/****************************************************************************** TCPINFO - display configuration info to the screen Copyright (C) 1991, University of Waterloo portions Copyright (C) 1990, National Center for Supercomputer Applications This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it, but you may not sell it. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Erick Engelke or via E-Mail Faculty of Engineering University of Waterloo Erick@development.watstar.uwaterloo.ca 200 University Ave., Waterloo, Ont., Canada N2L 3G1 Numerous additions by G. Vanem 1995-2013 ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _MAX_PATH #define _MAX_PATH 256 #endif #ifdef _DEBUG #define USE_DEBUG #define arp_Header void #include "../src/pcarp.h" #endif #if defined(__CYGWIN__) #define stricmp(s1, s2) strcasecmp (s1, s2) #endif #define loBYTE(w) (BYTE)((w) & 0xFF) #define hiBYTE(w) (BYTE)((WORD)((w) & 0xFF00) >> 8) #if !defined(WATT32_ON_WINDOWS) extern BYTE _pktdevlevel; /**< Device level */ #endif /* * Fix trouble with multiple defined symbols, */ #define perror(str) perror_s(str) #define strerror(x) strerror_s_(x) #if defined(USE_BSD_API) static void BSD_api_stats (void); #endif char buffer [512], buf2 [512]; const char *EtherAddr (const void *eth_adr) { static char buf[20]; const char *eth = (const char*)eth_adr; if (pkt_get_drvr_class() == PDCLASS_ARCNET) sprintf (buf, "%02X", eth[0] & 255); else sprintf (buf, "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", eth[0] & 255, eth[1] & 255, eth[2] & 255, eth[3] & 255, eth[4] & 255, eth[5] & 255); return (buf); } #if defined(USE_DEBUG) void dump_gateways (void) { const struct gate_entry *gw; int i, num = _arp_gateways_get (&gw); puts ("Gateways : Gateway IP Subnet Subnet mask"); for (i = 0 ; i < num; i++, gw++) { char gate[20], snet[20], mask[20]; strcpy (gate, _inet_ntoa(NULL,gw->gate_ip)); strcpy (snet, _inet_ntoa(NULL,gw->subnet)); strcpy (mask, _inet_ntoa(NULL,gw->mask)); printf (" : %-15s %-15s %-15s\n", gate, gw->subnet ? snet : "default", gw->mask ? mask : "default"); } if (num == 0) puts ("NONE"); puts (""); } void dump_arp_cache (void) { const struct arp_entry *ae; int i, max = _arp_cache_get (&ae); printf ("ARP Cache : IP Address MAC Address Type Timeout\n"); for (i = 0; i < max; i++, ae++) { char type[20]; if (!(ae->flags & ARP_FLG_INUSE)) continue; printf (" : %-15s %s ", _inet_ntoa(NULL, ae->ip), EtherAddr ((void*)&ae->hardware)); if (ae->flags & ARP_FLG_FIXED) strcpy (type, "fixed "); else if (ae->flags & ARP_FLG_DYNAMIC) strcpy (type, "dynamic"); else if (ae->flags & ARP_FLG_PENDING) strcpy (type, "pending"); else sprintf (type, "0x%02X? ", ae->flags); printf ("%s ", type); if (ae->expiry) { long timeout = ae->expiry - set_timeout(0); if (timeout < 0) puts ("< 0 ms"); else printf ("%ld ms\n", timeout); } else puts ("N/A"); } puts (""); } #endif const char *pkt_class_name (WORD class) { return (class == PDCLASS_ETHER ? "Ethernet" : class == PDCLASS_TOKEN ? "Token" : class == PDCLASS_ARCNET ? "Arcnet" : class == PDCLASS_SLIP ? "SLIP" : class == PDCLASS_AX25 ? "AX25" : class == PDCLASS_FDDI ? "FDDI" : class == PDCLASS_PPP ? "PPP" : "Unknown"); } const char *pkt_driver_ver (void) { static char buf[20]; WORD major, minor, unused, build; if (!pkt_get_drvr_ver(&major,&minor,&unused,&build)) return ("unknown"); #if defined(WATT32_ON_WINDOWS) /* NPF.SYS ver e.g. */ sprintf (buf, "%u.%u.%u.%u", major, minor, unused, build); #else sprintf (buf, "%d.%02d", major, minor); #endif return (buf); } const char *pkt_api_ver (void) { static char buf[10]; WORD ver; if (pkt_get_api_ver(&ver)) { #if defined(WATT32_ON_WINDOWS) /* NDIS version */ sprintf (buf, "%u.%u", hiBYTE(ver), loBYTE(ver)); #else if (ver >= 255) /* assumed to be MSB.LSB */ sprintf (buf, "%u.