SSL_CTX_sessions(3) OpenSSL SSL_CTX_sessions(3) NNAAMMEE SSL_CTX_sessions - access internal session cache SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS #include struct lhash_st *SSL_CTX_sessions(SSL_CTX *ctx); DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _S_S_L___C_T_X___s_e_s_s_i_o_n_s_(_) returns a pointer to the lhash databases containing the internal session cache for ccttxx. NNOOTTEESS The sessions in the internal session cache are kept in an _l_h_a_s_h(3) type database. It is possible to directly access this database e.g. for searching. In parallel, the sessions form a linked list which is main- tained separately from the _l_h_a_s_h(3) operations, so that the database must not be modified directly but by using the _S_S_L___C_T_X___a_d_d___s_e_s_s_i_o_n(3) family of functions. SSEEEE AALLSSOO _s_s_l(3), _l_h_a_s_h(3), _S_S_L___C_T_X___a_d_d___s_e_s_s_i_o_n(3), _S_S_L___C_T_X___s_e_t___s_e_s_- _s_i_o_n___c_a_c_h_e___m_o_d_e(3) 1.0.1u 2016-09-22 SSL_CTX_sessions(3)