Texinfo to HTML
This Manual (Edition 0.11, last updated at
09. July 2000) describes the texi2html
script which converters
into HTML.
Please send bug reports about this manual to Karl Heinz
Marbaise [email protected]. Please state exact
version/edition of the manual (can be found at start of
Texinfo source file; use the entry Id under Revisions).
Please note:
| This manual is currently under
construction and of course incomplete ;-)
-- The Detailed Node Listing ---
Installation process
Initialization file options
Command Line Options
LaTeX2HTML for @math
and @tex
1. Overview about texi2html
Texinfo is the official
documentation format of the GNU
project. It uses a single source file to produce both
online information and printed output.
It is often proposed to have a way to produce
HTML from Texinfo sources, like the GNU-Info
format. It is much simpler to create one converter instead
of writing all documentation new in HTML, cause
there is so much documentation in Texinfo format all over
the world.
The purpose of `texi2html' is to convert Texinfo
documents into HTML.
1.1 Ways to get HTML
You would like to HTML files out of your Texinfo
files? You have two choices. The first one is to use
itself to create HTML files.
The resulted file is only one big file and you don't have
much possibilities to change the layout of some sort of
configuration you like. ...
1.2 Why `texi2html' and not `makeinfo'?
In contrast to the HTML produced by makeinfo
(the makeinfo
program is part of the
Texinfo distribution), the HTML output of `texi2html'
is highly configurable. Among other differences, with
allows you to customize your entire
page layout (like headers, footers, style sheets, etc),
split documents at various levels, and use
to convert @tex
should reasonably convert all Texinfo
4.0 constructs. If not, please send a bug report to
[email protected].
2. Installation of texi2html
description of the installation process.
What do you need?
3. Customizing files
Result from using `-frames'
| texi2html -V -frames texi2html.texi
Explanation of the output differences against default,
whatever this is ;-)
4. Customizing what gets expanded
Test starting.
5. Customizing page layout:
a) General: Philosopy, and how it works
aa) Navigation panels
b) Top page
c) Section pages
d) Misc pages (ToC, About, etc)
6. Initialization file
Initialization options are read first from
`/usr/local/etc/texi2htmlrc' (the exact location being
changeable with the `--sysconfdir=dir' option to the
script), then from
`$HOME/.texi2htmlrc', then any command-line options
including `-init_file' option; with later settings
overriding earlier ones.
The default initialization options are defined in the
`texi2html.init' file contained in the Texi2html
distribution (which gets includes near the biginning of the
script that gets installed).
To customize `texi2html' it is best if you copy the
appropriate sections from the `texi2html.init'
contents into an appropriate local initialization file,
make the necessary changes there, and then have
read this inialization file by one of
the means described above.
For an example on what you can produces with
have a look at the following sites:
6.1 Initialization file options
This section describes in detail all option which can only
be used in initialization file (`texi2html.init'), but
not on command line. This mean the only way to change those
options is to change the initialization file.
6.1.1 Number sections.
if set, and $T2H_NUMBER_SECTIONS is set, then use node
names in menu entries, instead of section names
6.1.2 Avoid menu redundancy
if set and menu entry equals menu descr, then do not print
menu descr. Likewise, if node name equals entry name, do
not print entry name.
6.1.3 Center Image
if set, center @image by default
otherwise, do not center by default
6.1.4 Example Indent Cell
used as identation for block enclosing command
, etc If not empty, must be enclosed in
$T2H_EXAMPLE_INDENT_CELL = '<td> </td>';
6.1.5 Small Example Indent
same as above, only for @small
6.1.6 Small Font Size
# font size for @small
6.1.7 Top Heading
if non-empty, and no @..heading
appeared in Top
node, then use this as header for top node/section,
otherwise use value of @settitle
(in that order)
6.1.8 Index Chapter
if set, use this chapter for Index button, else
use first chapter whose name matches index (case insensitive)
6.1.9 Split Index
if set and $T2H_SPLIT is set, then split index pages
at the next letter after they have more than that many
6.1.10 HREF Dir Instead File.
if set (e.g., to `index.html') replace hrefs
to this file (i.e., to `index.html') by `./'
7. Extension file
Here I have to put some explanation about
the extension file `texi2html.ext'.
