PASSWD(1) OpenSSL PASSWD(1) NNAAMMEE openssl-passwd, passwd - compute password hashes SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ooppeennssssll ppaasssswwdd [--ccrryypptt] [--11] [--aapprr11] [--ssaalltt _s_t_r_i_n_g] [--iinn _f_i_l_e] [--ssttddiinn] [--nnoovveerriiffyy] [--qquuiieett] [--ttaabbllee] {_p_a_s_s_w_o_r_d} DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The ppaasssswwdd command computes the hash of a password typed at run-time or the hash of each password in a list. The password list is taken from the named file for option --iinn ffiillee, from stdin for option --ssttddiinn, or from the command line, or from the terminal otherwise. The Unix stan- dard algorithm ccrryypptt and the MD5-based BSD password algorithm 11 and its Apache variant aapprr11 are available. OOPPTTIIOONNSS --ccrryypptt Use the ccrryypptt algorithm (default). --11 Use the MD5 based BSD password algorithm 11. --aapprr11 Use the aapprr11 algorithm (Apache variant of the BSD algorithm). --ssaalltt _s_t_r_i_n_g Use the specified salt. When reading a password from the terminal, this implies --nnoovveerriiffyy. --iinn _f_i_l_e Read passwords from _f_i_l_e. --ssttddiinn Read passwords from ssttddiinn. --nnoovveerriiffyy Don't verify when reading a password from the terminal. --qquuiieett Don't output warnings when passwords given at the command line are truncated. --ttaabbllee In the output list, prepend the cleartext password and a TAB char- acter to each password hash. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS ooppeennssssll ppaasssswwdd --ccrryypptt --ssaalltt xxxx ppaasssswwoorrdd prints xxxxjj3311ZZMMTTZZzzkkVVAA. ooppeennssssll ppaasssswwdd --11 --ssaalltt xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ppaasssswwoorrdd prints $$11$$xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx$$UUYYCCIIxxaa662288..99qqXXjjppQQCCjjMM44aa... ooppeennssssll ppaasssswwdd --aapprr11 --ssaalltt xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ppaasssswwoorrdd prints $$aapprr11$$xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx$$ddxxHH-- ffLLAAssjjHHkkDDRRmmGG8833UUXXee88KK00. 1.0.2u 2019-12-20 PASSWD(1)