TIFFSET(1) LibTIFF TIFFSET(1) NNAAMMEE tiffset - set or unset a field in a TIFF header SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ttiiffffsseett [ _o_p_t_i_o_n_s ] _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e_._t_i_f DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN ttiiffffsseett sets the value of a TIFF header to a specified value or removes an existing setting. OOPPTTIIOONNSS --dd ddiirrnnuummbbeerr Change the current directory (starting at 0). --ss ttaaggnnuummbbeerr [[ ccoouunntt ]] vvaalluuee Set the value of the named tag to the value or values specified. --ssdd ddiirrooffffsseett Change the current directory by offset. --ssff ttaaggnnuummbbeerr ffiilleennaammee Set the value of the tag to the contents of filename. This option is supported for ASCII tags only. --uu ttaaggnnuummbbeerr Unset the tag. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS The following example sets the image description tag (270) of aa..ttiiff to the contents of the file ddeessccrriipp: tiffset -sf 270 descrip a.tif The following example sets the artist tag (315) of aa..ttiiff to the string AAnnoonnyymmoouuss: tiffset -s 315 Anonymous a.tif This example sets the resolution of the file aa..ttiiff to 300 dpi: tiffset -s 296 2 a.tif tiffset -s 282 300.0 a.tif tiffset -s 283 300.0 a.tif Set the photometric interpretation of the third page of aa..ttiiff to min-is-black (ie. inverts it): tiffset -d 2 -s 262 1 a.tif SSEEEE AALLSSOO _t_i_f_f_d_u_m_p (1), _t_i_f_f_i_n_f_o (1), _t_i_f_f_c_p (1), _l_i_b_t_i_f_f (3tiff) AAUUTTHHOORR LibTIFF contributors CCOOPPYYRRIIGGHHTT 1988-2022, LibTIFF contributors 4.6 Sep 08, 2023 TIFFSET(1)