/* ** Splint - annotation-assisted static program checker ** Copyright (C) 1994-2003 University of Virginia, ** Massachusetts Institute of Technology ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the ** Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your ** option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ** WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** General Public License for more details. ** ** The GNU General Public License is available from http://www.gnu.org/ or ** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, ** MA 02111-1307, USA. ** ** For information on splint: info@splint.org ** To report a bug: splint-bug@splint.org ** For more information: http://www.splint.org */ /* ** context.c */ /* * Modified by Herbert 04/19/97: * - added include for new header portab.h containing OS dependent stuff. * - changed occurrances of '/' as path delimiters to macro from portab.h * - changed the handling of the tmp directory -- will no longer always be * ".", if possible, environment variables "TMP" or, if not set, "TMP", * or, if not set "." will be used. */ /* * Modified by Juan M. Guerrero 2008-02-19: * - use HAVE_DOS_FILE_SYSTEM conditional instead of MSDOS, OS2 and WIN32 in context_resetAllFlags(). * - for DJGPP also check for "TMPDIR" in context_resetAllFlags(). * - if "TEMP", "TMP" or "TMPDIR" points to some directory, make sure that it really * exists, else default to DEFAULT_TMPDIR in context_resetAllFlags(). * - use the OS dependent macro LEX_YY_C instead of the hard coded string "lex.yy.c" * in context_isSpecialFile(). */ # include "splintMacros.nf" # include "basic.h" # include "usymtab_interface.h" # include "exprChecks.h" # include "filelocStack.h" # include "llmain.h" # include "intSet.h" # include "osd.h" extern /*@external@*/ int yydebug; extern /*@external@*/ int mtdebug; typedef struct { cstring file; typeIdSet daccess; } maccesst; typedef enum { CX_ERROR, CX_GLOBAL, CX_INNER, CX_FUNCTION, CX_FCNDECLARATION, CX_MACROFCN, CX_MACROCONST, CX_UNKNOWNMACRO, CX_ITERDEF, CX_ITEREND, CX_OLDSTYLESCOPE, /* Parsing old-style parameter declarations */ CX_LCL, CX_LCLLIB, CX_MT } kcontext; static struct { int linesprocessed; int speclinesprocessed; flagMarkerList markers; /* ** used to record state where a macro must match a function name ** (i.e., no params were listed in the macro definition */ bool macroMissingParams BOOLBITS; bool preprocessing BOOLBITS; bool incommandline BOOLBITS; bool insuppressregion BOOLBITS; bool inDerivedFile BOOLBITS; bool instandardlib BOOLBITS; bool inimport BOOLBITS; bool inheader BOOLBITS; bool inmacrocache BOOLBITS; bool protectVars BOOLBITS; bool neednl BOOLBITS; bool showfunction BOOLBITS; bool savedFlags BOOLBITS; bool justpopped BOOLBITS; bool anyExports BOOLBITS; bool inFunctionHeader BOOLBITS; flagcode library; ynm isNullGuarded; fileloc saveloc; fileloc pushloc; clauseStack clauses; clause inclause; int numerrors; int numbugs; filelocStack locstack; fileTable ftab; cstring msgAnnote; /*@observer@*/ sRef aliasAnnote; /*@observer@*/ sRef aliasAnnoteAls; messageLog msgLog; macrocache mc; /*@observer@*/ sRefSet mods; /* file access types */ typeIdSet facct; /* local access types (this function) */ typeIdSet acct; /* no access types (@noaccess) */ typeIdSet nacct; /*@observer@*/ globSet globs; /*@only@*/ globSet globs_used; int nmods; int maxmods; /*@reldef@*/ maccesst *moduleaccess; /* Not defined is nmods == 0. */ kcontext kind; ctype boolType; bool flags[NUMFLAGS]; bool saveflags[NUMFLAGS]; bool setGlobally[NUMFLAGS]; bool setLocally[NUMFLAGS]; int values[NUMVALUEFLAGS]; int counters[NUMVALUEFLAGS]; o_cstring strings[NUMSTRINGFLAGS]; sRefSetList modrecs; /* Keep track of file static symbols modified. */ metaStateTable stateTable; /* User-defined state information. */ annotationTable annotTable; /* User-defined annotations table. */ union u_cont { bool glob; int cdepth; /*@dependent@*/ /*@exposed@*/ uentry fcn; } cont; kcontext savekind; union u_cont savecont; } gc; static /*@exposed@*/ cstring context_exposeString (flagcode p_flag) ; static void context_restoreFlagSettings (void) /*@modifies gc@*/ ; static void context_saveFlagSettings (void) /*@modifies gc@*/ ; static void context_exitClauseAux (exprNode p_pred, exprNode p_tbranch) /*@modifies gc@*/ ; static void context_exitClauseSimp (void) /*@modifies gc@*/ ; static void context_exitClausePlain (void) /*@modifies gc@*/ ; static void context_setJustPopped (void) /*@modifies gc.justpopped@*/ ; static void context_setValue (flagcode p_flag, int p_val) /*@modifies gc.flags@*/ ; static void context_setFlag (flagcode p_f, bool p_b, fileloc p_loc) /*@modifies gc.flags@*/ ; static void context_setFlagAux (flagcode p_f, bool p_b, bool p_inFile, bool p_isRestore, fileloc p_loc) /*@modifies gc.flags@*/ ; static void context_restoreFlag (flagcode p_f, fileloc p_loc) /*@modifies gc.flags@*/ ; /*@+enumindex@*/ cstring context_unparseFlagMarkers () { return (flagMarkerList_unparse (gc.markers)); } void context_setPreprocessing (void) { llassert (!gc.preprocessing); gc.preprocessing = TRUE; } void context_clearPreprocessing (void) { llassert (gc.preprocessing); gc.preprocessing = FALSE; } bool context_isPreprocessing (void) { return gc.preprocessing; } bool context_loadingLibrary (void) { return (fileloc_isLib (g_currentloc)); } bool context_inXHFile (void) { return (fileloc_isXHFile (g_currentloc)); } void context_setInCommandLine (void) { llassert (!gc.incommandline); gc.incommandline = TRUE; } void context_clearInCommandLine (void) { llassert (gc.incommandline); gc.incommandline = FALSE; } bool context_isInCommandLine (void) { return gc.incommandline; } static void pushClause (clause c) /*@modifies gc.clauses, gc.inclause@*/ { gc.inclause = c; clauseStack_push (gc.clauses, c); if (clause_isConditional (c) && context_getFlag (FLG_CONTROLNESTDEPTH)) { int maxdepth = context_getValue (FLG_CONTROLNESTDEPTH); int depth = clauseStack_controlDepth (gc.clauses); if (depth == maxdepth + 1) { voptgenerror (FLG_CONTROLNESTDEPTH, message ("Maximum control nesting depth " "(%d) exceeded", maxdepth), g_currentloc); } } } static clause topClause (clauseStack s) /*@*/ { if (clauseStack_isEmpty (s)) return NOCLAUSE; return ((clause) clauseStack_top (s)); } void context_addMacroCache (/*@only@*/ cstring def) { DPRINTF (("macro cache: %s", def)); macrocache_addEntry (gc.mc, fileloc_copy (g_currentloc), def); } void context_addComment (/*@only@*/ cstring def, fileloc loc) { macrocache_addComment (gc.mc, fileloc_copy (loc), def); } /* ** returns TRUE is fl is in ignore region, or region where -code ** ** the logic is fuzzy... */ static bool context_inSuppressFlagZone (fileloc fl, flagcode code) { ynm ret = flagMarkerList_suppressError (gc.markers, code, fl); bool res = FALSE; if (ynm_isMaybe (ret)) { /* ** whas is dis? */ if (gc.savedFlags) { res = !gc.saveflags[code]; } else { res = !context_getFlag (code); } } else { res = ynm_toBoolStrict (ret); } return res; } static bool context_suppressSystemMsg (fileloc fl) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_SYSTEMDIRERRORS)) { return FALSE; } else { return (fileloc_isSystemFile (fl)); } } bool context_suppressFlagMsg (flagcode flag, fileloc fl) { if (context_suppressSystemMsg (fl)) { return TRUE; } DPRINTF (("Checking suppress: %s / %s", fileloc_unparse (fl), fileloc_unparse (g_currentloc))); /* want same object compare here */ if (fileloc_equal (fl, g_currentloc) || gc.inDerivedFile) { DPRINTF (("In derived file: %s", bool_unparse (gc.inDerivedFile))); return (!context_getFlag (flag) || context_inSuppressRegion () || context_inSuppressZone (fl) || (context_inSuppressFlagZone (fl, flag))); /* removed gc.inDerivedFile from this */ } else { return (context_inSuppressFlagZone (fl, flag)); } } bool context_suppressNotFlagMsg (flagcode flag, fileloc fl) { if (context_suppressSystemMsg (fl)) { return TRUE; } /*@access fileloc@*/ if (fl == g_currentloc) /*@noaccess fileloc@*/ { return (context_getFlag (flag) || context_inSuppressRegion ()); } else { /* for now... */ return (context_getFlag (flag) || context_inSuppressRegion ()); } } bool context_inSuppressZone (fileloc fl) { if (context_suppressSystemMsg (fl)) { return TRUE; } return (flagMarkerList_inIgnore (gc.markers, fl)); } bool context_inSuppressRegion (void) { return (gc.insuppressregion); } void context_enterSuppressRegion (fileloc loc) { if (gc.insuppressregion) { gc.insuppressregion = FALSE; /* get this msg! */ llmsg (message ("%q: New ignore errors region entered while in ignore errors region", fileloc_unparse (loc))); } gc.insuppressregion = TRUE; (void) flagMarkerList_add (gc.markers, flagMarker_createIgnoreOn (loc)); } static void context_addFlagMarker (flagcode code, ynm set, fileloc loc) { (void) flagMarkerList_add (gc.markers, flagMarker_createLocalSet (code, set, loc)); } void context_enterSuppressLine (int count, fileloc loc) { if (context_processingMacros ()) { return; } if (flagMarkerList_add (gc.markers, flagMarker_createIgnoreCount (count, loc))) { fileloc nextline = fileloc_copy (loc); fileloc_nextLine (nextline); fileloc_setColumn (nextline, 0); check (flagMarkerList_add (gc.markers, flagMarker_createIgnoreOff (nextline))); fileloc_free (nextline); } } void context_checkSuppressCounts (void) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_SUPCOUNTS)) { flagMarkerList_checkSuppressCounts (gc.markers); } } void context_incLineno (void) { gc.linesprocessed++; incLine (); } void context_exitSuppressRegion (fileloc loc) { if (!gc.insuppressregion) { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("End ignore errors in region while not ignoring errors"), loc); } gc.insuppressregion = FALSE; (void) flagMarkerList_add (gc.markers, flagMarker_createIgnoreOff (loc)); } void context_enterMTfile (void) { gc.kind = CX_MT; } void context_exitMTfile (void) { llassert (gc.kind == CX_MT); gc.kind = CX_GLOBAL; } void context_enterLCLfile (void) { gc.kind = CX_LCL; gc.facct = typeIdSet_emptySet (); } static void addModuleAccess (/*@only@*/ cstring fname, typeIdSet mods) { int i; for (i = 0; i < gc.nmods; i++) { if (cstring_equal (gc.moduleaccess[i].file, fname)) { gc.moduleaccess[i].daccess = typeIdSet_union (gc.moduleaccess[i].daccess, mods); cstring_free (fname); return; } } if (gc.nmods == gc.maxmods) { maccesst *oldmods; gc.maxmods = gc.maxmods + DEFAULTMAXMODS; oldmods = gc.moduleaccess; gc.moduleaccess = (maccesst *) dmalloc (sizeof (*gc.moduleaccess) * (gc.maxmods)); for (i = 0; i < gc.nmods; i++) { gc.moduleaccess[i] = oldmods[i]; } sfree (oldmods); } gc.moduleaccess[gc.nmods].file = fname; gc.moduleaccess[gc.nmods].daccess = mods; gc.nmods++; } static void insertModuleAccess (cstring fname, typeId t) { int i; for (i = 0; i < gc.nmods; i++) { if (cstring_equal (gc.moduleaccess[i].file, fname)) { gc.moduleaccess[i].daccess = typeIdSet_insert (gc.moduleaccess[i].daccess, t); break; } } addModuleAccess (cstring_copy (fname), typeIdSet_single (t)); } void context_exitLCLfile (void) { if (gc.kind != CX_LCLLIB) { cstring lclname = fileLib_withoutExtension (fileTable_fileName (currentFile ()), LCL_EXTENSION); addModuleAccess (fileLib_removePath (lclname), gc.facct); cstring_free (lclname); } gc.kind = CX_LCL; gc.kind = CX_GLOBAL; gc.facct = typeIdSet_emptySet (); } void context_dumpModuleAccess (FILE *fout) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < gc.nmods; i++) { cstring td = typeIdSet_dump (gc.moduleaccess[i].daccess); fprintf (fout, "%s#%s@\n", cstring_toCharsSafe (gc.moduleaccess[i].file), cstring_toCharsSafe (td)); cstring_free (td); } } bool context_usingPosixLibrary () { return (gc.library == FLG_POSIXLIB || gc.library == FLG_POSIXSTRICTLIB || gc.library == FLG_UNIXLIB || gc.library == FLG_UNIXSTRICTLIB); } bool context_usingAnsiLibrary () { return (gc.library != FLG_NOLIB); } flagcode context_getLibrary () { return gc.library; } void context_setLibrary (flagcode code) { gc.library = code; } /*@observer@*/ cstring context_selectedLibrary () { switch (gc.library) { case FLG_STRICTLIB: return cstring_makeLiteralTemp (LLSTRICTLIBS_NAME); case FLG_POSIXLIB: return cstring_makeLiteralTemp (LLPOSIXLIBS_NAME); case FLG_POSIXSTRICTLIB: return cstring_makeLiteralTemp (LLPOSIXSTRICTLIBS_NAME); case FLG_UNIXLIB: return cstring_makeLiteralTemp (LLUNIXLIBS_NAME); case FLG_UNIXSTRICTLIB: return cstring_makeLiteralTemp (LLUNIXSTRICTLIBS_NAME); case