL-terminated table of frame driver descriptor pointers. Users * can provide their own table with only the desired (or additional) drivers. * Otherwise the table from the GRX library is linked, which includes ALL * currently available drivers (i.e. the ones above). */ *_GrFrameDriverTable[]; extern GrVideoDriver /* * Standard video drivers in GRX */ _GrVideoDriverSTDEGA, /* standard EGA driver */ _GrVideoDriverSTDVGA, /* standard VGA driver */ _GrVideoDriverVESA, /* generic VESA Super VGA driver */ _GrVideoDriverXWIN, /* X11 interface */ _GrVideoDriverXF86DGA, /* XFree86 DGA interface */ _GrVideoDriverSVGALIB, /* Linux SVGALIB interface */ _GrVideoDriverLINUXFB, /* Linux framebuffer */ _GrVideoDriverWIN32, /* WIN32 interface */ _GrDriverMEM, /* memory screen driver */ /* * This is a NULL-terminated table of video driver descriptor pointers. Users * can provide their own table with only the desired (or additional) drivers. * Otherwise the table from the GRX library is linked, which includes ALL * currently available drivers (i.e. the ones above). */ *_GrVideoDriverTable[]; /* * frame driver function types used inside GRX */ typedef GrColor (*_GR_readPix)(GrFrame *,int,int); typedef void (*_GR_drawPix)(int,int,GrColor); typedef void (*_GR_blitFunc)(GrFrame *dst,int dx,int dy, GrFrame *src,int x,int y, int w,int h,GrColor op); typedef GrColor *(*_GR_getIndexedScanline)(GrFrame *c,int x,int y, int w, int *indx); typedef void (*_GR_putScanline)(int x,int y,int w, const GrColor *scl,GrColor op); /* * Frame driver utility functions */ void _GrFrDrvGenericBitBlt(GrFrame *dst,int dx,int dy,GrFrame *src,int x,int y,int w,int h,GrColor op); void _GrFrDrvPackedBitBltR2R(GrFrame *dst,int dx,int dy,GrFrame *src,int x,int y,int w,int h,GrColor op); void _GrFrDrvPackedBitBltR2V(GrFrame *dst,int dx,int dy,GrFrame *src,int x,int y,int w,int h,GrColor op); void _GrFrDrvPackedBitBltV2R(GrFrame *dst,int dx,int dy,GrFrame *src,int x,int y,int w,int h,GrColor op); void _GrFrDrvPackedBitBltV2V(GrFrame *dst,int dx,int dy,GrFrame *src,int x,int y,int w,int h,GrColor op); void _GrFrDrvPackedBitBltR2V_LFB(GrFrame *dst,int dx,int dy,GrFrame *src,int x,int y,int w,int h,GrColor op); void _GrFrDrvPackedBitBltV2R_LFB(GrFrame *dst,int dx,int dy,GrFrame *src,int x,int y,int w,int h,GrColor op); void _GrFrDrvPackedBitBltV2V_LFB(GrFrame *dst,int dx,int dy,GrFrame *src,int x,int y,int w,int h,GrColor op); void _GrFrDrvGenericPutScanline(int x,int y,int w,const GrColor *scl, GrColor op ); GrColor *_GrFrDrvGenericGetIndexedScanline(GrFrame *c, int x,int y,int w, int *indx ); void _GrFrDrvGenericStretchBlt(GrFrame *dst,int dx,int dy,int dw,int dh, GrFrame *src,int sx,int sy,int sw,int sh, GrColor op); /* * Video driver utility functions */ int _GrViDrvDetectEGAVGA(void); int _GrViDrvDetectVGA(void); int _GrViDrvDetectEGA(void); int _GrViDrvInitEGAVGA(char *options); void _GrViDrvResetEGAVGA(void); int _GrViDrvGetCurrentEGAVGAmode(void); int _GrViDrvSetEGAVGAmode(GrVideoMode *mp,int noclear); int _GrViDrvSetEGAVGAcustomTextMode(GrVideoMode *mp,int noclear); void _GrViDrvLoadColorEGA4(int c,int r,int g,int b); void _GrViDrvLoadColorVGA4(int c,int r,int g,int b); void _GrViDrvLoadColorVGA8(int c,int r,int g,int b); int _GrViDrvVESAsetVirtualSize(GrVideoMode *md,int w,int h,GrVideoMode *result); int _GrViDrvVESAvirtualScroll(GrVideoMode *md,int x,int y,int result[2]); /* for 8 bit color modes: ** normal DAC has 6bit for each rgb color component, VESA 2.0 allows ** 6bit or 8bit DAC color values. ** _GrViDrvLoadColorVGA8() requires 8bit values that will be shifted right: ** ** DAC width 6bit 8bit ** shift 2 0 */ void _GrViDrvSetDACshift(int shift); /* * Commonly used video driver data structures */ extern GrVideoModeExt _GrViDrvEGAVGAtextModeExt; extern GrVideoModeExt _GrViDrvEGAVGAcustomTextModeExt; GrVideoMode * _gr_selectmode(GrVideoDriver *drv,int w,int h,int bpp, int txt,unsigned int *ep); #endif /* USE_GRX_INTERNAL_DEFINITIONS */ #endif /* whole file */