SSL_CTX_set_read_ahead(3) OpenSSL SSL_CTX_set_read_ahead(3) NNAAMMEE SSL_CTX_set_read_ahead, SSL_CTX_set_default_read_ahead, SSL_CTX_get_read_ahead, SSL_CTX_get_default_read_ahead, SSL_set_read_ahead, SSL_get_read_ahead - manage whether to read as many input bytes as possible SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS #include int SSL_get_read_ahead(const SSL *s); void SSL_set_read_ahead(SSL *s, int yes); #define SSL_CTX_get_default_read_ahead(ctx) #define SSL_CTX_set_default_read_ahead(ctx,m) #define SSL_CTX_get_read_ahead(ctx) #define SSL_CTX_set_read_ahead(ctx,m) DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _S_S_L___C_T_X___s_e_t___r_e_a_d___a_h_e_a_d_(_) and _S_S_L___s_e_t___r_e_a_d___a_h_e_a_d_(_) set whether we should read as many input bytes as possible (for non-blocking reads) or not. For example if xx bytes are currently required by OpenSSL, but yy bytes are available from the underlying BIO (where yy > xx), then OpenSSL will read all yy bytes into its buffer (providing that the buffer is large enough) if reading ahead is on, or xx bytes otherwise. The parameter yyeess or mm should be 0 to ensure reading ahead is off, or non zero otherwise. SSL_CTX_set_default_read_ahead is a synonym for SSL_CTX_set_read_ahead, and SSL_CTX_get_default_read_ahead is a synonym for SSL_CTX_get_read_ahead. _S_S_L___C_T_X___g_e_t___r_e_a_d___a_h_e_a_d_(_) and _S_S_L___g_e_t___r_e_a_d___a_h_e_a_d_(_) indicate whether reading ahead has been set or not. NNOOTTEESS These functions have no impact when used with DTLS. The return values for _S_S_L___C_T_X___g_e_t___r_e_a_d___h_e_a_d_(_) and _S_S_L___g_e_t___r_e_a_d___a_h_e_a_d_(_) are undefined for DTLS. RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEESS SSL_get_read_ahead and SSL_CTX_get_read_ahead return 0 if reading ahead is off, and non zero otherwise. SSEEEE AALLSSOO _s_s_l(3) 1.0.1u 2016-09-22 SSL_CTX_set_read_ahead(3)