CRL2PKCS7(1) OpenSSL CRL2PKCS7(1) NNAAMMEE openssl-crl2pkcs7, crl2pkcs7 - Create a PKCS#7 structure from a CRL and certificates. SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ooppeennssssll ccrrll22ppkkccss77 [--iinnffoorrmm PPEEMM||DDEERR] [--oouuttffoorrmm PPEEMM||DDEERR] [--iinn ffiilleennaammee] [--oouutt ffiilleennaammee] [--cceerrttffiillee ffiilleennaammee] [--nnooccrrll] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The ccrrll22ppkkccss77 command takes an optional CRL and one or more certifi- cates and converts them into a PKCS#7 degenerate "certificates only" structure. CCOOMMMMAANNDD OOPPTTIIOONNSS --iinnffoorrmm DDEERR||PPEEMM This specifies the CRL input format. DDEERR format is DER encoded CRL structure.PPEEMM (the default) is a base64 encoded version of the DER form with header and footer lines. --oouuttffoorrmm DDEERR||PPEEMM This specifies the PKCS#7 structure output format. DDEERR format is DER encoded PKCS#7 structure.PPEEMM (the default) is a base64 encoded version of the DER form with header and footer lines. --iinn ffiilleennaammee This specifies the input filename to read a CRL from or standard input if this option is not specified. --oouutt ffiilleennaammee specifies the output filename to write the PKCS#7 structure to or standard output by default. --cceerrttffiillee ffiilleennaammee specifies a filename containing one or more certificates in PPEEMM format. All certificates in the file will be added to the PKCS#7 structure. This option can be used more than once to read certifi- cates form multiple files. --nnooccrrll normally a CRL is included in the output file. With this option no CRL is included in the output file and a CRL is not read from the input file. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS Create a PKCS#7 structure from a certificate and CRL: openssl crl2pkcs7 -in crl.pem -certfile cert.pem -out p7.pem Creates a PKCS#7 structure in DER format with no CRL from several dif- ferent certificates: openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl -certfile newcert.pem -certfile demoCA/cacert.pem -outform DER -out p7.der NNOOTTEESS The output file is a PKCS#7 signed data structure containing no signers and just certificates and an optional CRL. This utility can be used to send certificates and CAs to Netscape as part of the certificate enrollment process. This involves sending the DER encoded output as MIME type application/x-x509-user-cert. The PPEEMM encoded form with the header and footer lines removed can be used to install user certificates and CAs in MSIE using the Xenroll control. SSEEEE AALLSSOO _p_k_c_s_7(1) 1.0.2u 2019-12-20 CRL2PKCS7(1)