FLG_ANSILIB: return cstring_makeLiteralTemp (LLSTDLIBS_NAME); BADDEFAULT; } } void context_loadModuleAccess (FILE *in) { char *s = mstring_create (MAX_DUMP_LINE_LENGTH); char *lasts = s; char *name = mstring_create (MAX_NAME_LENGTH); char *oname = name; # ifndef NOFREE char *os = s; # endif while ((reader_readLine (in, s, MAX_DUMP_LINE_LENGTH) != NULL ) && *s == ';') { ; } while (s != NULL && *s != ';' && *s != '\0') { name = oname; while (*s != '#' && *s != '\0') { *name++ = *s++; } *name = '\0'; if (*s != '#') { llcontbug (message ("context_loadModuleAccess: bad library line: %s\n", cstring_fromChars (s))); break; } s++; addModuleAccess (cstring_copy (cstring_fromChars (oname)), typeIdSet_undump (&s)); (void) reader_readLine (in, s, MAX_DUMP_LINE_LENGTH); llassert (s != lasts); lasts = s; } sfree (oname); # ifndef NOFREE sfree (os); # endif } typeIdSet context_fileAccessTypes (void) { return gc.facct; } void context_resetModeFlags (void) { allFlagCodes (code) { if (flagcode_isModeFlag (code)) { context_setFlag (code, FALSE, g_currentloc); } } end_allFlagCodes; } /* ** resetAllFlags ** ** Set all flags to FALSE, except for a few which are ** true by default. ** ** Set all values and strings to appropriate defaults. ** Set all counters to 0. */ static void conext_resetAllCounters (void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUMVALUEFLAGS; i++) { gc.counters[i] = 0; } } void context_resetAllFlags (void) { DPRINTF (("******** Reset all flags")); allFlagCodes (code) { gc.flags[code] = FALSE; if (flagcode_hasNumber (code)) { int val = 0; /*@-loopswitchbreak@*/ switch (code) { case FLG_LIMIT: val = DEFAULT_LIMIT; break; case FLG_BUGSLIMIT: val = DEFAULT_BUGSLIMIT; break; case FLG_LINELEN: val = DEFAULT_LINELEN; break; case FLG_INDENTSPACES: val = DEFAULT_INDENTSPACES; break; case FLG_LOCINDENTSPACES: val = DEFAULT_LOCINDENTSPACES; break; case FLG_EXTERNALNAMELEN: val = ISO99_EXTERNALNAMELEN; break; case FLG_INTERNALNAMELEN: val = ISO99_INTERNALNAMELEN; break; case FLG_COMMENTCHAR: val = (int) DEFAULT_COMMENTCHAR; break; case FLG_CONTROLNESTDEPTH: val = (int) ISO99_CONTROLNESTDEPTH; break; case FLG_STRINGLITERALLEN: val = (int) ISO99_STRINGLITERALLEN; break; case FLG_INCLUDENEST: val = (int) ISO99_INCLUDENEST; break; case FLG_NUMSTRUCTFIELDS: val = (int) ISO99_NUMSTRUCTFIELDS; break; case FLG_NUMENUMMEMBERS: val = (int) ISO99_NUMENUMMEMBERS; break; case FLG_EXPECT: case FLG_LCLEXPECT: break; default: llbug (message ("Bad value flag: %s", flagcode_unparse (code))); } /*@=loopswitchbreak@*/ DPRINTF (("Set value: [%s] / %d", flagcode_unparse (code), val)); context_setValue (code, val); DPRINTF (("Set value: [%s] / %d", flagcode_unparse (code), context_getValue (code))); llassert (context_getValue (code) == val); } else if (flagcode_hasChar (code)) { llassert (code == FLG_COMMENTCHAR); context_setCommentMarkerChar (DEFAULT_COMMENTCHAR); } else if (flagcode_hasString (code)) { cstring val = cstring_undefined; switch (code) { /*@-loopswitchbreak@*/ case FLG_LARCHPATH: { cstring larchpath = osd_getEnvironmentVariable (LARCH_PATH); if (cstring_isDefined (larchpath)) { val = cstring_copy (larchpath); } else { val = cstring_makeLiteral (DEFAULT_LARCHPATH); } break; } case FLG_LCLIMPORTDIR: { val = cstring_copy (osd_getEnvironment (cstring_makeLiteralTemp (LCLIMPORTDIR), cstring_makeLiteralTemp (DEFAULT_LCLIMPORTDIR))); break; } case FLG_TMPDIR: # ifdef HAVE_DOS_FILE_SYSTEM { char *env = osd_getEnvironmentVariable ("TMP"); if (env == NULL) { env = osd_getEnvironmentVariable ("TEMP"); } # ifdef __DJGPP__ if (env == NULL) { env = osd_getEnvironmentVariable ("TMPDIR"); } # endif val = cstring_makeLiteral ((env != NULL && osd_fileExists (env)) ? env : DEFAULT_TMPDIR); } # else val = cstring_makeLiteral (DEFAULT_TMPDIR); # endif /* !defined(HAVE_DOS_FILE_SYSTEM) */ break; case FLG_BOOLTYPE: val = cstring_makeLiteral (DEFAULT_BOOLTYPE); break; case FLG_BOOLFALSE: val = cstring_makeLiteral ("false"); break; case FLG_BOOLTRUE: val = cstring_makeLiteral ("true"); break; case FLG_MACROVARPREFIX: val = cstring_makeLiteral ("m_"); break; case FLG_SYSTEMDIRS: val = cstring_makeLiteral (DEFAULT_SYSTEMDIR); break; default: break; } /*@=loopswitchbreak@*/ context_setString (code, val); } else { ; /* nothing to set */ } } end_allFlagCodes; /* ** These flags are true by default. */ /* eventually, move this into flags.def */ gc.flags[FLG_STREAMOVERWRITE] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_OBVIOUSLOOPEXEC] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_MODIFIES] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_NESTCOMMENT] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_GLOBALS] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_FULLINITBLOCK] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_INITSIZE] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_INITALLELEMENTS] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_NULLINIT] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_STRINGLITTOOLONG] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_MACROCONSTDIST] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_LIKELYBOOL] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_ZEROPTR] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_NUMLITERAL] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_DUPLICATEQUALS] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_SKIPISOHEADERS] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_SKIPPOSIXHEADERS] = FALSE; gc.flags[FLG_SYSTEMDIREXPAND] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_UNRECOGCOMMENTS] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_UNRECOGFLAGCOMMENTS] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_CASTFCNPTR] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_DOLCS] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_USEVARARGS] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_MAINTYPE] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_SPECMACROS] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_REDEF] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_MACRONEXTLINE] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_SIZEOFFORMALARRAY] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_FIXEDFORMALARRAY] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_UNRECOGDIRECTIVE] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_WARNUSE] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_PREDASSIGN] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_MODOBSERVER] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_MACROVARPREFIXEXCLUDE] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_EXTERNALNAMECASEINSENSITIVE] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_PARAMIMPTEMP] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_RETIMPONLY] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_GLOBIMPONLY] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_STRUCTIMPONLY] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_PREPROC] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_NAMECHECKS] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_FORMATCODE] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_FORMATTYPE] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_BADFLAG] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_WARNFLAGS] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_WARNRC] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_FILEEXTENSIONS] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_WARNUNIXLIB] = FALSE; gc.flags[FLG_WARNPOSIX] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_SHOWCOL] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_SHOWDEEPHISTORY] = FALSE; /* TRUE; */ gc.flags[FLG_SHOWFUNC] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_SUPCOUNTS] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_HINTS] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_SYNTAX] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_TYPE] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_INCOMPLETETYPE] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_ABSTRACT] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_NUMABSTRACT] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_ITERBALANCE] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_ITERYIELD] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_DUPLICATECASES] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_ALWAYSEXITS] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_EMPTYRETURN] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_MACRORETURN] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_UNRECOG] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_SYSTEMUNRECOG] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_LINTCOMMENTS] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_ACCESSCZECH] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_ACCESSMODULE] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_ACCESSFILE] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_MACROVARPREFIX] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_ANNOTATIONERROR] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_COMMENTERROR] = TRUE; /* ** Changed for version 2.4. */ gc.flags[FLG_GNUEXTENSIONS] = TRUE; /* Changed for */ /* commenting ou until some output issues are fixed */ gc.flags[FLG_ORCONSTRAINT] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_CONSTRAINTLOCATION] = TRUE; /*drl 1/18/2002*/ gc.flags[FLG_WARNSYSFILES] = TRUE; /* ** On by default for DOS, OS2 and Win32, but not Unix */ # if defined (WIN32) || defined (OS2) gc.flags[FLG_PARENFILEFORMAT] = TRUE; gc.flags[FLG_CASEINSENSITIVEFILENAMES] = TRUE; # endif } /* ** C is way-lame, and you can initialize an array to a constant except where ** it is declared. Hence, a macro is used to set the modeflags. */ /*@notfunction@*/ # define SETFLAGS() \ { int i = 0; while (modeflags[i] != INVALID_FLAG) { \ if (!flagcode_isModeFlag (modeflags[i])) \ { llbug (message ("not a mode flag: %s", \ flagcode_unparse (modeflags[i]))); } \ else { context_setFlag (modeflags[i], TRUE, g_currentloc); } i++; }} static void context_setModeAux (cstring p_s, bool p_warn) ; void context_setMode (cstring s) { context_setModeAux (s, TRUE); } void context_setModeNoWarn (cstring s) { context_setModeAux (s, FALSE); } void context_setModeAux (cstring s, bool warn) { intSet setflags = intSet_new (); allFlagCodes (code) { if (flagcode_isModeFlag (code)) { if (gc.setGlobally[code]) { (void) intSet_insert (setflags, (int) code); } } } end_allFlagCodes; if (!intSet_isEmpty (setflags)) { cstring rflags = cstring_undefined; int num = 0; intSet_elements (setflags, el) { if (cstring_isUndefined (rflags)) { rflags = cstring_copy (flagcode_unparse ((flagcode) (el))); } else { rflags = message ("%q, %s", rflags, flagcode_unparse ((flagcode) el)); } num++; if (num > 4 && intSet_size (setflags) > 6) { rflags = message ("%q, (%d others) ...", rflags, intSet_size (setflags) - num); break; } } end_intSet_elements ; if (warn) { voptgenerror (FLG_WARNFLAGS, message ("Setting mode %s after setting mode flags will " "override set values of flags: %s", s, rflags), g_currentloc); } cstring_free (rflags); } intSet_free (setflags); context_resetModeFlags (); if (cstring_equalLit (s, "standard")) { flagcode modeflags[] = { FLG_ENUMINT, FLG_MACROMATCHNAME, FLG_STRINGLITNOROOM, FLG_STRINGLITNOROOMFINALNULL, FLG_MACROUNDEF, FLG_RELAXQUALS, FLG_USEALLGLOBS, FLG_CHECKSTRICTGLOBALS, FLG_CHECKSTRICTGLOBALIAS, FLG_CHECKEDGLOBALIAS, FLG_CHECKMODGLOBALIAS, FLG_PREDBOOLOTHERS, FLG_PREDBOOLINT, FLG_UNSIGNEDCOMPARE, FLG_PARAMUNUSED, FLG_VARUNUSED, FLG_FUNCUNUSED, FLG_TYPEUNUSED, FLG_ABSTRACTCOMPARE, FLG_CONSTUNUSED, FLG_ENUMMEMUNUSED, FLG_FIELDUNUSED, FLG_PTRNUMCOMPARE, FLG_BOOLCOMPARE, FLG_UNSIGNEDCOMPARE, FLG_MUTREP, FLG_NOEFFECT, FLG_IMPTYPE, FLG_RETVALOTHER, FLG_RETVALBOOL, FLG_RETVALINT, FLG_SPECUNDEF, FLG_INCONDEFS, FLG_INCONDEFSLIB, FLG_MISPLACEDSHAREQUAL, FLG_MATCHFIELDS, FLG_FORMATCONST, FLG_MACROPARAMS, FLG_MACROASSIGN, FLG_SEFPARAMS, FLG_MACROSTMT, FLG_MACROPARENS, FLG_MACROFCNDECL, FLG_MACROCONSTDECL, FLG_MACROREDEF, FLG_INFLOOPS, FLG_UNREACHABLE, FLG_NORETURN, FLG_CASEBREAK, FLG_MISSCASE, FLG_USEDEF, FLG_FIRSTCASE, FLG_NESTEDEXTERN, FLG_NUMLITERAL, FLG_ZEROBOOL, /* memchecks flags */ FLG_NULLDEREF, FLG_NULLSTATE, FLG_NULLASSIGN, FLG_NULLPASS, FLG_NULLRET, FLG_ALLOCMISMATCH, FLG_COMPDEF, FLG_COMPMEMPASS, FLG_UNIONDEF, FLG_RETSTACK, /* memtrans