ASN1_TIME_set(3) OpenSSL ASN1_TIME_set(3) NNAAMMEE ASN1_TIME_set, ASN1_TIME_adj, ASN1_TIME_check, ASN1_TIME_set_string, ASN1_TIME_print, ASN1_TIME_diff - ASN.1 Time functions. SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ASN1_TIME *ASN1_TIME_set(ASN1_TIME *s, time_t t); ASN1_TIME *ASN1_TIME_adj(ASN1_TIME *s, time_t t, int offset_day, long offset_sec); int ASN1_TIME_set_string(ASN1_TIME *s, const char *str); int ASN1_TIME_check(const ASN1_TIME *t); int ASN1_TIME_print(BIO *b, const ASN1_TIME *s); int ASN1_TIME_diff(int *pday, int *psec, const ASN1_TIME *from, const ASN1_TIME *to); DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The function _A_S_N_1___T_I_M_E___s_e_t_(_) sets the ASN1_TIME structure ss to the time represented by the time_t value tt. If ss is NULL a new ASN1_TIME struc- ture is allocated and returned. _A_S_N_1___T_I_M_E___a_d_j_(_) sets the ASN1_TIME structure ss to the time represented by the time ooffffsseett__ddaayy and ooffffsseett__sseecc after the time_t value tt. The values of ooffffsseett__ddaayy or ooffffsseett__sseecc can be negative to set a time before tt. The ooffffsseett__sseecc value can also exceed the number of seconds in a day. If ss is NULL a new ASN1_TIME structure is allocated and returned. _A_S_N_1___T_I_M_E___s_e_t___s_t_r_i_n_g_(_) sets ASN1_TIME structure ss to the time repre- sented by string ssttrr which must be in appropriate ASN.1 time format (for example YYMMDDHHMMSSZ or YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ). _A_S_N_1___T_I_M_E___c_h_e_c_k_(_) checks the syntax of ASN1_TIME structure ss. _A_S_N_1___T_I_M_E___p_r_i_n_t_(_) prints out the time ss to BIO bb in human readable for- mat. It will be of the format MMM DD HH:MM:SS YYYY [GMT], for example "Feb 3 00:55:52 2015 GMT" it does not include a newline. If the time structure has invalid format it prints out "Bad time value" and returns an error. _A_S_N_1___T_I_M_E___d_i_f_f_(_) sets **ppddaayy and **ppsseecc to the time difference between ffrroomm and ttoo. If ttoo represents a time later than ffrroomm then one or both (depending on the time difference) of **ppddaayy and **ppsseecc will be positive. If ttoo represents a time earlier than ffrroomm then one or both of **ppddaayy and **ppsseecc will be negative. If ttoo and ffrroomm represent the same time then **ppddaayy and **ppsseecc will both be zero. If both **ppddaayy and **ppsseecc are non- zero they will always have the same sign. The value of **ppsseecc will always be less than the number of seconds in a day. If ffrroomm or ttoo is NULL the current time is used. NNOOTTEESS The ASN1_TIME structure corresponds to the ASN.1 structure TTiimmee defined in RFC5280 et al. The time setting functions obey the rules outlined in RFC5280: if the date can be represented by UTCTime it is used, else GeneralizedTime is used. The ASN1_TIME structure is represented as an ASN1_STRING internally and can be freed up using _A_S_N_1___S_T_R_I_N_G___f_r_e_e_(_). The ASN1_TIME structure can represent years from 0000 to 9999 but no attempt is made to correct ancient calendar changes (for example from Julian to Gregorian calendars). Some applications add offset times directly to a time_t value and pass the results to _A_S_N_1___T_I_M_E___s_e_t_(_) (or equivalent). This can cause problems as the time_t value can overflow on some systems resulting in unex- pected results. New applications should use _A_S_N_1___T_I_M_E___a_d_j_(_) instead and pass the offset value in the ooffffsseett__sseecc and ooffffsseett__ddaayy parameters instead of directly manipulating a time_t value. BBUUGGSS _A_S_N_1___T_I_M_E___p_r_i_n_t_(_) currently does not print out the time zone: it either prints out "GMT" or nothing. But all certificates complying with RFC5280 et al use GMT anyway. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS Set a time structure to one hour after the current time and print it out: #include #include ASN1_TIME *tm; time_t t; BIO *b; t = time(NULL); tm = ASN1_TIME_adj(NULL, t, 0, 60 * 60); b = BIO_new_fp(stdout, BIO_NOCLOSE); ASN1_TIME_print(b, tm); ASN1_STRING_free(tm); BIO_free(b); Determine if one time is later or sooner than the current time: int day, sec; if (!ASN1_TIME_diff(&day, &sec, NULL, to)) /* Invalid time format */ if (day > 0 || sec > 0) printf("Later\n"); else if (day < 0 || sec < 0) printf("Sooner\n"); else printf("Same\n"); RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEESS _A_S_N_1___T_I_M_E___s_e_t_(_) and _A_S_N_1___T_I_M_E___a_d_j_(_) return a pointer to an ASN1_TIME structure or NULL if an error occurred. _A_S_N_1___T_I_M_E___s_e_t___s_t_r_i_n_g_(_) returns 1 if the time value is successfully set and 0 otherwise. _A_S_N_1___T_I_M_E___c_h_e_c_k_(_) returns 1 if the structure is syntactically correct and 0 otherwise. _A_S_N_1___T_I_M_E___p_r_i_n_t_(_) returns 1 if the time is successfully printed out and 0 if an error occurred (I/O error or invalid time format). _A_S_N_1___T_I_M_E___d_i_f_f_(_) returns 1 for sucess and 0 for failure. It can fail if the pass ASN1_TIME structure has invalid syntax for example. 1.0.2u 2019-12-20 ASN1_TIME_set(3)