/* Generated automatically by the configure script */ /* ncurses library */ /*#define HAVE_NCURSES 1*/ /* ncurses 4.2 or better have define_key (In Linux) */ /*#define HAVE_DEFINE_KEY 1*/ /* The X11 keysyms are there */ /*#define HAVE_KEYSYMS 1*/ /* X11 library and headers */ /*#define HAVE_X11 1*/ /* International support with gettext */ #define HAVE_INTL_SUPPORT 1 /* GPM mouse support */ /*#define HAVE_GPM 1*/ /* out/in functions defined by glibc */ /*#define HAVE_OUTB_IN_SYS 1*/ /* Use stream replacements */ /*#define HAVE_SSC 1*/ /* Byte order for this machine */ /*#define TV_BIG_ENDIAN 1*/ /* Linux implementation of POSIX threads */ /*#define HAVE_LINUX_PTHREAD 1*/ /* Memcpy doesn't support overlaps */ /*#define HAVE_UNSAFE_MEMCPY 1*/ /* 64 bits pointers */ /*#define HAVE_64BITS_POINTERS 1*/ #define TVOS_DOS #define TVOSf_ #define TVCPU_x86 #define TVComp_GCC #define TVCompf_djgpp #define TVCONFIG_RHIDE_STDINC "$(DJDIR)/include $(DJDIR)/lang/cxx $(DJDIR)/lib/gcc-lib" #define TVCONFIG_TVSRC "../../include e:/tv/srcs/contrib/tvision/include c:/djgpp/include/rhtvision" #define TVCONFIG_RHIDE_OS_LIBS "stdcxx tvfintl" #define TVCONFIG_TVOBJ "../../makes e:/tv/srcs/contrib/tvision/makes c:/djgpp/lib ../../intl/dummy" #define TVCONFIG_STDCPP_LIB "-lstdcxx" #define TVCONFIG_SHARED_CODE_OPTION "-fPIC" #define TVCONFIG_RHIDE_LDFLAGS "" #define TVCONFIG_RHIDE_LIBS "" #define TVCONFIG_LIB_VER "2.1.0" #define TVCONFIG_EXTRA_INCLUDE_DIRS "" #define TVCONFIG_LIB_VER_MAJOR "2" #define TVCONFIG_INCLUDE "c:/djgpp/include/rhtvision" #define TVCONFIG_CFLAGS "-O2 -Wno-packed" #define TVCONFIG_CXXFLAGS "-O2 -Wno-packed" #define TVCONFIG_REF_DIR "e:/tv/srcs/contrib/tvision"