flags */ FLG_EXPOSETRANS, FLG_OBSERVERTRANS, FLG_DEPENDENTTRANS, FLG_NEWREFTRANS, FLG_ONLYTRANS, FLG_OWNEDTRANS, FLG_FRESHTRANS, FLG_SHAREDTRANS, FLG_TEMPTRANS, FLG_KEPTTRANS, FLG_REFCOUNTTRANS, FLG_STATICTRANS, FLG_UNKNOWNTRANS, FLG_KEEPTRANS, FLG_IMMEDIATETRANS, FLG_NUMABSTRACTCAST, FLG_EXPORTLOCAL, FLG_USERELEASED, FLG_ALIASUNIQUE, FLG_MAYALIASUNIQUE, FLG_MUSTFREEONLY, FLG_MUSTFREEFRESH, FLG_MUSTDEFINE, FLG_GLOBSTATE, FLG_COMPDESTROY, FLG_MUSTNOTALIAS, FLG_MEMIMPLICIT, FLG_BRANCHSTATE, FLG_STATETRANSFER, FLG_STATEMERGE, FLG_EVALORDER, FLG_SHADOW, FLG_READONLYSTRINGS, FLG_EXITARG, FLG_IMPCHECKEDSPECGLOBALS, FLG_MODGLOBS, FLG_WARNLINTCOMMENTS, FLG_IFEMPTY, FLG_REALCOMPARE, FLG_BOOLOPS, FLG_PTRNEGATE, FLG_SHIFTNEGATIVE, FLG_SHIFTIMPLEMENTATION, FLG_BUFFEROVERFLOWHIGH, FLG_BUFFEROVERFLOW, INVALID_FLAG } ; SETFLAGS (); } else if (cstring_equalLit (s, "weak")) { flagcode modeflags[] = { FLG_BOOLINT, FLG_CHARINT, FLG_FLOATDOUBLE, FLG_LONGINT, FLG_SHORTINT, FLG_ENUMINT, FLG_RELAXQUALS, FLG_FORWARDDECL, FLG_CHARINDEX, FLG_NUMABSTRACTINDEX, FLG_ABSTVOIDP, FLG_USEALLGLOBS, FLG_CHARUNSIGNEDCHAR, FLG_PREDBOOLOTHERS, FLG_NUMABSTRACTLIT, FLG_VARUNUSED, FLG_FUNCUNUSED, FLG_TYPEUNUSED, FLG_CHECKSTRICTGLOBALS, FLG_MACROMATCHNAME, FLG_RETVALOTHER, FLG_IFEMPTY, FLG_BUFFEROVERFLOWHIGH, FLG_RETSTACK, FLG_PTRNEGATE, FLG_STATETRANSFER, FLG_STATEMERGE, FLG_LONGUNSIGNEDINTEGRAL, FLG_LONGUNSIGNEDUNSIGNEDINTEGRAL, FLG_NUMLITERAL, FLG_CHARINTLITERAL, FLG_ZEROBOOL, FLG_BUFFEROVERFLOWHIGH, FLG_STRINGLITNOROOM, FLG_STRINGLITNOROOMFINALNULL, INVALID_FLAG } ; SETFLAGS (); } else if (cstring_equalLit (s, "checks")) { flagcode modeflags[] = { FLG_EXPORTLOCAL, FLG_IMPTYPE, FLG_NUMABSTRACTCAST, FLG_ABSTRACTCOMPARE, FLG_STATETRANSFER, FLG_STATEMERGE, FLG_CHECKSTRICTGLOBALIAS, FLG_CHECKEDGLOBALIAS, FLG_CHECKMODGLOBALIAS, FLG_UNCHECKEDGLOBALIAS, FLG_FORMATCONST, FLG_STRINGLITNOROOM, FLG_STRINGLITNOROOMFINALNULL, FLG_STRINGLITSMALLER, FLG_EXITARG, FLG_PTRNUMCOMPARE, FLG_BOOLCOMPARE, FLG_UNSIGNEDCOMPARE, FLG_MACROUNDEF, FLG_MUSTMOD, FLG_ALLGLOBALS, FLG_PREDBOOLOTHERS, FLG_PREDBOOLPTR, FLG_PREDBOOLINT, FLG_USEALLGLOBS, FLG_MUTREP, FLG_RETALIAS, FLG_RETEXPOSE, FLG_ASSIGNEXPOSE, FLG_CASTEXPOSE, FLG_FUNCUNUSED, FLG_GLOBALSIMPMODIFIESNOTHING, FLG_TYPEUNUSED, FLG_FIELDUNUSED, FLG_PARAMUNUSED, FLG_VARUNUSED, FLG_CONSTUNUSED, FLG_ENUMMEMUNUSED, FLG_NOEFFECT, FLG_EXPORTHEADER, FLG_EXPORTHEADERVAR, FLG_RETVALOTHER, FLG_RETVALBOOL, FLG_RETVALINT, FLG_SPECUNDEF, FLG_IMPCHECKMODINTERNALS, FLG_DECLUNDEF, FLG_INCONDEFS, FLG_INCONDEFSLIB, FLG_MISPLACEDSHAREQUAL, FLG_REDUNDANTSHAREQUAL, FLG_NUMABSTRACTPRINT, FLG_MATCHFIELDS, FLG_MACROPARAMS, FLG_MACROASSIGN, FLG_DECLPARAMMATCH, FLG_FCNDEREF, FLG_FIRSTCASE, FLG_SEFPARAMS, FLG_SEFUNSPEC, FLG_MACROSTMT, FLG_MACROPARENS, FLG_MACROCONSTDECL, FLG_MACROFCNDECL, FLG_MACROREDEF, FLG_INFLOOPS, FLG_INFLOOPSUNCON, FLG_UNREACHABLE, FLG_NORETURN, FLG_CASEBREAK, FLG_MISSCASE, FLG_EVALORDER, FLG_USEDEF, FLG_NESTEDEXTERN, /* warn use flags */ FLG_MULTITHREADED, FLG_PORTABILITY, FLG_SUPERUSER, FLG_IMPLEMENTATIONOPTIONAL, FLG_BUFFEROVERFLOWHIGH, /* memchecks flags */ FLG_NULLSTATE, FLG_NULLDEREF, FLG_NULLASSIGN, FLG_NULLPASS, FLG_NULLRET, FLG_ALLOCMISMATCH, FLG_COMPDEF, FLG_COMPMEMPASS, FLG_UNIONDEF, FLG_RETSTACK, /* memtrans flags */ FLG_EXPOSETRANS, FLG_OBSERVERTRANS, FLG_DEPENDENTTRANS, FLG_NEWREFTRANS, FLG_ONLYTRANS, FLG_OWNEDTRANS, FLG_FRESHTRANS, FLG_SHAREDTRANS, FLG_TEMPTRANS, FLG_KEPTTRANS, FLG_REFCOUNTTRANS, FLG_STATICTRANS, FLG_UNKNOWNTRANS, FLG_STATICINITTRANS, FLG_UNKNOWNINITTRANS, FLG_KEEPTRANS, FLG_IMMEDIATETRANS, FLG_ONLYUNQGLOBALTRANS, FLG_USERELEASED, FLG_ALIASUNIQUE, FLG_MAYALIASUNIQUE, FLG_MUSTFREEONLY, FLG_MUSTFREEFRESH, FLG_MUSTDEFINE, FLG_GLOBSTATE, FLG_COMPDESTROY, FLG_MUSTNOTALIAS, FLG_MEMIMPLICIT, FLG_BRANCHSTATE, FLG_NULLPOINTERARITH, FLG_SHADOW, FLG_DEPARRAYS, FLG_REDECL, FLG_READONLYSTRINGS, FLG_READONLYTRANS, FLG_LOOPLOOPBREAK, FLG_SWITCHLOOPBREAK, FLG_MODGLOBS, FLG_CHECKSTRICTGLOBALS, FLG_IMPCHECKEDSPECGLOBALS, FLG_MACROMATCHNAME, FLG_WARNLINTCOMMENTS, FLG_INCLUDENEST, FLG_ISORESERVED, FLG_CPPNAMES, FLG_NOPARAMS, FLG_IFEMPTY, FLG_WHILEEMPTY, FLG_REALCOMPARE, FLG_REALRELATECOMPARE, FLG_BOOLOPS, FLG_SHIFTNEGATIVE, FLG_SHIFTIMPLEMENTATION, FLG_BUFFEROVERFLOWHIGH, FLG_BUFFEROVERFLOW, INVALID_FLAG } ; SETFLAGS (); } else if (cstring_equalLit (s, "strict")) { flagcode modeflags[] = { FLG_ABSTRACTCOMPARE, FLG_CHECKSTRICTGLOBALIAS, FLG_NUMABSTRACTCAST, FLG_CHECKEDGLOBALIAS, FLG_CHECKMODGLOBALIAS, FLG_UNCHECKEDGLOBALIAS, FLG_MODFILESYSTEM, FLG_MACROMATCHNAME, FLG_FORMATCONST, FLG_NUMABSTRACTPRINT, FLG_STRINGLITNOROOM, FLG_STRINGLITNOROOMFINALNULL, FLG_STRINGLITSMALLER, FLG_STATETRANSFER, FLG_STATEMERGE, FLG_MACROUNDEF, FLG_MUTREP, FLG_MUSTMOD, FLG_ALLGLOBALS, FLG_IMPTYPE, FLG_MODNOMODS, FLG_MODGLOBSUNSPEC, FLG_MODSTRICTGLOBSUNSPEC, FLG_GLOBUNSPEC, FLG_SIZEOFTYPE, FLG_EXPORTHEADER, FLG_EXPORTHEADERVAR, FLG_NOPARAMS, FLG_OLDSTYLE, FLG_EXITARG, FLG_RETSTACK, FLG_FCNDEREF, FLG_ONLYUNQGLOBALTRANS, FLG_GLOBALSIMPMODIFIESNOTHING, FLG_PREDBOOLOTHERS, FLG_PREDBOOLPTR, FLG_PREDBOOLINT, FLG_INTERNALGLOBS, FLG_INTERNALGLOBSNOGLOBS, FLG_USEALLGLOBS, FLG_RETALIAS, FLG_MODGLOBS, FLG_MODGLOBSUNSPEC, FLG_MODGLOBSUNCHECKED, FLG_RETEXPOSE, FLG_ASSIGNEXPOSE, FLG_CASTEXPOSE, FLG_NOEFFECTUNCON, FLG_EVALORDERUNCON, FLG_FUNCUNUSED, FLG_EXPORTITER, FLG_EXPORTCONST, FLG_TYPEUNUSED, FLG_FIELDUNUSED, FLG_PARAMUNUSED, FLG_TOPUNUSED, FLG_CONSTUNUSED, FLG_ENUMMEMUNUSED, FLG_VARUNUSED, FLG_NULLPOINTERARITH, FLG_POINTERARITH, FLG_PTRNUMCOMPARE, FLG_BOOLCOMPARE, FLG_UNSIGNEDCOMPARE, FLG_NOEFFECT, FLG_RETVALINT, FLG_RETVALBOOL, FLG_RETVALOTHER, FLG_ISORESERVED, FLG_ISORESERVEDLOCAL, FLG_CPPNAMES, FLG_RETVALBOOL, FLG_RETVALINT, FLG_SPECUNDEF, FLG_DECLUNDEF, FLG_STRICTOPS, FLG_INCONDEFS, FLG_MISPLACEDSHAREQUAL, FLG_REDUNDANTSHAREQUAL, FLG_INCONDEFSLIB, FLG_MATCHFIELDS, FLG_EXPORTMACRO, FLG_EXPORTVAR, FLG_EXPORTFCN, FLG_EXPORTTYPE, FLG_EXPORTLOCAL, FLG_MACROPARAMS, FLG_MACROASSIGN, FLG_SEFPARAMS, FLG_SEFUNSPEC, FLG_MACROSTMT, FLG_MACROPARENS, FLG_MACROFCNDECL, FLG_MACROCONSTDECL, FLG_MACROREDEF, FLG_MACROEMPTY, FLG_INFLOOPS, FLG_INFLOOPSUNCON, FLG_UNREACHABLE, FLG_NORETURN, FLG_CASEBREAK, FLG_MISSCASE, FLG_USEDEF, FLG_EVALORDER, FLG_MODUNCON, FLG_MODUNCONNOMODS, FLG_MODINTERNALSTRICT, FLG_MODOBSERVERUNCON, FLG_NESTEDEXTERN, FLG_FIRSTCASE, /* warn use flags */ FLG_MULTITHREADED, FLG_PORTABILITY, FLG_SUPERUSER, FLG_IMPLEMENTATIONOPTIONAL, FLG_BUFFEROVERFLOWHIGH, FLG_BUFFEROVERFLOW, FLG_TOCTOU, /* memchecks flags */ FLG_NULLSTATE, FLG_NULLDEREF, FLG_NULLASSIGN, FLG_NULLPASS, FLG_NULLRET, FLG_ALLOCMISMATCH, FLG_COMPDEF, FLG_COMPMEMPASS, FLG_UNIONDEF, /* memory checking flags */ FLG_BOUNDSREAD, FLG_BOUNDSWRITE, FLG_LIKELYBOUNDSREAD, FLG_LIKELYBOUNDSWRITE, FLG_CHECKPOST, /* memtrans flags */ FLG_EXPOSETRANS, FLG_OBSERVERTRANS, FLG_DEPENDENTTRANS, FLG_NEWREFTRANS, FLG_ONLYTRANS, FLG_OWNEDTRANS, FLG_FRESHTRANS, FLG_SHAREDTRANS, FLG_TEMPTRANS, FLG_KEPTTRANS, FLG_REFCOUNTTRANS, FLG_STATICTRANS, FLG_UNKNOWNTRANS, FLG_KEEPTRANS, FLG_IMMEDIATETRANS, FLG_STATICINITTRANS, FLG_UNKNOWNINITTRANS, FLG_USERELEASED, FLG_ALIASUNIQUE, FLG_MAYALIASUNIQUE, FLG_MUSTFREEONLY, FLG_MUSTFREEFRESH, FLG_MUSTDEFINE, FLG_GLOBSTATE, FLG_COMPDESTROY, FLG_MUSTNOTALIAS, FLG_MEMIMPLICIT, FLG_BRANCHSTATE, FLG_DECLPARAMNAME, FLG_DECLPARAMMATCH, FLG_SHADOW, FLG_DEPARRAYS, FLG_STRICTDESTROY, FLG_STRICTUSERELEASED, FLG_STRICTBRANCHSTATE, FLG_REDECL, FLG_READONLYSTRINGS, FLG_READONLYTRANS, FLG_LOOPLOOPBREAK, FLG_LOOPSWITCHBREAK, FLG_SWITCHLOOPBREAK, FLG_SWITCHSWITCHBREAK, FLG_LOOPLOOPCONTINUE, FLG_CHECKSTRICTGLOBALS, FLG_IMPCHECKEDSPECGLOBALS, FLG_ALLGLOBALS, FLG_IMPCHECKEDSTRICTGLOBALS, FLG_IMPCHECKEDSTRICTSTATICS, FLG_IMPCHECKEDSTRICTSPECGLOBALS, FLG_IMPCHECKMODINTERNALS, FLG_WARNMISSINGGLOBALS, FLG_WARNMISSINGGLOBALSNOGLOBS, FLG_WARNLINTCOMMENTS, FLG_ISORESERVEDLOCAL, FLG_INCLUDENEST, FLG_STRINGLITERALLEN, FLG_NUMSTRUCTFIELDS, FLG_NUMENUMMEMBERS, FLG_CONTROLNESTDEPTH, FLG_FORBLOCK, FLG_WHILEBLOCK, FLG_FOREMPTY, FLG_WHILEEMPTY, FLG_IFEMPTY, FLG_IFBLOCK, FLG_ELSEIFCOMPLETE, FLG_REALCOMPARE, FLG_BOOLOPS, FLG_REALRELATECOMPARE, FLG_SYSTEMDIRERRORS, FLG_UNUSEDSPECIAL, FLG_SHIFTNEGATIVE, FLG_SHIFTIMPLEMENTATION, FLG_BITWISEOPS, FLG_BUFFEROVERFLOWHIGH, FLG_BUFFEROVERFLOW, INVALID_FLAG } ; SETFLAGS (); } else { llcontbug (message ("context_setMode: bad mode: %s", s)); } } bool context_isSpecialFile (cstring fname) { cstring ext = fileLib_getExtension (fname); return (cstring_equalLit (ext, ".y") || cstring_equalLit (ext, ".l") || cstring_equalLit (fname, LEX_YY_C)); } bool context_isSystemDir (cstring dir) { cstring thisdir = cstring_copy (context_getString (FLG_SYSTEMDIRS)); cstring savedir = thisdir; cstring nextdir = cstring_afterChar (thisdir, PATH_SEPARATOR); if (cstring_isDefined (nextdir)) { /*@access cstring@*/ *nextdir = '\0'; /* closes thisdir */ nextdir += 1; /*@noaccess cstring@*/ } /* 2001-09-09: added thisdir[0] != '\0' ** herbert: don't compare with an empty name! ** should return false for empty directory path */ while (!cstring_isEmpty (thisdir)) { DPRINTF (("Test: %s / %s", dir, thisdir)); if (osd_equalCanonicalPrefix (dir, thisdir)) { cstring_free (savedir); return TRUE; } if (cstring_isDefined (nextdir)) { thisdir = nextdir; nextdir = cstring_afterChar (thisdir, PATH_SEPARATOR); if (cstring_isDefined (nextdir)) { /*@access cstring@*/ *nextdir = '\0'; nextdir += 1; /*@noaccess cstring@*/ } } else { break; } } DPRINTF (("Returns FALSE")); cstring_free (savedir); return FALSE; } void context_addFileAccessType (typeId t) { cstring base; if (context_inFunctionLike ()) { gc.acct = typeIdSet_insert (gc.acct, t); } gc.facct = typeIdSet_insert (gc.facct, t); base = fileloc_getBase (g_currentloc); insertModuleAccess (base, t); DPRINTF (("Add file access: %s / %s", typeIdSet_unparse (gc.facct), typeIdSet_unparse (gc.acct))); } void context_removeFileAccessType (typeId t) { if (gc.kind == CX_FUNCTION || gc.kind == CX_MACROFCN || gc.kind == CX_UNKNOWNMACRO) { gc.acct = typeIdSet_removeFresh (gc.acct, t); } gc.facct = typeIdSet_removeFresh (gc.facct, t); gc.nacct = typeIdSet_insert (gc.nacct, t); } void context_enterFunctionHeader (void) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_GRAMMAR)) { lldiagmsg (message ("Enter function header: %q", context_unparse ())); } if (gc.kind != CX_GLOBAL) { llparseerror (cstring_makeLiteral ("Likely parse error. Function header outside global context.")); } else { llassert (gc.kind == CX_GLOBAL); DPRINTF (("Enter function header!")); gc.inFunctionHeader = TRUE; } } void context_exitFunctionHeader (void) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_GRAMMAR)) { lldiagmsg (message ("Exit function header: %q", context_unparse ())); } DPRINTF (("Exit function header!")); gc.inFunctionHeader = FALSE; } bool context_inFunctionHeader (void) { return (gc.inFunctionHeader); } void context_enterFunctionDeclaration (uentry e) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_GRAMMAR)) { lldiagmsg (message ("Enter function declaration: %q", context_unparse ())); } DPRINTF (("Enter function decl")); llassert (gc.savekind == CX_ERROR); gc.savekind = gc.kind; gc.savecont = gc.cont; gc.kind = CX_FCNDECLARATION; gc.cont.fcn = e; } void context_exitFunctionDeclaration (void) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_GRAMMAR)) { lldiagmsg (message ("Exit function declaration: %q", context_unparse ())); } DPRINTF (("Exit function decl")); llassert (gc.savekind != CX_ERROR); llassert (gc.kind == CX_FCNDECLARATION); gc.kind = gc.savekind; gc.cont = gc.savecont; gc.savekind = CX_ERROR; if (context_getFlag (FLG_GRAMMAR)) { lldiagmsg (message ("After exit function declaration: %q", context_unparse ())); } } bool context_inFunctionDeclaration (void) { return (gc.kind == CX_FCNDECLARATION); } void context_enterMacro (/*@observer@*/ uentry e) { context_enterFunction (e); gc.kind = CX_MACROFCN; } void context_enterUnknownMacro (/*@dependent@*/ uentry e) { llassert (uentry_isFunction (e)); context_enterFunction (e); gc.kind = CX_UNKNOWNMACRO; } void context_enterAndClause (exprNode e) { DPRINTF (("enter and clause: %s", exprNode_unparse (e))); usymtab_trueBranch (guardSet_copy (exprNode_getGuards (e))); pushClause (ANDCLAUSE); } void context_enterOrClause (exprNode e) { usymtab_trueBranch (guardSet_invert (exprNode_getGuards (e))); pushClause (ORCLAUSE); } bool