Getting Started : Installing STLportDownloadTo download STLport, please visit download page at stlport.org. It provides stable STLport releases from 2.x to the latest one. If you are interested in contributing to STLport development, you are welcome to try out beta snapshots (usually, pretty stable).UnpackAfter downloading STLport-XXX.tar.gz [zip],
unpack it to some place where it is going to be accesible for all
compilers you plan to use with this installation.
Setup PreferencesLook through <stl/_site_config.h> to adjust preferences. Do NOT attempt to run "configure" script! It is deprecated, moved to safe standalone folder and should be used as a helper to create initial config for a new compiler only. Your compiler should be auto-recognized. Please edit appropriate configuration header for your compiler directly if you have to make small compiler-specific configuration changes. Only if you recieve error message during compilation which explicitly says "Your compiler version is not recognized by STLport", you will have to do major configuration of STLport before use. To learn how to configure STLport, please read configuration manual. STLport Major ModesSTLport 4.0 may be used in two different major modes :
Note: for SunPro CC 5.0 and higher, there is special directory "stlport/SC5" to be set in search path due to specific SUNpro search rules) Installing STLport for use without SGI iostreams (Default)In this mode, you will use wrappers around your compiler's iostreams libabry, as in previous STLport releases. All you have to do to use STLport in this mode is to uncomment __STL_NO_SGI_IOSTREAMS setting in "stlport/stl/_site_config.h" to disable use of SGI iostreams and to use wrappers around your existing iostreams. Note though :
Building STLport (SGI iostreams) libraryIn this mode, you will use SGI implemnentation of iostreams instead of the one that comes with your compiler. It does contain some non-template code so you have to build STLport iostreams library in "src" directory to link your project with. Below are step-by-step instructions to build STLport library:
NotesWhen using STLport as a dynamic library, please make sure you put in the PATH and distribute it together with your executable. This extra dependency is certainly in favor of using static linking. However, if your project deploys any Win DLL's using STLport, you have to use STLport as Win DLL, too. This is because it contains some static variables (like cerr stream) which would otherwise be duplicated in every DLL. This problem does not arise in Unix world.[ Visual C++ specific ] If using STLport as DLL, please be sure to use /MD[d] compiler option to pick up all dynamic libraries. Testing STLportSTLport provides two test suites - regression test and exception handling test.It is recommended that you run them to verify your new STLport installation works OK.
Copyright � 1999,2000 by Boris Fomitchev. Last modified: July 14, 2000 |