TIFFREADFROMUSERBUFFER(3tiff) LibTIFF TIFFREADFROMUSERBUFFER(3tiff) NNAAMMEE TIFFReadFromUserBuffer - decode data using an user defined buffer SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS #include iinntt TTIIFFFFRReeaaddFFrroommUUsseerrBBuuffffeerr((TTIIFFFF **ttiiff,, uuiinntt3322__tt ssttrriillee,, vvooiidd **iinnbbuuff,, ttmmssiizzee__tt iinnssiizzee,, vvooiidd **oouuttbbuuff,, ttmmssiizzee__tt oouuttssiizzee)) DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN Use the provided input buffer (_i_n_b_u_f, _i_n_s_i_z_e) and decompress it into (_o_u_t_b_u_f, _o_u_t_s_i_z_e). This function replaces the use of _T_I_F_F_R_e_a_d_E_n_c_o_d_e_d_S_t_r_i_p_(_) / _T_I_F_F_R_e_a_d_E_n_c_o_d_e_d_T_i_l_e_(_) when the user can pro- vide the buffer for the input data, for example when he wants to avoid lliibbttiiffff to read the strile offset/count values from the SSttrriippOOffffsseettss / SSttrriippBByytteeCCoouunnttss or TTiilleeOOffffsseettss / TTiilleeBByytteeCCoouunnttss arrays. _i_n_b_u_f content must be writable (if bit reversal is needed). RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEESS Returns 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise. DDIIAAGGNNOOSSTTIICCSS All error messages are directed to the _T_I_F_F_E_r_r_o_r_E_x_t_R_(_) routine. SSEEEE AALLSSOO _T_I_F_F_O_p_e_n (3tiff), _T_I_F_F_R_e_a_d_R_a_w_S_t_r_i_p (3tiff), _T_I_F_F_R_e_a_d_S_c_a_n_l_i_n_e (3tiff), _T_I_F_F_R_e_a_d_E_n_c_o_d_e_d_S_t_r_i_p (3tiff), _T_I_F_F_R_e_a_d_E_n_c_o_d_e_d_T_i_l_e (3tiff), _l_i_b_t_i_f_f (3tiff), AAUUTTHHOORR LibTIFF contributors CCOOPPYYRRIIGGHHTT 1988-2022, LibTIFF contributors 4.6 Sep 08, 2023 TIFFREADFROMUSERBUFFER(3tiff)