# Tag Image File Format (TIFF) Software # # Copyright (C) 2004, Andrey Kiselev # # Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and # its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided # that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in # all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of # Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or # publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written # permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY # WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, # OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, # WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE # OF THIS SOFTWARE. # Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in. AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = 1.12 color-tests parallel-tests foreign LIBTIFF = $(top_builddir)/libtiff/libtiff.la # Environment parameters to be used during tests TESTS_ENVIRONMENT = \ MAKE="$(MAKE)" \ MAKEFLAGS="$(MAKEFLAGS)" \ MEMCHECK="$(MEMCHECK)" EXTRA_DIST = \ $(REFFILES) \ $(TESTSCRIPTS) \ $(IMAGES_EXTRA_DIST) \ CMakeLists.txt \ common.sh \ TiffSplitTest.cmake \ TiffTestCommon.cmake \ TiffTest.cmake # All of the tests to execute via 'make check' if TIFF_TESTS TESTS = $(check_PROGRAMS) $(TESTSCRIPTS) endif # Tests which are expected to fail XFAIL_TESTS = # Extra files which should be cleaned by 'make clean' CLEANFILES = test_packbits.tif o-* if HAVE_JPEG if TIFF_TOOLS JPEG_DEPENDENT_CHECK_PROG=raw_decode # No tiff2rgba tool anymore and therefore not JPEG_DEPENDENT_TESTSCRIPTS JPEG_DEPENDENT_TESTSCRIPTS= endif else JPEG_DEPENDENT_CHECK_PROG= JPEG_DEPENDENT_TESTSCRIPTS= endif if BUILD_STATIC STATIC_CHECK_PROGS=rational_precision2double test_write_read_tags test_transferfunction_write_read endif # Executable programs which need to be built in order to support tests if TIFF_TESTS check_PROGRAMS = \ ascii_tag long_tag short_tag strip_rw rewrite custom_dir custom_dir_EXIF_231 \ defer_strile_loading defer_strile_writing test_directory test_open_options \ test_append_to_strip test_ifd_loop_detection testtypes test_signed_tags $(JPEG_DEPENDENT_CHECK_PROG) $(STATIC_CHECK_PROGS) endif # Test scripts to execute if TIFF_TOOLS TESTSCRIPTS = \ tiffcp-g3.sh \ tiffcp-g3-1d.sh \ tiffcp-g3-1d-fill.sh \ tiffcp-g3-2d.sh \ tiffcp-g3-2d-fill.sh \ tiffcp-g4.sh \ tiffcp-logluv.sh \ tiffcp-lzw-compat.sh \ tiffcp-lzw-scanline-decode.sh \ tiffdump.sh \ tiffinfo.sh \ tiffcp-split.sh \ tiffcp-split-join.sh \ $(JPEG_DEPENDENT_TESTSCRIPTS) else TESTSCRIPTS= endif # This list should contain the references files # from the 'refs' subdirectory REFFILES = \ refs/o-tiff2ps-EPS1.ps \ refs/o-tiff2ps-PS1.ps \ refs/o-tiff2ps-PS2.ps \ refs/o-tiff2ps-PS3.ps \ refs/o-testfax4.tiff \ refs/o-testfax3_bug_513.tiff \ refs/o-deflate-last-strip-extra-data.tiff # This list should contain all of the TIFF files in the 'images' # subdirectory which are intended to be used as input images for # tests. All of these files should use the extension ".tiff". TIFFIMAGES = \ images/logluv-3c-16b.tiff \ images/minisblack-1c-16b.tiff \ images/minisblack-1c-8b.tiff \ images/minisblack-2c-8b-alpha.tiff \ images/miniswhite-1c-1b.tiff \ images/palette-1c-1b.tiff \ images/palette-1c-4b.tiff \ images/palette-1c-8b.tiff \ images/rgb-3c-16b.tiff \ images/rgb-3c-8b.tiff \ images/quad-tile.jpg.tiff \ images/quad-lzw-compat.tiff \ images/lzw-single-strip.tiff \ images/ojpeg_zackthecat_subsamp22_single_strip.tiff \ images/ojpeg_chewey_subsamp21_multi_strip.tiff \ images/ojpeg_single_strip_no_rowsperstrip.tiff \ images/testfax4.tiff \ images/deflate-last-strip-extra-data.tiff \ images/custom_dir_EXIF_GPS.tiff \ images/testfax3_bug_513.tiff PNMIMAGES = \ images/minisblack-1c-8b.pgm \ images/miniswhite-1c-1b.pbm \ images/rgb-3c-16b.ppm \ images/rgb-3c-8b.ppm # This list should include all of the files in the 'images' # subdirectory which are intended to be distributed. This may include # files which are not currently used by the tests. IMAGES_EXTRA_DIST = \ images/README.txt \ images/miniswhite-1c-1b.g3 \ images/test_float64_predictor2_le_lzw.tif \ images/test_float64_predictor2_be_lzw.tif \ images/tiff_with_subifd_chain.tif \ images/test_ifd_loop_to_self.tif \ images/test_ifd_loop_to_first.tif \ images/test_two_ifds.tif \ images/test_ifd_loop_subifd.tif \ images/webp_lossless_rgba_alpha_fully_opaque.tif \ $(PNMIMAGES) \ $(TIFFIMAGES) noinst_HEADERS = tifftest.h test_signed_tags_SOURCES = test_signed_tags.c test_signed_tags_LDADD = $(LIBTIFF) ascii_tag_SOURCES = ascii_tag.c ascii_tag_LDADD = $(LIBTIFF) long_tag_SOURCES = long_tag.c check_tag.c long_tag_LDADD = $(LIBTIFF) short_tag_SOURCES = short_tag.c check_tag.c short_tag_LDADD = $(LIBTIFF) strip_rw_SOURCES = strip_rw.c strip.c test_arrays.c test_arrays.h strip_rw_LDADD = $(LIBTIFF) rewrite_SOURCES = rewrite_tag.c rewrite_LDADD = $(LIBTIFF) raw_decode_SOURCES = raw_decode.c raw_decode_LDADD = $(LIBTIFF) custom_dir_SOURCES = custom_dir.c custom_dir_LDADD = $(LIBTIFF) if BUILD_STATIC rational_precision2double_SOURCES = rational_precision2double.c rational_precision2double_LDADD = $(LIBTIFF) rational_precision2double_LDFLAGS = -static test_write_read_tags_SOURCES = test_write_read_tags.c test_write_read_tags_LDADD = $(LIBTIFF) test_write_read_tags_LDFLAGS = -static test_transferfunction_write_read_SOURCES = test_transferfunction_write_read.c test_transferfunction_write_read_LDADD = $(LIBTIFF) test_transferfunction_write_read_LDFLAGS = -static endif custom_dir_EXIF_231_SOURCES = custom_dir_EXIF_231.c custom_dir_EXIF_231_LDADD = $(LIBTIFF) defer_strile_loading_SOURCES = defer_strile_loading.c defer_strile_loading_LDADD = $(LIBTIFF) defer_strile_writing_SOURCES = defer_strile_writing.c defer_strile_writing_LDADD = $(LIBTIFF) test_directory_SOURCES = test_directory.c test_directory_LDADD = $(LIBTIFF) test_open_options_SOURCES = test_open_options.c test_open_options_LDADD = $(LIBTIFF) test_append_to_strip_SOURCES = test_append_to_strip.c test_append_to_strip_LDADD = $(LIBTIFF) test_ifd_loop_detection_CFLAGS = -DSOURCE_DIR=\"@srcdir@\" test_ifd_loop_detection_SOURCES = test_ifd_loop_detection.c test_ifd_loop_detection_LDADD = $(LIBTIFF) AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/libtiff # memcheck: valgrind's memory access checker. # # The suppressions which come with valgrind are sometimes insufficient # to handle certain system library aspects which may be reported and # which are unrelated to libtiff. When first starting with a new # system (or after a major system update), it is good to execute the # test suite (known to already be passing!) like 'make memcheck # VALGRIND_EXTRA_OPTS=--gen-suppressions=all' to create valgrind # suppression entries in the test log. Make sure that none of the # suppressions are due to libtiff itself. Tell valgrind about the # suppressions by creating a .valgrindrc file with content like: # --memcheck:suppressions=mysupp.supp memcheck: $(MAKE) MEMCHECK='valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --read-var-info=yes \ --error-exitcode=2 --track-origins=yes --num-callers=12 \ --quiet $(VALGRIND_EXTRA_OPTS)' check # ptrcheck: valgrind's experimental pointer checking tool. ptrcheck: $(MAKE) MEMCHECK='valgrind --tool=exp-ptrcheck --quiet $(VALGRIND_EXTRA_OPTS)' check