ERR_GET_LIB(3) OpenSSL ERR_GET_LIB(3) NNAAMMEE ERR_GET_LIB, ERR_GET_FUNC, ERR_GET_REASON - get library, function and reason code SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS #include int ERR_GET_LIB(unsigned long e); int ERR_GET_FUNC(unsigned long e); int ERR_GET_REASON(unsigned long e); DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The error code returned by _E_R_R___g_e_t___e_r_r_o_r_(_) consists of a library num- ber, function code and reason code. _E_R_R___G_E_T___L_I_B_(_), _E_R_R___G_E_T___F_U_N_C_(_) and _E_R_R___G_E_T___R_E_A_S_O_N_(_) can be used to extract these. The library number and function code describe where the error occurred, the reason code is the information about what went wrong. Each sub-library of OpenSSL has a unique library number; function and reason codes are unique within each sub-library. Note that different libraries may use the same value to signal different functions and rea- sons. EERRRR__RR__...... reason codes such as EERRRR__RR__MMAALLLLOOCC__FFAAIILLUURREE are globally unique. However, when checking for sub-library specific reason codes, be sure to also compare the library number. _E_R_R___G_E_T___L_I_B_(_), _E_R_R___G_E_T___F_U_N_C_(_) and _E_R_R___G_E_T___R_E_A_S_O_N_(_) are macros. RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEESS The library number, function code and reason code respectively. SSEEEE AALLSSOO _e_r_r(3), _E_R_R___g_e_t___e_r_r_o_r(3) HHIISSTTOORRYY _E_R_R___G_E_T___L_I_B_(_), _E_R_R___G_E_T___F_U_N_C_(_) and _E_R_R___G_E_T___R_E_A_S_O_N_(_) are available in all versions of SSLeay and OpenSSL. 1.0.1u 2016-09-22 ERR_GET_LIB(3)