SSL_get_ex_new_index(3) OpenSSL SSL_get_ex_new_index(3) NNAAMMEE SSL_get_ex_new_index, SSL_set_ex_data, SSL_get_ex_data - internal application specific data functions SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS #include int SSL_get_ex_new_index(long argl, void *argp, CRYPTO_EX_new *new_func, CRYPTO_EX_dup *dup_func, CRYPTO_EX_free *free_func); int SSL_set_ex_data(SSL *ssl, int idx, void *arg); void *SSL_get_ex_data(const SSL *ssl, int idx); typedef int new_func(void *parent, void *ptr, CRYPTO_EX_DATA *ad, int idx, long argl, void *argp); typedef void free_func(void *parent, void *ptr, CRYPTO_EX_DATA *ad, int idx, long argl, void *argp); typedef int dup_func(CRYPTO_EX_DATA *to, CRYPTO_EX_DATA *from, void *from_d, int idx, long argl, void *argp); DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN Several OpenSSL structures can have application specific data attached to them. These functions are used internally by OpenSSL to manipulate application specific data attached to a specific structure. _S_S_L___g_e_t___e_x___n_e_w___i_n_d_e_x_(_) is used to register a new index for application specific data. _S_S_L___s_e_t___e_x___d_a_t_a_(_) is used to store application data at aarrgg for iiddxx into the ssssll object. _S_S_L___g_e_t___e_x___d_a_t_a_(_) is used to retrieve the information for iiddxx from ssssll. A detailed description for the **____gg_ee_tt____ee_xx____nn_ee_ww____ii_nn_dd_ee_xx_((_)) functionality can be found in _R_S_A___g_e_t___e_x___n_e_w___i_n_d_e_x(3). The **____gg_ee_tt____ee_xx____dd_aa_tt_aa_((_)) and **____ss_ee_tt____ee_xx____dd_aa_tt_aa_((_)) functionality is described in _C_R_Y_P_T_O___s_e_t___e_x___d_a_t_a(3). EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS An example on how to use the functionality is included in the example _v_e_r_i_f_y___c_a_l_l_b_a_c_k_(_) in _S_S_L___C_T_X___s_e_t___v_e_r_i_f_y(3). SSEEEE AALLSSOO _s_s_l(3), _R_S_A___g_e_t___e_x___n_e_w___i_n_d_e_x(3), _C_R_Y_P_T_O___s_e_t___e_x___d_a_t_a(3), _S_S_L___C_T_X___s_e_t___v_e_r_i_f_y(3) 1.0.2u 2019-12-20 SSL_get_ex_new_index(3)