/** ** dialogs.c ---- Mini GUI for MGRX, raw dialogs ** ** Copyright (C) 2019 Mariano Alvarez Fernandez ** [e-mail: malfer at telefonica dot net] ** ** This file is part of the GRX graphics library. ** ** The GRX graphics library is free software; you can redistribute it ** and/or modify it under some conditions; see the "copying.grx" file ** for details. ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** 211110 M.Alvarez, GUIDialogRun now returns -2 if canceled with a ** GREV_WMEND event, and -3 if canceled with a GREV_WSZCHG ** event, the GREV_WSZCHG event is reenqueued **/ #include #include #include "grguip.h" #define BORDERW 4 #define FILLTITLE 4 int _dlgtitlechrtype = GR_BYTE_TEXT; GrFont *_dlgtitlefont = NULL; int _dlgtitlefontloaded = 0; GrColor _dlglinecolor; GrColor _dlgbordercolor; GrColor _dlgfgcolor; GrColor _dlgbgcolor; static GrTextOption tgrtopt; static int dialog_running = 0; static void paint_titledlg(void *udata); void _GUIDialogInit(void) { dialog_running = 0; _dlglinecolor = GrBlack(); _dlgbordercolor = GrWhite(); _dlgfgcolor = GrBlack(); _dlgbgcolor = GrWhite(); _dlgtitlefont = GrGetDefaultFont(); _dlgtitlefontloaded = 0; _dlgtitlechrtype = GrGetChrtypeForUserEncoding(); tgrtopt.txo_font = _dlgtitlefont; tgrtopt.txo_fgcolor = _dlgbgcolor; tgrtopt.txo_bgcolor = GrNOCOLOR; tgrtopt.txo_chrtype = _dlgtitlechrtype; tgrtopt.txo_direct = GR_TEXT_RIGHT; tgrtopt.txo_xalign = GR_ALIGN_CENTER; tgrtopt.txo_yalign = GR_ALIGN_TOP; } void _GUIDialogEnd(void) { if (_dlgtitlefontloaded) GrUnloadFont(_dlgtitlefont); _dlgtitlefont = NULL; } int _GUIDialogRunning(void) { return dialog_running; } void GUIDialogsSetTitleChrType(int chrtype) { _dlgtitlechrtype = chrtype; tgrtopt.txo_chrtype = _dlgtitlechrtype; } void GUIDialogsSetTitleFont(GrFont *fnt) { if (_dlgtitlefontloaded) { GrUnloadFont(_dlgtitlefont); _dlgtitlefontloaded = 0; } _dlgtitlefont = fnt; tgrtopt.txo_font = _dlgtitlefont; } void GUIDialogsSetTitleFontByName(char *fntname) { if (_dlgtitlefontloaded) { GrUnloadFont(_dlgtitlefont); _dlgtitlefontloaded = 0; } _dlgtitlefont = GrLoadFont(fntname); if (_dlgtitlefont == NULL ) _dlgtitlefont = GrGetDefaultFont(); else _dlgtitlefontloaded = 1; tgrtopt.txo_font = _dlgtitlefont; } void GUIDialogsSetColors(GrColor line, GrColor border, GrColor bg, GrColor fg) { _dlglinecolor = line; _dlgbordercolor = border; _dlgfgcolor = fg; _dlgbgcolor = bg; tgrtopt.txo_fgcolor = bg; } void GUIDialogsGetDims(int *titleheight, int *borderwidth) { *titleheight = _dlgtitlefont->h.height + FILLTITLE; *borderwidth = BORDERW; } GUIDialog * GUIDialogCreate(void *title, int x, int y, int width, int height) { GUIDialog *d; d = (GUIDialog *)malloc(sizeof(GUIDialog)); if (d == NULL) return NULL; d->title = NULL; d->theight = 0; if (title) { d->title = title; d->theight = _dlgtitlefont->h.height + FILLTITLE; } d->p = GUIPanelCreate(x, y, width, height, GUI_PCAPB_SU, BORDERW, d->theight); if (d->p == NULL) { free(d); return NULL; } if (d->title) GUIPanelSetTlCallBack(d->p, paint_titledlg); GUIPanelSetUserData(d->p, (void *)d); d->running = 0; d->result = 0; d->exdata = NULL; d->fg = _dlgfgcolor; d->bg = _dlgbgcolor; return d; } void GUIDialogDestroy(GUIDialog *d) { if (d == NULL) return; GUIPanelDestroy(d->p); free(d); } int GUIDialogRun(GUIDialog *d) { GrEvent ev, saved_ev; int ret = 0; int reenqueuev = 0; if (d == NULL) return -1; dialog_running++; if (dialog_running == 1) { _GUISuspendHooks(); _GUITilesDisable(); } d->running = 1; GUIContextSaveUnder(d->p->gc); GUIPanelPaint(d->p, _dlglinecolor, _dlgbordercolor); while (1) { GrEventRead(&ev); if ((ev.type == GREV_KEY) && (ev.p1 == GrKey_Escape)) { ret = -1; break; } else if (ev.type == GREV_WMEND) { ret = -2; break; } else if (ev.type == GREV_EXPOSE) { // it is received here only if // the user program has activated the generation and it is not // managed by GrGUI, so do something reasonable reenqueuev = 1; saved_ev = ev; if (ev.kbstat == 0) GUIPanelPaint(d->p, _dlglinecolor, _dlgbordercolor); } else if (ev.type == GREV_WSZCHG) { // cancel with special // value and resend event (not sure if we change that in future) reenqueuev = 1; saved_ev = ev; ret = -3; break; } if (GUIPanelProcessEvent(d->p, &ev) < 0) break; } GUIContextRestoreUnder(d->p->gc); d->running = 0; if (dialog_running == 1) { _GUITilesEnable(); _GUIRestartHooks(); } dialog_running--; if (reenqueuev) { GrEventEnqueueFirst(&saved_ev); } return ret; } static void paint_titledlg(void *udata) { GUIDialog *d = (GUIDialog *)udata; GrClearContext(_dlgfgcolor); if (d->title) { GrDrawString(d->title, 0, GrSizeX()/2, FILLTITLE/2, &tgrtopt); } }