Known bugs
Borland C++ 5.0
This release is known to still have problems with BC 5.0x.
Directory STLport/BC50/ contains some extra files Borland C++ 5.x
expects to see on the path. Make sure you put STLport/BC50 in
your search path before STLport main directory. The problems still persist
with <string>, so BC50 is configured to use native one. You may face other problems with
5.0. Please direct your bug reports and workarounds to the Forum.
Visual C++ 6.0 :
To fix internal compiler errors on large compilations, please refer to VC knowledge base to see what extra options may be supplied.
Sunpro CC 4.2 and before :
There is a serious bug in the SUNpro 4.2 (and earlier?) compiler with
inline functions being passed string literals. Each time the dummy
argument that represents the string literal appears in the inline
function, a new copy of the string literal is created. If the function
does any pointer arithmetic on the string, the answer is horribly wrong.
Refer to SunPro CC Readme file for
details. In 3.2, the workaround is provide for all relevant STLport code.
However, please be aware of this bug because it might affect your own code.
In general, with CC 4.2, NEVER pass string literals as arguments to functions that
could be inlined.
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