%02u", hiBYTE(ver), loBYTE(ver)); else sprintf (buf, "%u", loBYTE(ver)); #endif return (buf); } return strcpy (buf, "?"); } void dump_pktdrvr_info (void) { mac_address addr; #if !defined(WATT32_ON_WINDOWS) printf ("PKTDRVR Name : "); if (!pkt_is_init()) { puts (""); return; } printf ("%s, version %s, API %s, intr 0x%02X\n" " Class : %s, level %u", pkt_get_device_name(), pkt_driver_ver(), pkt_api_ver(), pkt_get_vector(), pkt_class_name(pkt_get_drvr_class()), _pktdevlevel); if (_pktdevlevel >= 5) /* high-performance driver */ { struct PktParameters params; memset (¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); pkt_get_params (¶ms); printf (", addr-len %d, MTU %d, MC avail %d\n" " RX bufs : %d, TX bufs %d, EOI intr %d", params.addr_len, params.mtu, params.multicast_avail, params.rcv_bufs + 1, params.xmt_bufs + 1, params.int_num); } #else printf ("Driver Name : "); if (!pkt_is_init()) { puts (""); return; } printf ("%s\n : %s\n" " : %s %s, NDIS %s, Class %s", pkt_get_device_name(), pkt_get_drvr_descr(), pkt_get_drvr_name(), pkt_driver_ver(), pkt_api_ver(), pkt_class_name(pkt_get_drvr_class())); #endif #if defined(USE_MULTICAST) || defined(USE_IPV6) if (!_pktserial) printf (", RX mode %d", pkt_get_rcv_mode()); #endif pkt_get_addr (&addr); printf ("\n\nMAC-address : %s\n", EtherAddr(&addr)); } #if defined(WATT32_ON_WINDOWS) static void dump_win_adapters_info (void) { #if 0 debug_on = 4; #endif #if !defined(USE_DEBUG) _printf = printf; #endif pkt_win_print_GetIfTable(); pkt_win_print_GetIfTable2Ex(); pkt_win_print_GetAdaptersAddresses(); pkt_win_print_GetAdapterOrderMap(); pkt_win_print_GetIpNetTable(); pkt_win_print_GetIpNetTable2(); pkt_win_print_RasEnumConnections(); pkt_win_print_WlanEnumInterfaces(); } #endif void usage (void) { printf (" Usage: tcpinfo [-d]\n" " -d sets debug-mode (WATTCP.CFG \"debug_on = 1\")\n"); exit (0); } void check_setup (void) { const char *watt_env = getenv ("WATTCP.CFG"); const char *watt_root = getenv ("WATT_ROOT"); char cfg_name [_MAX_PATH]; if (!tcp_config_name(cfg_name,sizeof(cfg_name))) printf ("Failed to find WATTCP.CFG; %s\n", strerror(errno)); else printf ("Reading configuration file `%s'\n", cfg_name); if (!watt_root) puts ("\7Warning: %WATT_ROOT% not set.\n" "This is okay if you're not planning to program with Watt-32"); else { char path [_MAX_PATH]; strcpy (path, watt_root); strcat (path, "\\."); if (access(path,0) != 0) printf ("\7Warning: WATT_ROOT incorrectly set: `%s'.\n", watt_root); } if (watt_root && strchr(watt_root,'/')) puts ("\7Warning: %WATT_ROOT% contains forward ('/') slashes.\n" "This may break some Makefiles."); if (watt_env && strchr(watt_env,'/')) puts ("\7Warning: %WATTCP.CFG% contains forward slashes ('/').\n" "This will break non-djgpp Watt-32 programs."); } int MS_CDECL main (int argc, char **argv) { int i; char name[50]; if (argc >= 2 && (!strncmp(argv[1],"-?",2) || !strncmp(argv[1],"/?",2))) usage(); if (argc >= 2 && (!stricmp(argv[1],"-d") || !stricmp(argv[1],"/d"))) debug_on = 2; check_setup(); survive_eth = 1; /* needed to survive if pkt_eth_init() fails */ survive_bootp = 1; /* ditto for BOOTP */ survive_dhcp = 1; /* ditto for DHCP/RARP */ survive_rarp = 1; if (debug_on) dbug_init(); watt_sock_init (0, 0, 0); #if defined(USE_IPV6) && !defined(WATT32_ON_WINDOWS) _ip6_pkt_init(); #endif if (debug_on >= 2) puts (""); dump_pktdrvr_info(); if (multihomes) printf ("IP Addresses : %s - %s\n", _inet_ntoa (buf2, _gethostid()), _inet_ntoa (buffer,_gethostid()+multihomes)); else printf ("IP Address : %s\n", _inet_ntoa(buffer,_gethostid())); printf ("Network Mask : %s\n\n", _inet_ntoa(NULL,sin_mask)); #if defined(USE_DEBUG) dump_gateways(); dump_arp_cache(); #endif printf ("Host name : "); if (gethostname(name,sizeof(name)) == 0) puts (name); else puts (""); printf ("Domain name : "); if (getdomainname(name,sizeof(name)) == 0) puts (name); else puts (""); #if 0 printf ("Cookieserver%c : ", (last_cookie > 1) ? 