context_inDeepLoop (void) { bool inLoop = FALSE; clauseStack_elements (gc.clauses, el) { if (clause_isLoop (el)) { if (inLoop) { return TRUE; } inLoop = TRUE; } } end_clauseStack_elements; return FALSE; } bool context_inDeepSwitch (void) { bool inLoop = FALSE; clauseStack_elements (gc.clauses, el) { if (clause_isSwitch (el)) { if (inLoop) { return TRUE; } inLoop = TRUE; } } end_clauseStack_elements; return FALSE; } bool context_inDeepLoopSwitch (void) { bool inLoop = FALSE; clauseStack_elements (gc.clauses, el) { if (clause_isBreakable (el)) { if (inLoop) { return TRUE; } inLoop = TRUE; } } end_clauseStack_elements; return FALSE; } clause context_breakClause (void) { clauseStack_elements (gc.clauses, el) { if (clause_isSwitch (el)) { return el; } else if (clause_isLoop (el)) { return el; } else { ; } } end_clauseStack_elements; return NOCLAUSE; } clause context_nextBreakClause (void) { bool hasOne = FALSE; clauseStack_elements (gc.clauses, el) { if (clause_isBreakable (el)) { if (hasOne) { return el; } else { hasOne = TRUE; } } } end_clauseStack_elements; return NOCLAUSE; } bool context_inConditional (void) { clauseStack_elements (gc.clauses, el) { /* ** Should also include TRUECLAUSE and FALSECLAUSE, but need ** to distinguish if from ? for this */ if (clause_isBreakable (el) && (el != DOWHILECLAUSE)) { return TRUE; } } end_clauseStack_elements; return FALSE; } void context_exitAndClause (exprNode pred, exprNode tbranch) { context_setJustPopped (); llassert (gc.inclause == ANDCLAUSE); usymtab_popAndBranch (pred, tbranch); clauseStack_pop (gc.clauses); gc.inclause = topClause (gc.clauses); } void context_exitOrClause (exprNode pred, exprNode tbranch) { context_setJustPopped (); llassert (gc.inclause == ORCLAUSE); usymtab_popOrBranch (pred, tbranch); clauseStack_pop (gc.clauses); gc.inclause = topClause (gc.clauses); } static void context_enterCondClauseAux (clause cl) /*@modifies gc@*/ { pushClause (cl); } static void context_enterTrueAux (exprNode e, clause cl) /*@modifies gc@*/ { usymtab_trueBranch (guardSet_copy (exprNode_getGuards (e))); pushClause (cl); } void context_enterIterClause (void) { context_enterTrueAux (exprNode_undefined, ITERCLAUSE); } void context_enterDoWhileClause (void) { pushClause (DOWHILECLAUSE); } void context_enterWhileClause (exprNode e) { context_enterTrueAux (e, WHILECLAUSE); } void context_enterForClause (exprNode e) { context_enterTrueAux (e, FORCLAUSE); } void context_enterTrueClause (exprNode e) { context_enterTrueAux (e, TRUECLAUSE); } void context_enterSwitch (exprNode e) { DPRINTF (("Enter switch: %s", exprNode_unparse (e))); usymtab_switchBranch (e); context_enterCondClauseAux (SWITCHCLAUSE); } void context_exitSwitch (exprNode e, bool allpaths) { usymtab_exitSwitch (e, allpaths); while (clause_isCase (clauseStack_top (gc.clauses))) { clauseStack_pop (gc.clauses); } context_exitClauseSimp (); } void context_enterCaseClause (exprNode e) { bool branch = FALSE; DPRINTF (("Enter case clause!")); branch = usymtab_newCase (exprNode_undefined, e); if (branch) { context_enterCondClauseAux (CASECLAUSE); } } static void context_enterFalseClauseAux (exprNode e, clause cl) /*@modifies gc@*/ { usymtab_altBranch (guardSet_invert (exprNode_getGuards (e))); gc.inclause = cl; clauseStack_switchTop (gc.clauses, cl); } void context_enterFalseClause (exprNode e) { context_enterFalseClauseAux (e, FALSECLAUSE); } void context_enterConstantMacro (/*@exposed@*/ /*@dependent@*/ uentry e) { gc.kind = CX_MACROCONST; gc.cont.fcn = e; gc.showfunction = context_getFlag (FLG_SHOWFUNC); gc.acct = typeIdSet_subtract (typeIdSet_union (gc.facct, uentry_accessType (e)), gc.nacct); usymtab_enterScope (); sRef_enterFunctionScope (); gc.globs = globSet_undefined; globSet_clear (gc.globs_used); gc.mods = sRefSet_undefined; } uentry context_getHeader (void) { if (!(context_inFunctionLike () || (gc.kind == CX_MACROCONST))) { llfatalbug (message ("context_getHeader: bad call: %q", context_unparse ())); } return (gc.cont.fcn); } void context_setFunctionDefined (fileloc loc) { switch (gc.kind) { case CX_UNKNOWNMACRO: case CX_FUNCTION: case CX_MACROFCN: uentry_setFunctionDefined (gc.cont.fcn, loc); break; default: /* (not a bug because of parse errors) */ break; } } void context_enterFunction (/*@exposed@*/ uentry e) { gc.kind = CX_FUNCTION; gc.cont.fcn = e; DPRINTF (("Enter function: %s", uentry_unparse (e))); if (uentry_hasAccessType (e)) { gc.acct = typeIdSet_subtract (typeIdSet_union (gc.facct, uentry_accessType (e)), gc.nacct); } else { gc.acct = gc.facct; } DPRINTF (("Enter function: %s / %s", uentry_unparse (e), typeIdSet_unparse (gc.acct))); gc.showfunction = context_getFlag (FLG_SHOWFUNC); gc.globs = uentry_getGlobs (e); globSet_clear (gc.globs_used); gc.mods = uentry_getMods (e); usymtab_enterFunctionScope (e); sRef_enterFunctionScope (); } bool context_inOldStyleScope(void) { return (gc.kind == CX_OLDSTYLESCOPE); } void context_enterOldStyleScope (void) { gc.kind = CX_OLDSTYLESCOPE; DPRINTF (("Enter old style scope!")); usymtab_enterFunctionScope (uentry_undefined); } void context_completeOldStyleFunction (uentry e) { llassert (gc.kind == CX_OLDSTYLESCOPE); gc.kind = CX_FUNCTION; gc.cont.fcn = e; DPRINTF (("Enter function: %s", uentry_unparse (e))); if (uentry_hasAccessType (e)) { gc.acct = typeIdSet_subtract (typeIdSet_union (gc.facct, uentry_accessType (e)), gc.nacct); } else { gc.acct = gc.facct; } DPRINTF (("Enter function: %s / %s", uentry_unparse (e), typeIdSet_unparse (gc.acct))); gc.showfunction = context_getFlag (FLG_SHOWFUNC); if (!globSet_isEmpty (uentry_getGlobs (e))) { llfatalerror (message ("%q: Old-style function declaration uses a clause (rewrite with function parameters): %q", fileloc_unparse (g_currentloc), uentry_unparse (e))); } gc.showfunction = context_getFlag (FLG_SHOWFUNC); gc.globs = uentry_getGlobs (e); globSet_clear (gc.globs_used); gc.mods = uentry_getMods (e); if (!sRefSet_isEmpty (gc.mods)) { llfatalerror (message ("%q: Old-style function declaration uses a clause (rewrite with function parameters): %q", fileloc_unparse (g_currentloc), uentry_unparse (e))); } sRef_enterFunctionScope (); } static bool context_checkStrictGlobals (void) { return (context_getFlag (FLG_CHECKSTRICTGLOBALS)); } static bool context_hasGlobs (void) { if (context_inFunctionLike ()) { return (uentry_hasGlobs (gc.cont.fcn)); } else { return (FALSE); } } static bool context_checkCheckedGlobals (void) { return (context_getFlag (FLG_GLOBALS) && (context_getFlag (FLG_GLOBUNSPEC) || context_hasGlobs ())); } static bool context_checkUnknownGlobals (void) { /* should be uentry_hasGlobs ? */ return (context_getFlag (FLG_ALLGLOBALS) && (context_getFlag (FLG_GLOBUNSPEC) || context_hasGlobs ())); } static bool context_checkUncheckedGlobals (void) { return (FALSE); } bool context_checkExport (uentry e) { if (!gc.anyExports) return FALSE; if (uentry_isFunction (e) || (uentry_isVariable (e) && ctype_isFunction (uentry_getType (e)))) { return context_maybeSet (FLG_EXPORTFCN); } else if (uentry_isExpandedMacro (e)) { return context_maybeSet (FLG_EXPORTMACRO); } else if (uentry_isVariable (e)) { return context_maybeSet (FLG_EXPORTVAR); } else if (uentry_isEitherConstant (e)) { return context_maybeSet (FLG_EXPORTCONST); } else if (uentry_isIter (e) || uentry_isEndIter (e)) { return context_maybeSet (FLG_EXPORTITER); } else if (uentry_isDatatype (e)) { return context_maybeSet (FLG_EXPORTTYPE); } else { BADEXIT; } } bool context_checkGlobUse (uentry glob) { if (uentry_isCheckedStrict (glob)) { return context_checkStrictGlobals (); } else if (uentry_isChecked (glob)) { return context_checkCheckedGlobals (); } else if (uentry_isCheckedUnknown (glob) || uentry_isCheckMod (glob)) { return context_checkUnknownGlobals (); } else { llassert (uentry_isUnchecked (glob)); return context_checkUncheckedGlobals (); } } bool context_checkAliasGlob (uentry glob) { if (uentry_isCheckedStrict (glob)) { return gc.flags[FLG_CHECKSTRICTGLOBALIAS]; } else if (uentry_isChecked (glob)) { return gc.flags[FLG_CHECKEDGLOBALIAS]; } else if (uentry_isCheckMod (glob)) { return gc.flags[FLG_CHECKMODGLOBALIAS]; } else { llassert (uentry_isUnchecked (glob) || uentry_isCheckedUnknown (glob)); return gc.flags[FLG_UNCHECKEDGLOBALIAS]; } } bool context_checkInternalUse (void) { if (context_hasGlobs ()) { return (gc.flags[FLG_INTERNALGLOBS]); } else { return (gc.flags[FLG_INTERNALGLOBSNOGLOBS]); } } bool context_checkGlobMod (sRef el) { uentry ue = sRef_getUentry (el); /* no: llassert (sRef_isFileOrGlobalScope (el)); also check local statics */ if (uentry_isCheckedModify (ue) || (!uentry_isUnchecked (ue) && (gc.flags[FLG_ALLGLOBALS]))) { if (context_hasMods ()) { return (gc.flags[FLG_MODGLOBS]); } else { if (uentry_isCheckedStrict (ue)) { return (gc.flags[FLG_MODGLOBSUNSPEC]); } else { return (gc.flags[FLG_MODSTRICTGLOBSUNSPEC]); } } } else { if (context_hasMods ()) { return (gc.flags[FLG_MODGLOBSUNCHECKED]); } else { return FALSE; } } } void context_usedGlobal (/*@exposed@*/ sRef el) { if (!globSet_member (gc.globs_used, el)) { /* ** The first time a global is used in a function, we need ** to clear the derived sRefs, since they were set for the ** previous function. */ sRef_clearDerived (el); gc.globs_used = globSet_insert (gc.globs_used, el); } } /*@observer@*/ sRefSet context_modList (void) { return gc.mods; } bool context_globAccess (sRef s) { llassert (sRef_isFileOrGlobalScope (s) || sRef_isKindSpecial (s)); return (globSet_member (gc.globs, s)); } bool context_hasAccess (typeId t) { if (context_inFunctionLike ()) { DPRINTF (("Access %d / %s", t, typeIdSet_unparse (gc.acct))); return (typeIdSet_member (gc.acct, t)); } else { return (context_hasFileAccess (t)); } } bool context_hasFileAccess (typeId t) { return (typeIdSet_member (gc.facct, t)); } /*@only@*/ cstring context_unparseAccess (void) { return (message ("%q / %q", typeIdSet_unparse (gc.acct), typeIdSet_unparse (gc.facct))); } /*@only@*/ cstring context_unparseClauses (void) { return (clauseStack_unparse (gc.clauses)); } bool context_couldHaveAccess (typeId t) { if (gc.kind == CX_FUNCTION || gc.kind == CX_MACROFCN || gc.kind == CX_UNKNOWNMACRO) { return (typeIdSet_member (gc.acct, t)); } else { return (typeIdSet_member (gc.facct, t)); } } ctype context_getRetType (void) { ctype f = ctype_undefined; if (gc.kind == CX_FUNCTION || gc.kind == CX_MACROFCN) { f = uentry_getType (gc.cont.fcn); } else if (gc.kind == CX_UNKNOWNMACRO) { return ctype_unknown; } else { llcontbuglit ("context_getRetType: not in a function context"); return ctype_unknown; } if (!ctype_isFunction (f)) { if (ctype_isKnown (f)) { llbuglit ("context_getRetType: not a function"); } return ctype_unknown; } return (ctype_getReturnType (f)); } bool context_hasMods (void) { if (context_inFunctionLike ()) { return (uentry_hasMods (gc.cont.fcn)); } else { return FALSE; } } void context_exitAllClauses (void) { while (!clauseStack_isEmpty (gc.clauses)) { clause el = clauseStack_top (gc.clauses); gc.inclause = el; if (clause_isNone (el)) { usymtab_quietExitScope (g_currentloc); clauseStack_pop (gc.clauses); } else { context_exitClausePlain (); } } clauseStack_clear (gc.clauses); gc.inclause = NOCLAUSE; } void context_exitAllClausesQuiet (void) { while (!clauseStack_isEmpty (gc.clauses)) { clause el = clauseStack_top (gc.clauses); gc.inclause = el; usymtab_quietExitScope (g_currentloc); clauseStack_pop (gc.clauses); } clauseStack_clear (gc.clauses); gc.inclause = NOCLAUSE; } static void context_exitClauseSimp (void) { context_setJustPopped (); clauseStack_pop (gc.clauses); gc.inclause = topClause (gc.clauses); } static void context_exitCaseClause (void) { context_setJustPopped (); usymtab_popCaseBranch (); clauseStack_pop (gc.clauses); gc.inclause = topClause (gc.clauses); } static void context_exitClauseAux (exprNode pred, exprNode tbranch) { context_setJustPopped (); usymtab_popTrueBranch (pred, tbranch, gc.inclause); /* evans 2003-02-02?: was makeAlt */ clauseStack_pop (gc.clauses); gc.inclause = topClause (gc.clauses); } void context_exitTrueClause (exprNode pred, exprNode tbranch) { DPRINTF (("Exit true clause: %s", exprNode_unparse (tbranch))); if (gc.inclause != TRUECLAUSE) { llparseerror (cstring_makeLiteral ("Likely parse error. Conditional clauses are inconsistent.")); return; } context_setJustPopped (); usymtab_popTrueBranch (pred, tbranch, TRUECLAUSE); clauseStack_pop (gc.clauses); gc.inclause = topClause (gc.clauses); } void context_exitIterClause (exprNode body) { llassert (gc.inclause == ITERCLAUSE); context_setJustPopped (); if (context_getFlag (FLG_ITERLOOPEXEC)) { usymtab_popTrueExecBranch (exprNode_undefined, body, ITERCLAUSE); } else { usymtab_popTrueBranch (exprNode_undefined, body, ITERCLAUSE); } clauseStack_pop (gc.clauses); gc.inclause = topClause (gc.clauses); } static void context_popCase (void) { /* ** If we are exiting an outer clause, sometimes still in a switch case. ** ** e.g.: ** ** switch(a) ** { ** case 1: ** while (c>3) ** { ** case 3: ++c; ** } ** } */ DPRINTF (("Popping case clause: %s", clauseStack_unparse (gc.clauses))); if (gc.inclause == CASECLAUSE) { context_exitCaseClause (); } } void context_exitWhileClause (exprNode pred, exprNode body) { guardSet invGuards = guardSet_invert (exprNode_getGuards (pred)); context_popCase (); if (gc.inclause != WHILECLAUSE) { DPRINTF (("Clause: %s / %s", clause_unparse (gc.inclause), clauseStack_unparse (gc.clauses))); } llassert (gc.inclause == WHILECLAUSE); context_setJustPopped (); /* ** predicate must be false after while loop (unless there are breaks) */ if (context_getFlag (FLG_WHILELOOPEXEC)) { usymtab_popTrueExecBranch (pred, body, WHILECLAUSE); } else { usymtab_popTrueBranch (pred, body, WHILECLAUSE); } usymtab_addGuards (invGuards); guardSet_free (invGuards); clauseStack_pop (gc.clauses); gc.inclause = topClause (gc.clauses); } void context_exitDoWhileClause (exprNode pred) { guardSet invGuards = guardSet_invert (exprNode_getGuards (pred)); if (gc.inclause == CASECLAUSE) { /* handle Duff's device */ clauseStack_pop (gc.clauses); gc.inclause = topClause (gc.clauses); } llassert (gc.inclause == DOWHILECLAUSE); context_setJustPopped (); usymtab_addGuards (invGuards); guardSet_free (invGuards); clauseStack_pop (gc.clauses); gc.inclause = topClause (gc.clauses); } void context_exitForClause (exprNode forPred, exprNode body) { guardSet invGuards = guardSet_invert (exprNode_getForGuards (forPred)); llassert (gc.inclause == FORCLAUSE); context_setJustPopped (); DPRINTF (("Exit for: %s / %s", exprNode_unparse (forPred), exprNode_unparse (body))); /* ** Predicate must be false after for loop (unless there are breaks) */ if (context_getFlag (FLG_FORLOOPEXEC)) { DPRINTF (("Here: for loop exec")); usymtab_popTrueExecBranch (forPred, body, FORCLAUSE); } else { if (context_getFlag (FLG_OBVIOUSLOOPEXEC) && exprNode_loopMustExec (forPred)) { DPRINTF (("Here: loop must exec")); usymtab_popTrueExecBranch (forPred, body, FORCLAUSE); } else { DPRINTF (("Pop true branch:")); usymtab_popTrueBranch (forPred, body, FORCLAUSE); } } usymtab_addGuards (invGuards); guardSet_free (invGuards); clauseStack_pop (gc.clauses); gc.inclause = topClause (gc.clauses); } static void context_exitClausePlain (void) { llassert (gc.inclause != NOCLAUSE); if (gc.inclause == FALSECLAUSE) { context_exitClause (exprNode_undefined, exprNode_undefined, exprNode_undefined); } else { context_exitClauseAux (exprNode_undefined, exprNode_undefined); } } void context_exitClause (exprNode pred, exprNode tbranch, exprNode fbranch) { context_setJustPopped (); if (gc.inclause == FALSECLAUSE) { usymtab_popBranches (pred, tbranch, fbranch, FALSE, FALSECLAUSE); llassert (clauseStack_top (gc.clauses) == FALSECLAUSE); clauseStack_pop (gc.clauses); gc.inclause = topClause (gc.clauses); } else { context_exitTrueClause (pred, tbranch); } } void context_returnFunction (void) { usymtab_checkFinalScope (TRUE); } void context_exitFunction (void) { DPRINTF (("Exit function: %s", context_unparse ())); if (!context_inFunction () && !context_inMacroConstant () && !context_inUnknownMacro () && !context_inIterDef () && !context_inIterEnd ()) { /* ** not a bug because of parse errors */ BADBRANCH; } else { if (context_inMacro () && usymtab_inFunctionScope ()) { usymtab_exitScope (exprNode_undefined); } if (uentry_hasGlobs (gc.cont.fcn)) { exprChecks_checkUsedGlobs (gc.globs, gc.globs_used); } if (uentry_hasMods (gc.cont.fcn)) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_MUSTMOD)) { exprNode_checkAllMods (gc.mods, gc.cont.fcn); } } DPRINTF (("Exit function: %s", uentry_unparse (gc.cont.fcn))); /* ** clear file static modifies */ /* do this first to get unused error messages */ usymtab_exitScope (exprNode_undefined); sRef_exitFunctionScope (); gc.showfunction = FALSE; gc.kind = CX_GLOBAL; gc.cont.glob = TRUE; gc.acct = gc.facct; gc.globs = globSet_new (); globSet_clear (gc.globs_used); gc.mods = sRefSet_new (); } llassert (clauseStack_isEmpty (gc.clauses)); llassert (gc.inclause == NOCLAUSE); DPRINTF (("After exit function: %s", context_unparse ())); } void context_quietExitFunction (void) { while (gc.kind == CX_INNER) { context_exitInnerPlain (); } if (!context_inFunction () && !context_inMacroConstant () && !context_inUnknownMacro () && !context_inIterDef () && !context_inIterEnd ()) { } else { usymtab_quietExitScope (g_currentloc); gc.showfunction = FALSE; gc.kind = CX_GLOBAL; gc.cont.glob = TRUE; gc.acct = gc.facct; gc.globs = globSet_new (); globSet_clear (gc.globs_used); gc.mods = sRefSet_new (); sRef_exitFunctionScope (); } } /*@observer@*/ uentryList context_getParams (void) { if (context_inFunctionLike ()) { return (uentry_getParams (gc.cont.fcn)); } else { llcontbug (message ("context_getParams: not in function: %q", context_unparse ())); return uentryList_undefined; } } /*@observer@*/ globSet context_getUsedGlobs (void) { llassert (gc.kind == CX_FUNCTION || gc.kind == CX_MACROFCN || gc.kind == CX_UNKNOWNMACRO || gc.kind == CX_ITERDEF); return (gc.globs_used); } cstring context_moduleName () { return (fileloc_getBase (g_currentloc)); } /*@observer@*/ globSet context_getGlobs (void) { llassert (gc.kind == CX_FUNCTION || gc.kind == CX_MACROFCN || gc.kind == CX_UNKNOWNMACRO || gc.kind == CX_ITERDEF); return (gc.globs); } void context_addBoolAccess (void) { cstring bname = context_getString (FLG_BOOLTYPE); typeIdSet boolt = typeIdSet_single (usymtab_getTypeId (bname)); addModuleAccess (cstring_copy (bname), boolt); /* for sys/types (perhaps, this is bogus!) */ addModuleAccess (cstring_makeLiteral ("types"), boolt); } # if 0 bool context_canAccessBool (void) { return TRUE; } # endif /* static typeId boolType = typeId_invalid; if (typeId_isInvalid (boolType)) { boolType = usymtab_getTypeId (context_getBoolName ()); } if (typeId_isInvalid (boolType)) { return FALSE; } else { return (typeIdSet_member (gc.acct, boolType)); } } */ /* evs 2000-07-25: old version - replaced */ ctype context_boolImplementationType () { /* For now, this is bogus! */ return ctype_int; } bool context_canAccessBool (void) { static typeId boolType = typeId_invalid; if (typeId_isInvalid (boolType)) { boolType = usymtab_getTypeId (context_getBoolName ()); } if (!typeId_isInvalid (boolType)) { return context_hasAccess (boolType); } else { ; } return FALSE; } void context_setMessageAnnote (/*@only@*/ cstring s) { llassert (cstring_isUndefined (gc.msgAnnote)); gc.msgAnnote = s; } bool context_hasMessageAnnote (void) { return (cstring_isDefined (gc.msgAnnote)); } void context_clearMessageAnnote (void) { if (cstring_isDefined (gc.msgAnnote)) { cstring_free (gc.msgAnnote); gc.msgAnnote = cstring_undefined; } } /*@only@*/ cstring context_getMessageAnnote (void) { cstring st = gc.msgAnnote; gc.msgAnnote = cstring_undefined; return st; } void context_setAliasAnnote (/*@observer@*/ sRef s, /*@observer@*/ sRef t) { llassert (sRef_isInvalid (gc.aliasAnnote)); llassert (!sRef_sameName (s, t)); gc.aliasAnnote = s; gc.aliasAnnoteAls = t; } bool context_hasAliasAnnote (void) { return (sRef_isValid (gc.aliasAnnote)); } void context_clearAliasAnnote (void) { gc.aliasAnnote = sRef_undefined; } cstring context_getAliasAnnote (void) { sRef ret = gc.aliasAnnote; sRef als = gc.aliasAnnoteAls; llassert (sRef_isValid (ret) && sRef_isValid (als)); gc.aliasAnnote = sRef_undefined; return (message ("%q aliases %q", sRef_unparse (als), sRef_unparse (ret))); } void context_recordFileModifies (sRefSet mods) { gc.modrecs = sRefSetList_add (gc.modrecs, mods); } void context_recordFileGlobals (globSet mods) { DPRINTF (("Recording file globals: %s", globSet_unparse (mods))); /*@access globSet@*/ context_recordFileModifies (mods); /*@noaccess globSet@*/ } void context_setCommentMarkerChar (char c) { llassert (c != '\0'); context_setValue (FLG_COMMENTCHAR, (int) c); } char context_getCommentMarkerChar (void) { return ((char) context_getValue (FLG_COMMENTCHAR)); } static void context_setValue (flagcode flag, int val) { int index = flagcode_valueIndex (flag); llassert (index >= 0 && index <= NUMVALUEFLAGS); switch (flag) { case FLG_LINELEN: if (val <= 0) { llerror_flagWarning (message ("Value for %s must be a positive " "number (given %d)", flagcode_unparse (flag), val)); return; } if (flag == FLG_LINELEN && val < MINLINELEN) { llerror_flagWarning (message ("Value for %s must be at least %d (given %d)", flagcode_unparse (flag), MINLINELEN, val)); val = MINLINELEN; } break; case FLG_INCLUDENEST: case FLG_CONTROLNESTDEPTH: case FLG_STRINGLITERALLEN: case FLG_NUMSTRUCTFIELDS: case FLG_NUMENUMMEMBERS: case FLG_INDENTSPACES: if (val < 0) { llerror_flagWarning (message ("Value for %s must be a non-negative " "number (given %d)", flagcode_unparse (flag), val)); return; } break; default: break; } DPRINTF (("Set value [%s] %d = %d", flagcode_unparse (flag), index, val)); gc.values[index] = val; } void context_setValueAndFlag (flagcode flag, int val) { gc.flags[flag] = TRUE; context_setValue (flag, val); } int context_getValue (flagcode flag) { int index = flagcode_valueIndex (flag); llassert (index >= 0 && index <= NUMVALUEFLAGS); DPRINTF (("Get value [%s] %d = %d", flagcode_unparse (flag), index, gc.values[index])); return (gc.values[index]); } int context_getCounter (flagcode flag) { int index = flagcode_valueIndex (flag); llassert (index >= 0 && index <= NUMVALUEFLAGS); return (gc.counters[index]); } void context_incCounter (flagcode flag) { int index = flagcode_valueIndex (flag); llassert (index >= 0 && index <= NUMVALUEFLAGS); /* check limit */ gc.counters[index]++; } void context_decCounter (flagcode flag) { int index = flagcode_valueIndex (flag); llassert (index >= 0 && index <= NUMVALUEFLAGS); gc.counters[index]--; } bool context_showFunction (void) { return (gc.showfunction); } void context_setString (flagcode flag, cstring val) { int index = flagcode_stringIndex (flag); llassert (index >= 0 && index <= NUMSTRINGFLAGS); DPRINTF (("set string: %s", flagcode_unparse (flag))); switch (flag) { case FLG_MESSAGESTREAM: case FLG_WARNINGSTREAM: case FLG_ERRORSTREAM: { if (cstring_isDefined (val)) { FILE *fstream; if (osd_fileExists (val)) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_STREAMOVERWRITE)) { llfatalerror (message ("Output stream file %s would overwrite existing file. " "Use -streamoverwrite if you want to allow this.", val)); } } fstream = fopen (cstring_toCharsSafe (val), "w"); if (fstream == NULL) { llfatalerror (message ("Unable to open output stream file %s for writing", val)); } /* ** This ensures fstream will be closed on exit. */ fileTable_addStreamFile (gc.ftab, fstream, cstring_copy (val)); switch (flag) { case FLG_MESSAGESTREAM: g_messagestream = fstream; /*@innerbreak@*/ break; case FLG_WARNINGSTREAM: g_warningstream = fstream; /*@innerbreak@*/ break; case FLG_ERRORSTREAM: g_errorstream = fstream; /*@innerbreak@*/ break; BADDEFAULT; } /*@-statetransfer@*/ } /*@=statetransfer@*/ /* fstream not closed, but will be on exit */ break; } case FLG_SYSTEMDIRS: { llassert (cstring_isDefined (val)); if (cstring_firstChar (val) == '\"') { cstring oval = val; cstring tval = cstring_copy (cstring_suffix (val, 1)); if (cstring_lastChar (tval) != '\"') { int n = size_toInt (cstring_length (tval) - 1); while (isspace ((int) cstring_getChar (tval, size_fromInt (n)))) { n--; } if (cstring_getChar (tval, size_fromInt (n)) != '\"') { llerror_flagWarning (message ("Setting -systemdirs to string with unmatching quotes: %s", val)); } else { cstring otval = tval; tval = cstring_prefix (tval, size_fromInt (n)); cstring_free (otval); } } val = cstring_copy (cstring_clip (tval, cstring_length (tval) - 1)); DPRINTF (("val = %s", val)); cstring_free (tval); cstring_free (oval); } break; } case FLG_TMPDIR: { llassert (cstring_isDefined (val)); if (cstring_length (val) == 0) { cstring_free (val); val = message (".