Note For Borland C++ / C++ Builder Users
Known problems
- This release is known to have problems with BC 5.0x.
Directory STLport/BC50/ contains some extra files Borland C++ 5.x
expects to see on the path. Make sure you put STLport/BC50 in
your search path before STLport main directory. The problems still persist
with <string>, so BC50 is configured to use native one. You may face other problems with
5.0. Please direct your bug reports and workarounds to the Forum.
- This release should work out-of-the box for Borland C++ Builder 4. Builder 3 may require
some configuration adjustments to enable features added in BCB 3. You may also utilize <iostream.h>
wrapper in stlport/BCB directory to compile programs using old-style header.
- With 5.0, you may also encounter problems with too long symbols when compiling
with debug information. To handle this, try defining __STL_USE_ABBREVS
in stlcomp.h.
- If your program is multi-threaded, be sure to define macro _REENTRANT
for proper synchronization (if you are using SGI node
allocator. If you are using new_alloc or malloc_alloc, you won't
need that).
- You may encounter problems using new-style BC++ 5.0 <iostream>
in mix with SGI STL <string>, <stdexcept>
without defining __STL_USE_OWN_NAMESPACE.
Migration notes
You should experience no other problems migrating from BC++ STL to SGI
Default allocator<T> in this adaptation should be
fully functional.
Versions prior to 4.52
Borland C++ versions older than 4.52 have not been tested. Probably it
would work with 4.50-4.51.