's' : ' '); if (last_cookie == 0) puts ("NONE DEFINED"); for (i = 0 ; i < last_cookie; i++) { if (i) printf (" : "); printf ("%s\n", _inet_ntoa(NULL, cookies[i])); } puts(""); #endif printf ("Nameserver%c : ", (last_nameserver > 1) ? 's' : ' '); if (last_nameserver == 0) puts ("NONE DEFINED\n"); for (i = 0 ; i < last_nameserver; i++) { unsigned timeout = dns_timeout ? dns_timeout : (unsigned)sock_delay << 2; if (i) printf (" : "); printf ("%-15s Timeout %us\n", _inet_ntoa(NULL, def_nameservers[i]), timeout); } #if 0 if (_bootp_on) { puts(""); printf ("BOOTP : Enabled and %s\n", _gethostid() ? "SUCCEEDED" : "FAILED"); printf ("BOOTP Server : %s\n", _inet_ntoa(NULL,_bootp_host)); printf ("BOOTP Timeout : %i seconds\n\n", _bootp_timeout); } #if defined(USE_DHCP) else if (_dhcp_on) { puts(""); printf ("DHCP : Enabled and %s\n", _gethostid() ? "SUCCEEDED" : "FAILED"); printf ("DHCP Server : %s\n", _inet_ntoa(NULL,DHCP_get_server())); } #endif #endif #if defined(USE_IPV6) puts (""); printf ("IPv6-address : %s\n", _inet6_ntoa(&in6addr_my_ip)); printf ("6-to-4 gateway : %s\n", _inet_ntoa(NULL,icmp6_6to4_gateway)); #endif puts (""); printf ("Max Seg Size,MSS : %u bytes\n", _mss); printf ("Max Transmit,MTU : %u bytes\n\n", _mtu); printf ("TCP timers : "); #if defined(USE_UDP_ONLY) puts ("TCP not compiled in"); #else printf ("Sock delay %us, Inactivity %us, Keep-alive %ds/%ds\n", sock_delay, sock_inactive, tcp_keep_idle, tcp_keep_intvl); printf (" : Open %ums, Close %ums, RST time %ums\n", tcp_OPEN_TO, tcp_CLOSE_TO, tcp_RST_TIME); printf (" : RTO base %ums, RTO add %ums, Retrans %ums\n\n", tcp_RTO_BASE, tcp_RTO_ADD, tcp_RETRAN_TIME); #endif #if 0 printf ("_tcp_Socket size : %u bytes\n", (unsigned)sizeof(_tcp_Socket)); printf ("_udp_Socket size : %u bytes\n\n", (unsigned)sizeof(_udp_Socket)); #endif #if defined(USE_BSD_API) BSD_api_stats(); #endif printf ("Version info : %s\n", wattcpVersion()); printf ("Compiler/target : %s\n", wattcpBuildCC()); printf ("$(CC) name : %s\n", wattcpBuildCCexe()); printf ("$(CFLAGS) : %s\n", wattcpBuildCflags()); printf ("Capabilities : %s\n", wattcpCapabilities()); #if defined(WATT32_ON_WINDOWS) if (debug_on >= 2) { fflush (stdout); dump_win_adapters_info(); } #endif return (0); } #if defined(USE_BSD_API) /* * Returning -1 means uninitialsed */ static int NumHostsEntries (void) { int num = -1; while (gethostent()) num++; if (num > -1) num++; return (num); } #if defined(USE_IPV6) static int NumHosts6Entries (void) { int num = -1; while (gethostent6()) num++; if (num > -1) num++; return (num); } #endif static int NumServEntries (void) { int num = -1; while (getservent()) num++; if (num > -1) num++; return (num); } static int NumProtoEntries (void) { int num = -1; while (getprotoent()) num++; if (num > -1) num++; return (num); } static int NumNetEntries (void) { int num = -1; while (getnetent()) num++; if (num > -1) num++; return (num); } static void BSD_api_stats (void) { const char *name; printf ("HOSTS file : "); name = GetHostsFile(); if (name) printf ("%-40s %4d entries\n", name, NumHostsEntries()); else puts (""); #if defined(USE_IPV6) printf ("HOSTS6 file : "); name = GetHosts6File(); if (name) printf ("%-40s %4d entries\n", name, NumHosts6Entries()); else puts (""); #endif printf ("SERVICES file : "); name = GetServFile(); if (name) printf ("%-40s %4d entries\n", name, NumServEntries()); else puts (""); printf ("PROTOCOL file : "); name = GetProtoFile(); if (name) printf ("%-40s %4d entries\n", name, NumProtoEntries()); else puts (""); printf ("NETWORKS file : "); name = GetNetFile(); if (name) printf ("%-40s %4d entries\n", name, NumNetEntries()); else puts (""); printf ("ETHERS file : "); name = GetEthersFile(); if (name) printf ("%-40s %4d entries\n", name, NumEtherEntries()); else puts (""); puts (""); } #endif /* USE_BSD_API */