SSL_set_bio(3) OpenSSL SSL_set_bio(3) NNAAMMEE SSL_set_bio - connect the SSL object with a BIO SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS #include void SSL_set_bio(SSL *ssl, BIO *rbio, BIO *wbio); DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _S_S_L___s_e_t___b_i_o_(_) connects the BIOs rrbbiioo and wwbbiioo for the read and write operations of the TLS/SSL (encrypted) side of ssssll. The SSL engine inherits the behaviour of rrbbiioo and wwbbiioo, respectively. If a BIO is non-blocking, the ssssll will also have non-blocking behav- iour. If there was already a BIO connected to ssssll, _B_I_O___f_r_e_e_(_) will be called (for both the reading and writing side, if different). RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEESS _S_S_L___s_e_t___b_i_o_(_) cannot fail. SSEEEE AALLSSOO _S_S_L___g_e_t___r_b_i_o(3), _S_S_L___c_o_n_n_e_c_t(3), _S_S_L___a_c_c_e_p_t(3), _S_S_L___s_h_u_t_d_o_w_n(3), _s_s_l(3), _b_i_o(3) 1.0.1u 2016-09-22 SSL_set_bio(3)