STLport Major Modes
STLport 4.0 may be used in two different major modes :
- With SGI iostreams (default). In this mode, you are going to use iostreams
provided by STLport. To do so, first you have to build STLport library from sources
provided in "src" subdirectory and link your programs with it.
This is major change since pre-4.0 releases, please read the instructions carefully.
- Without SGI iostreams. In this mode, STLport will use wrappers around
your compiler's iostreams libabry, just like in STLport releases prior to 4.0.
For any of these modes, please make sure
"stlport" directory containing header files
is the first one in your include search path when you compile the project
Note: for SunPro CC 5.0 and higher, there is special directory "stlport/SC5"
to be set in search path due to specific SUNpro search rules)