EVP_PKEY_new(3) OpenSSL EVP_PKEY_new(3) NNAAMMEE EVP_PKEY_new, EVP_PKEY_free - private key allocation functions. SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS #include EVP_PKEY *EVP_PKEY_new(void); void EVP_PKEY_free(EVP_PKEY *key); DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The _E_V_P___P_K_E_Y___n_e_w_(_) function allocates an empty EEVVPP__PPKKEEYY structure which is used by OpenSSL to store private keys. _E_V_P___P_K_E_Y___f_r_e_e_(_) frees up the private key kkeeyy. NNOOTTEESS The EEVVPP__PPKKEEYY structure is used by various OpenSSL functions which require a general private key without reference to any particular algo- rithm. The structure returned by _E_V_P___P_K_E_Y___n_e_w_(_) is empty. To add a private key to this empty structure the functions described in _E_V_P___P_K_E_Y___s_e_t_1___R_S_A(3) should be used. RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEESS _E_V_P___P_K_E_Y___n_e_w_(_) returns either the newly allocated EEVVPP__PPKKEEYY structure of NNUULLLL if an error occurred. _E_V_P___P_K_E_Y___f_r_e_e_(_) does not return a value. SSEEEE AALLSSOO _E_V_P___P_K_E_Y___s_e_t_1___R_S_A(3) HHIISSTTOORRYY TBA 1.0.2u 2019-12-20 EVP_PKEY_new(3)