README for the Simplified DocBook XML V4.1.2.4 DTD This is a simplified version of the DocBook XML V4.1.2 DTD. This DTD is my attempt to make a small subset of DocBook. I tried to achieve the following goals: * Documents written in the subset must be 100% legal DocBook XML documents. * This is for small documents, articles and the like, so there's no need for 'book's or 'set's, just 'article's. * The markup should be the smallest practical subset, if you need richly structured markup, use DocBook or DocBook XML. * The result is roughly "HTML-level markup in DocBook", but I didn't set out explicitly to produce that result. * The DTD must work in IE5 (it's XML not SGML). It should be small enough to download more-or-less painlessly. * There should be a CSS stylesheet for it (mine's pretty lame). * There should be an XSL stylesheet for it. Since I'm in the somewhat privileged position of knowing how many changes are coming, I'm going to wait until after the next draft ;-). Instead of DocBook's 350+ elements, this DTD has just over 100. Manifest -------- README - This readme file VERSION - The version number COPYRIGHT - Copyright statement ChangeLog - Changelog sdbcent.mod - Character entities sdbhier.mod - Hierarchy overrides sdbpool.mod - Information pool overrides sdocbook-custom.dtd - The DTD sdocbook.css - CSS stylesheet sdocbook.dtd - A flattened version of the DTD (mechanically generated) sinclist.mod - A set of 'ignore' parameter entities sdocbookref-custom.dtd - A version of Simplified DocBook for RefEntrys sdocbookref.dtd - A flattened version of sdocbookref-custom (mech. generated) test.xml - A test document testcss.xml - A test document for the CSS stylesheet testcust.xml - A test document for the raw customization layer testrefcust.xml - A test document for the raw RefEntry customization layer ent/ - The ISO character entity files used by sdocbook.dtd Installation ------------ Place the files in this distribution somewhere on your machine. Adjust your catalog(s) if appropriate (XML tools frequently do not support catalogs, so this may be irrelevant for you). Please use the following formal public identifier to identify this DTD: "-//Norman Walsh//DTD Simplified DocBook XML V4.1.2.4//EN" For example, if your document's top-level element is
, and you are using this DTD directly, use the FPI in the DOCTYPE declaration: Note: if you are using the customization layer directly (sdocbook-custom.dtd), you may have to adjust the system identifier that points to the DocBook XML DTD. You may also have to install the DocBook XML V4.1.2.4 DTD somewhere on your system. Copyright --------- Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Norman Walsh See COPYRIGHT for more information Warranty -------- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL NORMAN WALSH OR ANY OTHER CONTRIBUTOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Contacting the Author --------------------- This DTD is maintained by Norman Walsh, . The best way to reach norm is by email. You will find additional contact information at