%s", cstring_makeLiteralTemp (CONNECTSTR)); } else if (cstring_lastChar (val) != CONNECTCHAR) { val = cstring_appendChar (val, CONNECTCHAR); } else { ; } break; } default: { ; /* Okay not handle everything in this switch */ } /*@-branchstate@*/ } /* evans 2002-03-24: splintme reports a spurious (I think) warning here...need to look into it */ /*@=branchstate@*/ if (cstring_length (val) >= 1 && cstring_firstChar (val) == '\"') { llerror_flagWarning (message ("Setting %s to string beginning with \". You probably " "don't meant to have the \"'s.", flagcode_unparse (flag))); } gc.strings[index] = val; } static /*@exposed@*/ cstring context_exposeString (flagcode flag) { int index = flagcode_stringIndex (flag); llassert (index >= 0 && index <= NUMSTRINGFLAGS); return (gc.strings[index]); } cstring context_getString (flagcode flag) { return (context_exposeString (flag)); } void context_resetErrors (void) { gc.numerrors = 0; } void context_recordBug (void) { gc.numbugs++; } int context_numBugs (void) { return gc.numbugs; } void context_initMod (void) /*@globals undef gc; @*/ { gc.kind = CX_GLOBAL; gc.savekind = CX_ERROR; gc.savecont.glob = FALSE; gc.instandardlib = FALSE; gc.numerrors = 0; gc.numbugs = 0; gc.neednl = FALSE; gc.linesprocessed = 0; gc.speclinesprocessed = 0; gc.insuppressregion = FALSE; gc.macroMissingParams = FALSE; gc.preprocessing = FALSE; gc.incommandline = FALSE; gc.mc = macrocache_create (); gc.nmods = 0; gc.maxmods = DEFAULTMAXMODS; gc.moduleaccess = (maccesst *) dmalloc (sizeof (*gc.moduleaccess) * (gc.maxmods)); gc.library = FLG_ANSILIB; gc.locstack = filelocStack_new (); gc.modrecs = sRefSetList_undefined; gc.anyExports = FALSE; gc.ftab = fileTable_create (); gc.msgLog = messageLog_new (); gc.inimport = FALSE; gc.inDerivedFile = FALSE; gc.inheader = FALSE; gc.markers = flagMarkerList_new (); gc.cont.glob = TRUE; gc.showfunction = FALSE; gc.msgAnnote = cstring_undefined; gc.aliasAnnote = sRef_undefined; gc.aliasAnnoteAls = sRef_undefined; gc.boolType = ctype_bool; gc.mods = sRefSet_new (); gc.saveloc = fileloc_undefined; gc.inmacrocache = FALSE; gc.inclause = NOCLAUSE; gc.clauses = clauseStack_new (); gc.globs = globSet_new (); gc.nacct = typeIdSet_emptySet (); gc.acct = typeIdSet_emptySet (); gc.facct = typeIdSet_emptySet (); gc.savedFlags = FALSE; gc.pushloc = fileloc_undefined; gc.protectVars = FALSE; gc.justpopped = FALSE; gc.isNullGuarded = NO; gc.globs_used = globSet_undefined; allFlagCodes (code) { gc.setGlobally[code] = FALSE; gc.setLocally[code] = FALSE; } end_allFlagCodes ; usymtab_initMod (); context_resetAllFlags (); assertSet (gc.flags); /* Can't use global in defines */ assertSet (gc.saveflags); assertSet (gc.values); assertSet (gc.strings); conext_resetAllCounters (); assertSet (gc.counters); context_setMode (DEFAULT_MODE); gc.stateTable = metaStateTable_create (); gc.annotTable = annotationTable_create (); gc.inFunctionHeader = FALSE; DPRINTF (("Annotations: \n%s", cstring_toCharsSafe (annotationTable_unparse (gc.annotTable)))); DPRINTF (("State: \n%s", cstring_toCharsSafe (metaStateTable_unparse (gc.stateTable)))); } ctype context_typeofZero (void) { ctype ct = ctype_int; if (context_getFlag (FLG_ZEROPTR)) { ct = ctype_makeConj (ct, ctype_voidPointer); } if (context_getFlag (FLG_ZEROBOOL)) { ct = ctype_makeConj (ct, ctype_bool); } return ct; } ctype context_typeofOne (void) { ctype ct = ctype_int; /* 1 is on longer a bool (was before 2.4) if (!context_getFlag (FLG_ABSTRACTBOOL)) { ct = ctype_makeConj (ct, ctype_bool); } */ return (ct); } /*@only@*/ cstring context_unparse (void) { cstring s; switch (gc.kind) { case CX_LCL: s = message ("LCL File: %q", fileloc_unparse (g_currentloc)); break; case CX_LCLLIB: s = message ("LCL Lib File: %q", fileloc_unparse (g_currentloc)); break; case CX_GLOBAL: s = message ("Global Context:%q", fileloc_unparse (g_currentloc)); break; case CX_INNER: s = message ("Inner Context [%d] : %q", gc.cont.cdepth, fileloc_unparse (g_currentloc)); break; case CX_FUNCTION: s = message ("Function %q :%q \n\taccess %q\n\tmodifies %q", uentry_unparse (gc.cont.fcn), fileloc_unparse (g_currentloc), typeIdSet_unparse (gc.acct), sRefSet_unparse (gc.mods)); break; case CX_MACROFCN: s = message ("Function Macro %q", uentry_unparse (gc.cont.fcn)); break; case CX_UNKNOWNMACRO: s = message ("Forward Specified Macro %q", uentry_unparse (gc.cont.fcn)); break; case CX_MACROCONST: s = message ("Constant Macro %q", uentry_unparse (gc.cont.fcn)); break; case CX_ITERDEF: s = message ("Iter definition %q", uentry_unparse (gc.cont.fcn)); break; case CX_ITEREND: s = message ("Iter end %q", uentry_unparse (gc.cont.fcn)); break; case CX_FCNDECLARATION: s = message ("Function declaration %q", uentry_unparse (gc.cont.fcn)); break; default: s = message ("Un-unparseable context: %d", (int) gc.kind); break; } s = message ("%q\naccess: %q", s, context_unparseAccess ()); return (s); } extern ctype context_currentFunctionType (void) { if (gc.kind == CX_FUNCTION || gc.kind == CX_MACROFCN) { return (uentry_getType (gc.cont.fcn)); } else if (gc.kind == CX_INNER) { llcontbuglit ("context_currentFunctionType: inner context"); do { context_exitInnerPlain (); } while (gc.kind == CX_INNER); return (context_currentFunctionType ()); } else { llcontbuglit ("context_currentFunctionType: not in function"); return (ctype_undefined); } } void context_enterInnerContext (void) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_GRAMMAR)) { lldiagmsg (message ("Enter inner context: %q", context_unparse ())); } if (gc.kind == CX_GLOBAL) { gc.kind = CX_INNER; gc.cont.cdepth = 1; } else if (gc.kind == CX_INNER) { gc.cont.cdepth++; } else { ; } usymtab_enterScope (); pushClause (NOCLAUSE); } void context_exitInnerPlain (void) /*@modifies gc;@*/ { context_exitInner (exprNode_undefined); } void context_exitInner (exprNode exp) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_GRAMMAR)) { lldiagmsg (message ("Enter inner context: %q", context_unparse ())); } llassertprint (gc.inclause == NOCLAUSE || gc.inclause == CASECLAUSE, ("inclause = %s", clause_nameTaken (gc.inclause))); clauseStack_removeFirst (gc.clauses, NOCLAUSE); gc.inclause = topClause (gc.clauses); if (gc.kind == CX_INNER) { if (--gc.cont.cdepth == 0) { gc.kind = CX_GLOBAL; gc.cont.glob = TRUE; } } else { if (gc.kind == CX_GLOBAL) { llcontbuglit ("Attempt to exit global context"); return; } } usymtab_exitScope (exp); } void context_enterStructInnerContext (void) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_GRAMMAR)) { lldiagmsg (message ("Enter struct inner context: %q", context_unparse ())); } if (gc.kind == CX_GLOBAL) { gc.kind = CX_INNER; gc.cont.cdepth = 1; } else if (gc.kind == CX_INNER) { gc.cont.cdepth++; } else { ; } usymtab_enterScope (); if (context_getFlag (FLG_GRAMMAR)) { lldiagmsg (message ("Enter struct inner context: %q", context_unparse ())); } } void context_exitStructInnerContext (void) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_GRAMMAR)) { lldiagmsg (message ("Exit struct inner context: %q [%d]", context_unparse (), gc.cont.cdepth)); } if (gc.kind == CX_INNER) { if (gc.cont.cdepth <= 0) { llcontbuglit ("Attempt to exit inner context with no depth"); gc.kind = CX_GLOBAL; gc.cont.glob = TRUE; gc.cont.cdepth = 0; } else { gc.cont.cdepth--; if (gc.cont.cdepth == 0) { gc.kind = CX_GLOBAL; gc.cont.glob = TRUE; } } } else { if (gc.kind == CX_GLOBAL) { llcontbuglit ("Attempt to exit global context"); return; } } usymtab_exitScope (exprNode_undefined); if (context_getFlag (FLG_GRAMMAR)) { lldiagmsg (message ("After exit struct inner context: %q [%d]", context_unparse (), gc.cont.cdepth)); } } void context_exitInnerSafe (void) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_GRAMMAR)) { lldiagmsg (message ("Exit inner safe: %q", context_unparse ())); } if (gc.kind == CX_INNER) { if (--gc.cont.cdepth <= 0) { gc.cont.cdepth = 0; } } else if (gc.kind == CX_GLOBAL) { llcontbuglit ("Attempt to exit global context"); return; } else { if (usymtab_inDeepScope ()) { usymtab_exitScope (exprNode_undefined); } } } static void setModuleAccess (void) { gc.facct = typeIdSet_emptySet (); if (fileId_isValid (currentFile ())) { cstring baseName = fileloc_getBase (g_currentloc); if (context_getFlag (FLG_ACCESSFILE)) { if (usymtab_existsType (baseName)) { gc.facct = typeIdSet_insert (gc.facct, usymtab_getTypeId (baseName)); } else { ; } } if (context_getFlag (FLG_ACCESSMODULE)) { int i; bool hasaccess = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < gc.nmods; i++) { if (cstring_equal (baseName, gc.moduleaccess[i].file)) { gc.facct = typeIdSet_union (gc.facct, gc.moduleaccess[i].daccess); hasaccess = TRUE; break; } } } gc.acct = gc.facct; gc.inheader = fileId_isHeader (currentFile ()); } else { llcontbuglit ("Current file not defined\n"); gc.facct = typeIdSet_emptySet (); gc.acct = gc.facct; gc.inheader = FALSE; } /* 17 Jan 1995: forgot to clear nacct */ gc.nacct = typeIdSet_emptySet (); } static void context_enterFileAux (void) { setModuleAccess (); } void context_enterFile (void) { context_enterFileAux (); usymtab_enterFile (); } void context_enterMacroFile (void) { context_enterFileAux (); } bool context_inFunction (void) { kcontext ck = gc.kind; return ((ck == CX_FUNCTION) || (ck == CX_MACROFCN) || (ck == CX_INNER)); } bool context_inFunctionLike (void) { return (gc.kind == CX_FUNCTION || gc.kind == CX_MACROFCN || gc.kind == CX_FCNDECLARATION || gc.kind == CX_UNKNOWNMACRO || gc.kind == CX_ITERDEF); } bool context_inRealFunction (void) { kcontext ck = gc.kind; return ((ck == CX_FUNCTION) || (ck == CX_MACROFCN)); } void context_processAllMacros (void) { usymtab_enterFile (); gc.inmacrocache = TRUE; macrocache_processUndefinedElements (gc.mc); cleanupMessages (); usymtab_exitFile (); gc.inmacrocache = FALSE; macrocache_finalize (); } /* ** this happens once at the end of each C file ** ** check each Macro that was defined in current file.c or current file.h ** */ static void context_processMacros (void) { if (fileId_isValid (currentFile ())) { fileloc lastfl; cstring cbase = fileLib_removePathFree (fileLib_removeAnyExtension (fileTable_fileName (currentFile ()))); gc.inmacrocache = TRUE; DPRINTF (("Processing macros: %s", cbase)); lastfl = macrocache_processFileElements (gc.mc, cbase); DPRINTF (("Processing macros: %s", fileloc_unparse (lastfl))); cstring_free (cbase); if (fileloc_isDefined (lastfl)) { g_currentloc = fileloc_update (g_currentloc, lastfl); cleanupMessages (); } gc.inmacrocache = FALSE; } } bool context_processingMacros (void) { return (gc.inmacrocache); } void context_exitCFile (void) { if (gc.kind != CX_GLOBAL) { llfatalerrorLoc (cstring_makeLiteral ("File ended outside global scope")); } if (gc.insuppressregion) { /* gack...don't reverse the order of these lines! ;-> */ gc.insuppressregion = FALSE; llerrorlit (FLG_SYNTAX, "File ended in ignore errors region, " "possible missing /*@end*/"); } /* fix up parse errors */ while (!usymtab_inFileScope ()) { usymtab_quietExitScope (g_currentloc); } /* ** Clear the file-specific modifies information. */ sRefSetList_elements (gc.modrecs, mods) { sRefSet_clearStatics (mods); } end_sRefSetList_elements ; sRefSetList_clear (gc.modrecs); context_processMacros (); cleanupMessages (); usymtab_exitFile (); gc.inDerivedFile = FALSE; filelocStack_clear (gc.locstack); gc.nacct = typeIdSet_emptySet (); /* empty noaccess */ gc.cont.glob = TRUE; if (gc.savedFlags) { context_restoreFlagSettings (); gc.savedFlags = FALSE; } /* DPRINTF (("After exiting file: ")); usymtab_printAll (); */ } void context_exitMacroCache (void) { if (gc.kind != CX_GLOBAL) { if (context_inMacro ()) /* this is okay, file could end without newline in macro */ { DPRINTF (("Still in macro: %s", context_unparse ())); context_exitFunction (); } else { llcontbug (message ("context_exitMacroCache: outside global scope: %q", context_unparse ())); gc.kind = CX_GLOBAL; } } /* ** no longer valid here ** if (gc.insuppressregion) ** { ** gc.insuppressregion = FALSE; ** llerror ("File ended in ignore errors region, possible missing @"); ** } */ gc.cont.glob = TRUE; } void context_saveLocation (void) { /* was llassert (fileloc_isUndefined (gc.saveloc)) */ fileloc_free (gc.saveloc); gc.saveloc = fileloc_copy (g_currentloc); } fileloc context_getSaveLocation (void) { fileloc fl = gc.saveloc; gc.saveloc = fileloc_undefined; return fl; } /*@observer@*/ cstring context_inFunctionName (void) { if (gc.kind == CX_FUNCTION || gc.kind == CX_MACROFCN || gc.kind == CX_UNKNOWNMACRO || gc.kind == CX_MACROCONST || gc.kind == CX_ITERDEF || gc.kind == CX_ITEREND) { return (uentry_rawName (gc.cont.fcn)); } else { llcontbuglit ("context_inFunctionName: not in function"); return (cstring_undefined); } } void context_userSetFlag (flagcode f, bool b) { DPRINTF (("set flag: %s / %s", flagcode_unparse (f), bool_unparse (context_getFlag (f)))); if (f == FLG_NEVERINCLUDE && b) { if (gc.flags[FLG_EXPORTHEADER]) { llerror_flagWarning (cstring_makeLiteral ("Setting +neverinclude after +exportheader. " "Turning off exportheader, since headers are not checked " "when +neverinclude is used.")); gc.flags[FLG_EXPORTHEADER] = FALSE; } } else { if (f == FLG_EXPORTHEADER && b) { if (gc.flags[FLG_NEVERINCLUDE]) { llerror_flagWarning (cstring_makeLiteral ("Setting +exportheader after +neverinclude. " "Not setting exportheader, since headers are not checked " "when +neverinclude is used.")); gc.flags[FLG_EXPORTHEADER] = FALSE; return; } } } if (context_getFlag (FLG_WARNFLAGS) && f != FLG_NOF && f != FLG_OPTF) { bool lastsetting = context_getFlag (f); if (bool_equal (lastsetting, b) && !flagcode_isSpecialFlag (f) && !flagcode_isIdemFlag (f) && !flagcode_hasArgument (f)) { llerror_flagWarning (message ("Setting %s%s redundant with current value", cstring_makeLiteralTemp (b ? "+" : "-"), flagcode_unparse (f))); } } if (flagcode_isWarnUseFlag (f) && b) { if (!context_getFlag (FLG_WARNUSE)) { llerror_flagWarning (message ("Flag +%s is canceled by -warnuse", flagcode_unparse (f))); } } if (flagcode_isLibraryFlag (f)) { if (gc.library != FLG_ANSILIB && gc.library != f) { llerror_flagWarning (message ("Selecting library %s after library %s was " "selected (only one library may be used)", flagcode_unparse (f), flagcode_unparse (gc.library))); } if (f == FLG_UNIXLIB) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_WARNUNIXLIB)) { llerror_flagWarning (cstring_makeLiteral ("Selecting unix library. Unix library is " "based on the Single Unix Specification, Version 2. Not all " "Unix implementations are consistend with this specification. " "Use -warnunixlib to suppress this message.")); } } gc.library = f; } if (flagcode_isNameChecksFlag (f) && b && !context_maybeSet (FLG_NAMECHECKS)) { llerror_flagWarning (message ("Setting +%s will not produce warnings with -namechecks. " "Must set +namechecks also.", flagcode_unparse (f))); } gc.setGlobally[f] = TRUE; context_setFlag (f, b, g_currentloc); } void context_fileSetFlag (flagcode f, ynm set, fileloc loc) { if (!gc.savedFlags) { context_saveFlagSettings (); } if (ynm_isOff (set)) { context_setFlagAux (f, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, loc); } else if (ynm_isOn (set)) { context_setFlagAux (f, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, loc); gc.setLocally[f] = TRUE; } else { context_restoreFlag (f, loc); } } static void context_restoreFlag (flagcode f, fileloc loc) { if (!gc.savedFlags) { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Attempt to restore flag %s when no file scope flags " "have been set.", flagcode_unparse (f)), loc); } else { context_addFlagMarker (f, MAYBE, loc); context_setFlagAux (f, gc.saveflags[f], FALSE, TRUE, loc); } } static void context_setFlag (flagcode f, bool b, fileloc loc) { context_setFlagAux (f, b, FALSE, FALSE, loc); } void context_setFlagTemp (flagcode f, bool b) { DPRINTF (("Set flag temp: %s / %s", flagcode_unparse (f), bool_unparse (b))); gc.flags[f] = b; } /*@notfunction@*/ # define DOSET(ff,b) \ do { if (inFile) { gc.setLocally[ff] = TRUE; \ context_addFlagMarker (ff, ynm_fromBool (b), loc); } \ DPRINTF (("set flag: %s / %s", flagcode_unparse (ff), bool_unparse (b))); \ gc.flags[ff] = b; } while (FALSE) static void context_setFlagAux (flagcode f, bool b, bool inFile, /*@unused@*/ bool isRestore, fileloc loc) { DPRINTF (("Set flag: %s / %s", flagcode_unparse (f), bool_unparse (b))); /* ** Removed test for special flags. */ if (flagcode_isIdemFlag (f)) { DOSET (f, TRUE); } else { DOSET (f, b); } if (f >= FLG_ITS4MOSTRISKY && f <= FLG_ITS4LOWRISK) { if (b) /* Turing higher level on, turns on all lower levels */ { switch (f) { case FLG_ITS4MOSTRISKY: DOSET (FLG_ITS4VERYRISKY, b); /*@fallthrough@*/ case FLG_ITS4VERYRISKY: DOSET (FLG_ITS4RISKY, b); /*@fallthrough@*/ case FLG_ITS4RISKY: DOSET (FLG_ITS4MODERATERISK, b); /*@fallthrough@*/ case FLG_ITS4MODERATERISK: DOSET (FLG_ITS4LOWRISK, b); /*@fallthrough@*/ case FLG_ITS4LOWRISK: break; BADDEFAULT; } } else /* Turning level off, turns off all higher levels */ { switch (f) { case FLG_ITS4LOWRISK: DOSET (FLG_ITS4MODERATERISK, b); /*@fallthrough@*/ case FLG_ITS4MODERATERISK: DOSET (FLG_ITS4RISKY, b); /*@fallthrough@*/ case FLG_ITS4RISKY: DOSET (FLG_ITS4VERYRISKY, b); /*@fallthrough@*/ case FLG_ITS4VERYRISKY: DOSET (FLG_ITS4MOSTRISKY, b); /*@fallthrough@*/ case FLG_ITS4MOSTRISKY: break; BADDEFAULT; } } } switch (f) { case FLG_MESSAGESTREAMSTDOUT: g_messagestream = stdout; break; case FLG_MESSAGESTREAMSTDERR: g_messagestream = stderr; break; case FLG_WARNINGSTREAMSTDOUT: g_warningstream = stdout; break; case FLG_WARNINGSTREAMSTDERR: g_warningstream = stderr; break; case FLG_ERRORSTREAMSTDOUT: g_errorstream = stdout; break; case FLG_ERRORSTREAMSTDERR: g_errorstream = stderr; break; case FLG_ALLEMPTY: DOSET (FLG_ALLEMPTY, b); DOSET (FLG_IFEMPTY, b); DOSET (FLG_WHILEEMPTY, b); DOSET (FLG_FOREMPTY, b); break; case FLG_PREDBOOL: DOSET (FLG_PREDBOOL, b); DOSET (FLG_PREDBOOLINT, b); DOSET (FLG_PREDBOOLPTR, b); DOSET (FLG_PREDBOOLOTHERS, b); break; case FLG_GLOBALIAS: DOSET (FLG_CHECKSTRICTGLOBALIAS, b); DOSET (FLG_CHECKEDGLOBALIAS, b); DOSET (FLG_CHECKMODGLOBALIAS, b); DOSET (FLG_UNCHECKEDGLOBALIAS, b); break; case FLG_ALLBLOCK: DOSET (FLG_ALLBLOCK, b); DOSET (FLG_IFBLOCK, b); DOSET (FLG_WHILEBLOCK, b); DOSET (FLG_FORBLOCK, b); break; case FLG_GRAMMAR: if (b) { yydebug = 1; mtdebug = 1; } else { yydebug = 0; mtdebug = 0; } DOSET (FLG_GRAMMAR, b); break; case FLG_CODEIMPONLY: DOSET (FLG_CODEIMPONLY, b); DOSET (FLG_GLOBIMPONLY, b); DOSET (FLG_RETIMPONLY, b); DOSET (FLG_STRUCTIMPONLY, b); break; case FLG_SPECALLIMPONLY: DOSET (FLG_SPECALLIMPONLY, b); DOSET (FLG_SPECGLOBIMPONLY, b); DOSET (FLG_SPECRETIMPONLY, b); DOSET (FLG_SPECSTRUCTIMPONLY, b); break; case FLG_ALLIMPONLY: DOSET (FLG_ALLIMPONLY, b); DOSET (FLG_GLOBIMPONLY, b); DOSET (FLG_RETIMPONLY, b); DOSET (FLG_STRUCTIMPONLY, b); DOSET (FLG_SPECGLOBIMPONLY, b); DOSET (FLG_SPECRETIMPONLY, b); DOSET (FLG_SPECSTRUCTIMPONLY, b); break; case FLG_ANSI89LIMITS: DOSET (FLG_ANSI89LIMITS, b); DOSET (FLG_CONTROLNESTDEPTH, b); DOSET (FLG_STRINGLITERALLEN, b); DOSET (FLG_INCLUDENEST, b); DOSET (FLG_NUMSTRUCTFIELDS, b); DOSET (FLG_NUMENUMMEMBERS, b); if (b) { context_setValue (FLG_CONTROLNESTDEPTH, ANSI89_CONTROLNESTDEPTH); context_setValue (FLG_STRINGLITERALLEN, ANSI89_STRINGLITERALLEN); context_setValue (FLG_INCLUDENEST, ANSI89_INCLUDENEST); context_setValue (FLG_NUMSTRUCTFIELDS, ANSI89_NUMSTRUCTFIELDS); context_setValue (FLG_NUMENUMMEMBERS, ANSI89_NUMENUMMEMBERS); context_setValue (FLG_EXTERNALNAMELEN, ANSI89_EXTERNALNAMELEN); context_setValue (FLG_INTERNALNAMELEN, ANSI89_INTERNALNAMELEN); } break; case FLG_ISO99LIMITS: DOSET (FLG_ISO99LIMITS, b); DOSET (FLG_CONTROLNESTDEPTH, b); DOSET (FLG_STRINGLITERALLEN, b); DOSET (FLG_INCLUDENEST, b); DOSET (FLG_NUMSTRUCTFIELDS, b); DOSET (FLG_NUMENUMMEMBERS, b); if (b) { context_setValue (FLG_CONTROLNESTDEPTH, ISO99_CONTROLNESTDEPTH); context_setValue (FLG_STRINGLITERALLEN, ISO99_STRINGLITERALLEN); context_setValue (FLG_INCLUDENEST, ISO99_INCLUDENEST); context_setValue (FLG_NUMSTRUCTFIELDS, ISO99_NUMSTRUCTFIELDS); context_setValue (FLG_NUMENUMMEMBERS, ISO99_NUMENUMMEMBERS); context_setValue (FLG_EXTERNALNAMELEN, ISO99_EXTERNALNAMELEN); context_setValue (FLG_INTERNALNAMELEN, ISO99_INTERNALNAMELEN); } break; case FLG_EXTERNALNAMELEN: DOSET (FLG_DISTINCTEXTERNALNAMES, TRUE); DOSET (FLG_EXTERNALNAMELEN, TRUE); break; case FLG_INTERNALNAMELEN: DOSET (FLG_DISTINCTINTERNALNAMES, TRUE); DOSET (FLG_INTERNALNAMELEN, TRUE); break; case FLG_EXTERNALNAMECASEINSENSITIVE: DOSET (FLG_EXTERNALNAMECASEINSENSITIVE, b); if (b && !gc.flags[FLG_DISTINCTEXTERNALNAMES]) { DOSET (FLG_DISTINCTEXTERNALNAMES, TRUE); context_setValue (FLG_EXTERNALNAMELEN, 0); } break; case FLG_INTERNALNAMECASEINSENSITIVE: DOSET (FLG_INTERNALNAMECASEINSENSITIVE, b); if (b && !gc.flags[FLG_DISTINCTINTERNALNAMES]) { DOSET (FLG_DISTINCTINTERNALNAMES, TRUE); context_setValue (FLG_INTERNALNAMELEN, 0); } break; case FLG_INTERNALNAMELOOKALIKE: DOSET (FLG_INTERNALNAMELOOKALIKE, b); if (b && !gc.flags[FLG_DISTINCTINTERNALNAMES]) { DOSET (FLG_DISTINCTINTERNALNAMES, TRUE); context_setValue (FLG_INTERNALNAMELEN, 0); } break; case FLG_MODUNSPEC: DOSET (FLG_MODNOMODS, b); DOSET (FLG_MODGLOBSUNSPEC, b); DOSET (FLG_MODSTRICTGLOBSUNSPEC, b); break; case FLG_EXPORTANY: DOSET (FLG_EXPORTVAR, b); DOSET (FLG_EXPORTFCN, b); DOSET (FLG_EXPORTTYPE, b); DOSET (FLG_EXPORTMACRO, b); DOSET (FLG_EXPORTCONST, b); gc.anyExports = TRUE; break; case FLG_REPEXPOSE: DOSET (FLG_RETEXPOSE, b); DOSET (FLG_ASSIGNEXPOSE, b); DOSET (FLG_CASTEXPOSE, b); break; case FLG_RETVAL: DOSET (FLG_RETVALBOOL, b); DOSET (FLG_RETVALINT, b); DOSET (FLG_RETVALOTHER, b); break; case FLG_PARTIAL: if (b) { DOSET (FLG_EXPORTLOCAL, FALSE); DOSET (FLG_DECLUNDEF, FALSE); DOSET (FLG_SPECUNDEF, FALSE); DOSET (FLG_TOPUNUSED, FALSE); } break; case FLG_DEEPBREAK: DOSET (FLG_LOOPLOOPBREAK, b); DOSET (FLG_LOOPSWITCHBREAK, b); DOSET (FLG_SWITCHLOOPBREAK, b); DOSET (FLG_SWITCHSWITCHBREAK, b); DOSET (FLG_LOOPLOOPCONTINUE, b); DOSET (FLG_DEEPBREAK, b); break; case FLG_LOOPEXEC: DOSET (FLG_FORLOOPEXEC, b); DOSET (FLG_WHILELOOPEXEC, b); DOSET (FLG_ITERLOOPEXEC, b); break; case FLG_ACCESSALL: DOSET (FLG_ACCESSMODULE, b); DOSET (FLG_ACCESSFILE, b); DOSET (FLG_ACCESSCZECH, b); break; case FLG_ALLMACROS: DOSET (FLG_ALLMACROS, b); DOSET (FLG_FCNMACROS, b); DOSET (FLG_CONSTMACROS, b); break; case FLG_BOUNDS: DOSET (FLG_BOUNDSREAD, b); DOSET (FLG_BOUNDSWRITE, b); DOSET (FLG_LIKELYBOUNDSREAD, b); DOSET (FLG_LIKELYBOUNDSWRITE, b); break; case FLG_BOUNDSREAD: DOSET (FLG_LIKELYBOUNDSREAD, b); break; case FLG_BOUNDSWRITE: DOSET (FLG_LIKELYBOUNDSWRITE, b); break; case FLG_LIKELYBOUNDS: DOSET (FLG_LIKELYBOUNDSREAD, b); DOSET (FLG_LIKELYBOUNDSWRITE, b); break; case FLG_CZECH: if (b) { DOSET (FLG_ACCESSCZECH, b); } DOSET (FLG_CZECHFUNCTIONS, b); DOSET (FLG_CZECHVARS, b); DOSET (FLG_CZECHCONSTANTS, b); DOSET (FLG_CZECHTYPES, b); break; case FLG_SLOVAK: if (b) { DOSET (FLG_ACCESSSLOVAK, b); } DOSET (FLG_SLOVAKFUNCTIONS, b); DOSET (FLG_SLOVAKVARS, b); DOSET (FLG_SLOVAKCONSTANTS, b); DOSET (FLG_SLOVAKTYPES, b); break; case FLG_CZECHOSLOVAK: if (b) { DOSET (FLG_ACCESSCZECHOSLOVAK, b); } DOSET (FLG_CZECHOSLOVAKFUNCTIONS, b); DOSET (FLG_CZECHOSLOVAKVARS, b); DOSET (FLG_CZECHOSLOVAKCONSTANTS, b); DOSET (FLG_CZECHOSLOVAKTYPES, b); break; case FLG_NULL: DOSET (FLG_NULLSTATE, b); DOSET (FLG_NULLDEREF, b); DOSET (FLG_NULLASSIGN, b); DOSET (FLG_NULLPASS, b); DOSET (FLG_NULLRET, b); break; case FLG_MUSTFREE: DOSET (FLG_MUSTFREEONLY, b); DOSET (FLG_MUSTFREEFRESH, b); break; case FLG_MEMCHECKS: DOSET (FLG_NULLSTATE, b); DOSET (FLG_NULLDEREF, b); DOSET (FLG_NULLASSIGN, b); DOSET (FLG_NULLPASS, b); DOSET (FLG_NULLRET, b); DOSET (FLG_COMPDEF, b); DOSET (FLG_COMPMEMPASS, b); DOSET (FLG_UNIONDEF, b); DOSET (FLG_MEMTRANS, b); DOSET (FLG_USERELEASED, b); DOSET (FLG_ALIASUNIQUE, b); DOSET (FLG_MAYALIASUNIQUE, b); DOSET (FLG_MUSTFREEONLY, b); DOSET (FLG_MUSTFREEFRESH, b); DOSET (FLG_MUSTDEFINE, b); DOSET (FLG_GLOBSTATE, b); DOSET (FLG_COMPDESTROY, b); DOSET (FLG_MUSTNOTALIAS, b); DOSET (FLG_MEMIMPLICIT, b); DOSET (FLG_BRANCHSTATE, b); /*@fallthrough@*/ /* also sets memtrans flags */ case FLG_MEMTRANS: DOSET (FLG_MEMTRANS, b); DOSET (FLG_EXPOSETRANS, b); DOSET (FLG_OBSERVERTRANS, b); DOSET (FLG_DEPENDENTTRANS, b); DOSET (FLG_NEWREFTRANS, b); DOSET (FLG_ONLYTRANS, b); DOSET (FLG_OWNEDTRANS, b); DOSET (FLG_FRESHTRANS, b); DOSET (FLG_SHAREDTRANS, b); DOSET (FLG_TEMPTRANS, b); DOSET (FLG_KEPTTRANS, b); DOSET (FLG_REFCOUNTTRANS, b); DOSET (FLG_STATICTRANS, b); DOSET (FLG_UNKNOWNTRANS, b); DOSET (FLG_KEEPTRANS, b); DOSET (FLG_IMMEDIATETRANS, b); break; default: break; } if (b && !gc.anyExports && (f == FLG_EXPORTVAR || f == FLG_EXPORTFCN || f == FLG_EXPORTTYPE || f == FLG_EXPORTMACRO || f == FLG_EXPORTCONST || f == FLG_EXPORTANY)) { gc.anyExports = TRUE; } } bool context_maybeSet (flagcode d) { return (gc.flags[d] || gc.setLocally[d]); } bool context_getFlag (flagcode d) { return (gc.flags[d]); } bool context_flagOn (flagcode f, fileloc loc) { return (!context_suppressFlagMsg (f, loc)); } static void context_saveFlagSettings (void) { gc.savedFlags = TRUE; llassert (sizeof (gc.saveflags) == sizeof (gc.flags)); memcpy (gc.saveflags, gc.flags, sizeof (gc.flags)); } static void context_restoreFlagSettings (void) { llassert (sizeof (gc.saveflags) == sizeof (gc.flags)); memcpy (gc.flags, gc.saveflags, sizeof (gc.flags)); gc.savedFlags = FALSE; } void context_setFilename (fileId fid, int lineno) /*@globals fileloc g_currentloc;@*/ /*@modifies g_currentloc@*/ { if (fileId_baseEqual (currentFile (), fid)) { setLine (lineno); return; } else { fileloc_setColumn (g_currentloc, 0); if (fileloc_isSpecialFile (g_currentloc)) { gc.inDerivedFile = TRUE; } if (filelocStack_popPushFile (gc.locstack, g_currentloc)) { int maxdepth = context_getValue (FLG_INCLUDENEST); if (filelocStack_size (gc.locstack) > maxdepth) { int depth = filelocStack_includeDepth (gc.locstack); if (depth > maxdepth) { if (optgenerror (FLG_INCLUDENEST, message ("Maximum include nesting depth " "(%d, current depth %d) exceeded", maxdepth, depth), filelocStack_nextTop (gc.locstack))) { filelocStack_printIncludes (gc.locstack); } } } } g_currentloc = fileloc_create (fid, lineno, 1); gc.inheader = fileId_isHeader (currentFile ()); context_enterFileAux (); } } void context_enterIterDef (/*@observer@*/ uentry le) { context_enterMacro (le); gc.acct = typeIdSet_subtract (gc.facct, gc.nacct); gc.kind = CX_ITERDEF; } void context_enterIterEnd (/*@observer@*/ uentry le) { context_enterMacro (le); gc.kind = CX_ITEREND; } void context_destroyMod (void) /*@globals killed gc@*/ { int i; setCodePoint (); ctype_destroyMod (); /* setCodePoint (); usymtab_free (); setCodePoint (); */ fileTable_free (gc.ftab); gc.ftab = fileTable_undefined; filelocStack_free (gc.locstack); setCodePoint (); macrocache_free (gc.mc); /* evans 2002-07-12: not reported because of reldef */ for (i = 0; i < gc.nmods; i++) { cstring_free (gc.moduleaccess[i].file); } sfree (gc.moduleaccess); setCodePoint (); fileloc_free (gc.saveloc); gc.saveloc = fileloc_undefined; fileloc_free (gc.pushloc); gc.pushloc = fileloc_undefined; setCodePoint (); sRefSetList_free (gc.modrecs); setCodePoint (); flagMarkerList_free (gc.markers); setCodePoint (); messageLog_free (gc.msgLog); setCodePoint (); clauseStack_free (gc.clauses); setCodePoint (); cstring_free (gc.msgAnnote); globSet_free (gc.globs_used); metaStateTable_free (gc.stateTable); annotationTable_free (gc.annotTable); } /* ** Flag shortcuts */ bool context_msgBoolInt (void) { return context_flagOn (FLG_BOOLINT, g_currentloc); } bool context_msgCharInt (void) { return context_flagOn (FLG_CHARINT, g_currentloc); } bool context_msgEnumInt (void) { return context_flagOn (FLG_ENUMINT, g_currentloc); } bool context_msgLongInt (void) { return context_flagOn (FLG_LONGINT, g_currentloc); } bool context_msgShortInt (void) { return context_flagOn (FLG_SHORTINT, g_currentloc); } bool context_msgPointerArith (void) { return context_flagOn (FLG_POINTERARITH, g_currentloc); } bool context_msgStrictOps (void) { return context_flagOn (FLG_STRICTOPS, g_currentloc); } bool context_msgLh (void) { return gc.flags [FLG_DOLH]; } void context_pushLoc (void) { fileloc_free (gc.pushloc); gc.pushloc = gc.saveloc; gc.saveloc = fileloc_undefined; } void context_popLoc (void) { gc.saveloc = fileloc_update (gc.saveloc, gc.pushloc); } bool context_inGlobalScope (void) { return (usymtab_inFileScope() || usymtab_inGlobalScope ()); } bool context_inInnerScope (void) { return (gc.kind == CX_INNER); } void context_setProtectVars (void) { gc.protectVars = TRUE; } bool context_anyErrors (void) { return (gc.numerrors > 0); } void context_hasError (void) { gc.numerrors++; DPRINTF (("num errors: %d", gc.numerrors)); } int context_numErrors (void) { return gc.numerrors; } bool context_neednl (void) { return gc.neednl; } void context_setNeednl (void) { gc.neednl = TRUE; } int context_getExpect (void) { return (context_getValue (FLG_EXPECT)); } int context_getLCLExpect (void) { return (context_getValue (FLG_LCLEXPECT)); } int context_getLimit (void) { return (context_getValue (FLG_LIMIT)); } bool context_unlimitedMessages (void) { return (context_getLimit () < 0); } void context_releaseVars (void) { llassert (gc.protectVars); gc.protectVars = FALSE; } void context_sizeofReleaseVars (void) { /* If there is a nested sizeof, this might not hold: llassert (gc.protectVars); */ gc.protectVars = FALSE; } bool context_inProtectVars (void) { return (gc.protectVars); } void context_hideShowscan (void) { gc.flags[FLG_SHOWSCAN] = FALSE; } void context_unhideShowscan (void) { gc.flags[FLG_SHOWSCAN] = TRUE; } bool context_inHeader (void) { return (gc.inheader); } fileTable context_fileTable (void) { return gc.ftab; } cstring context_tmpdir (void) { return (context_getString (FLG_TMPDIR)); } messageLog context_messageLog (void) { return gc.msgLog; } bool context_inMacroFunction (void) { return (gc.kind == CX_MACROFCN); } bool context_inMacroConstant (void) { return (gc.kind == CX_MACROCONST); } bool context_inUnknownMacro (void) { return (gc.kind == CX_UNKNOWNMACRO); } void context_setShownFunction (void) { gc.showfunction = FALSE; } bool context_doDump (void) { return cstring_isNonEmpty (context_getString (FLG_DUMP)); } bool context_doMerge (void) { return cstring_isNonEmpty (context_getString (FLG_MERGE)); } cstring context_getDump (void) { return context_getString (FLG_DUMP); } cstring context_getMerge (void) { return context_getString (FLG_MERGE); } bool context_inLCLLib (void) { return (gc.kind == CX_LCLLIB); } /*drl add these 3/5/2003*/ static bool inSizeof = FALSE; bool context_inSizeof (void) { return (inSizeof); } void context_enterSizeof (void) { DPRINTF((message("context_enterSizeof ") ) ); inSizeof = TRUE; } void context_leaveSizeof (void) { DPRINTF((message("context_leaveSizeof ") )); inSizeof = FALSE; } /*end function added 3/5/2003*/ bool context_inImport (void) { return (gc.inimport); } void context_enterImport (void) { gc.inimport = TRUE; } void context_leaveImport (void) { gc.inimport = FALSE; } bool context_inMacro (void) { return (gc.kind == CX_MACROFCN || gc.kind == CX_MACROCONST || gc.kind == CX_UNKNOWNMACRO || gc.kind == CX_ITERDEF || gc.kind == CX_ITEREND); } bool context_inIterDef (void) { return (gc.kind == CX_ITERDEF); } bool context_inIterEnd (void) { return (gc.kind == CX_ITEREND); } int context_getLinesProcessed (void) { return (gc.linesprocessed); } int context_getSpecLinesProcessed (void) { return (gc.speclinesprocessed); } void context_processedSpecLine (void) { gc.speclinesprocessed++; } void context_resetSpecLines (void) { gc.speclinesprocessed = 0; } bool context_inGlobalContext (void) { return (gc.kind == CX_GLOBAL); } static void context_quietExitScopes (void) { /* ** Try to restore the global scope (after an error). */ while (!usymtab_inFileScope ()) { usymtab_quietExitScope (g_currentloc); } gc.cont.glob = TRUE; gc.kind = CX_GLOBAL; } void context_checkGlobalScope (void) { if (gc.kind != CX_GLOBAL) { if (context_inMacro ()) { ; /* evans 2001-10-14: Okay to be in a macro here! */ } else { llcontbug (message ("Not in global scope as expected: %q", context_unparse ())); context_quietExitScopes (); } } } void context_setFileId (fileId s) { g_currentloc = fileloc_updateFileId (g_currentloc, s); } bool context_setBoolName (void) { return (!cstring_equalLit (context_getString (FLG_BOOLTYPE), DEFAULT_BOOLTYPE)); } cstring context_printBoolName (void) { if (context_setBoolName ()) { return context_getBoolName (); } else { return cstring_makeLiteralTemp ("boolean"); } } cstring context_getBoolName (void) { return (context_getString (FLG_BOOLTYPE)); } cstring context_getFalseName (void) { return (context_getString (FLG_BOOLFALSE)); } cstring context_getTrueName (void) { return (context_getString (FLG_BOOLTRUE)); } cstring context_getLarchPath (void) { return (context_getString (FLG_LARCHPATH)); } cstring context_getLCLImportDir (void) { return (context_getString (FLG_LCLIMPORTDIR)); } static void context_setJustPopped (void) { gc.justpopped = TRUE; } void context_clearJustPopped (void) { gc.justpopped = FALSE; } bool context_justPopped (void) { return (gc.justpopped); } void context_setMacroMissingParams (void) { gc.macroMissingParams = TRUE; } void context_resetMacroMissingParams (void) { gc.macroMissingParams = FALSE; } bool context_isMacroMissingParams (void) { return (gc.macroMissingParams); } void context_showFilelocStack (void) { filelocStack_printIncludes (gc.locstack); } metaStateTable context_getMetaStateTable (void) { return gc.stateTable; } metaStateInfo context_lookupMetaStateInfo (cstring key) { return metaStateTable_lookup (gc.stateTable, key); } /*@null@*/ annotationInfo context_lookupAnnotation (cstring annot) { return annotationTable_lookup (gc.annotTable, annot); } void context_addAnnotation (annotationInfo info) { if (annotationTable_contains (gc.annotTable, annotationInfo_getName (info))) { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Duplicate annotation declaration: %s", annotationInfo_getName (info)), annotationInfo_getLoc (info)); annotationInfo_free (info); } else { annotationTable_insert (gc.annotTable, info); } } void context_addMetaState (cstring mname, metaStateInfo msinfo) { if (metaStateTable_contains (gc.stateTable, mname)) { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Duplicate metastate declaration: %s", mname), metaStateInfo_getLoc (msinfo)); cstring_free (mname); metaStateInfo_free (msinfo); } else { DPRINTF (("Adding meta state: %s", mname)); metaStateTable_insert (gc.stateTable, mname, msinfo); } } valueTable context_createValueTable (sRef s, stateInfo info) { if (metaStateTable_size (gc.stateTable) > 0) { valueTable res = valueTable_create (metaStateTable_size (gc.stateTable)); /* should use smaller value... */ DPRINTF (("Value table for: %s", sRef_unparse (s))); metaStateTable_elements (gc.stateTable, msname, msi) { mtContextNode context = metaStateInfo_getContext (msi); if (mtContextNode_matchesRefStrict (context, s)) { DPRINTF (("Create: %s", metaStateInfo_unparse (msi))); llassert (cstring_equal (msname, metaStateInfo_getName (msi))); valueTable_insert (res, cstring_copy (metaStateInfo_getName (msi)), stateValue_createImplicit (metaStateInfo_getDefaultValue (msi, s), stateInfo_copy (info))); } else { DPRINTF (("No match: %s", metaStateInfo_unparse (msi))); } } end_metaStateTable_elements ; stateInfo_free (info); DPRINTF (("Value table: %s", valueTable_unparse (res))); return res; } else { stateInfo_free (info); return valueTable_undefined; } } valueTable context_createGlobalMarkerValueTable (stateInfo info) { if (metaStateTable_size (gc.stateTable) > 0) { valueTable res = valueTable_create (metaStateTable_size (gc.stateTable)); /* should use smaller value... */ metaStateTable_elements (gc.stateTable, msname, msi) { /* only add global...*/ DPRINTF (("Create: %s", metaStateInfo_unparse (msi))); llassert (cstring_equal (msname, metaStateInfo_getName (msi))); valueTable_insert (res, cstring_copy (metaStateInfo_getName (msi)), stateValue_create (metaStateInfo_getDefaultGlobalValue (msi), stateInfo_copy (info))); } end_metaStateTable_elements ; stateInfo_free (info); DPRINTF (("Value table: %s", valueTable_unparse (res))); return res; } else { stateInfo_free (info); return valueTable_undefined; } } constraintList context_getImplicitFcnConstraints (uentry ue) { constraintList ret = constraintList_makeNew (); uentryList params = uentry_getParams (ue); uentryList_elements (params, el) { DPRINTF (("setImplicitfcnConstraints doing: %s", uentry_unparse(el))); if (uentry_isElipsisMarker (el)) { ; } else { sRef s = uentry_getSref (el); DPRINTF (("Trying: %s", sRef_unparse (s))); if (ctype_isPointer (sRef_getType (s))) { constraint c = constraint_makeSRefWriteSafeInt (s, 0); ret = constraintList_add (ret, c); /*drl 10/23/2002 added support for out*/ if (!uentry_isOut(el)) { c = constraint_makeSRefReadSafeInt (s, 0); ret = constraintList_add (ret , c); } } else { DPRINTF (("%s is NOT a pointer", sRef_unparseFull (s))); } } } end_uentryList_elements; DPRINTF (("Returns ==> %s", constraintList_unparse (ret))); return ret; }