I'm not sure which purpose the extension file has.
May be Olaf can answer this question.
8. Command Line Options
8.1 Debugging
debugging: 0 -- no debugging; other values; see beginning
of texi2html
$DEBUG_DEF = 16;
$DEBUG_L2H = 128;
8.2 DocType
| <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
8.3 Check
if set, only check files and give the list of all things
that look like untranslated Texinfo commands
8.4 Expand
if set to tex (or, info) expand
and @tex
(or, @ifinfo
sections else, neither expand @iftex
, @tex
nor @ifinfo
8.5 Glossary
if set, uses section named Footnotes for glossary
8.6 Invisible
$T2H_INVISIBLE_MARK is the text used to create
invisible destination anchors for index links (you can for
instance use the `invisible.xbm' file shipped with
this program). This is a workaround for a known bug of many
WWW browsers, including Netscape. For me, it
works fine without it -- on the contrary: if there, it
inserts space between headers and start of text (obachman
8.7 Iso
if set, ISO8879 characters are used for special symbols
(like Copyright (C)
, etc)
$T2H_USE_ISO = 0;
8.8 Include Direcotry
list directories where @include
files are searched for
(besides the directory of the doc file) additional
`-I' args are add to this list.
@T2H_INCLUDE_DIRS = (".");
8.9 Top File
uses file of this name for top-level file
extension is manipulated appropriately, if necessary.
If empty, `<basename of document>.html' is used
Typically, you would set this to `index.html'.
$T2H_TOP_FILE = "";
8.10 Table Of content File
uses file of this name for table of contents file extension
is manipulated appropriately, if necessary. If empty,
`<basename of document>_toc.html' is used
$T2H_TOC_FILE = "";
8.11 Frames
if set, output two additional files which use HTML 4.0
$T2H_FRAMES = 0;
8.12 Menu's
`-menu' or `-nomenu' if set, show the Texinfo
8.13 Number sections
`-number' `-nonumber'
if set, number sections and show section names and numbers
in references and menus
8.14 Split
`-split section|chapter|none'
if set to section (resp. chapter) create one
HTML file per (sub)section (resp. chapter) and
separate pages for Top, ToC, Overview, Index, Glossary,
About. otherwise, create monolithic HTML file which
contains whole document
#$T2H_SPLIT = 'section';
$T2H_SPLIT = undef;
8.15 Section navigation
if set, then navigation panels are printed at the beginning
of each section and, possibly at the end (depending on
whether or not there were more than
$T2H_WORDS_IN_PAGE words on page). This is most useful
if you do not want to have section navigation on
`-split chapter'
8.16 Subdirectory
if set put result files in this directory if not set result
files are put into current directory
$T2H_SUBDIR = undef;
8.17 Short extension
If this is set all HTML file will have extension
`.htm' instead of `.html'. This is helpful when
shipping the document to PC systems.
8.18 Prefix
Set the output file prefix, prepended to all `.html',
`.gif' and `.pl' files.
By default, this is the basename of the document
$T2H_PREFIX = "";
8.19 Output filename
`-o filename'|`-out_file'
If set, generate monolithic document output HTML
into `filename'.
8.20 Short Cross References
if set cross-references are given without section numbers
8.21 Index Summary
If value is set, then for each @prinindex $what
`$docu_name_$what.idx' is created which contains lines of the
form $key\t$ref sorted alphabetically (case
8.22 Verbose output
if set, chatter about what we are doing.
8.23 Language Support
For page titles use
as title. To add
a new languages, supply list of titles (see
$T2H_WORDS). and use ISO 639 language codes (see e.g.
perl module `Locale-Codes-1.02.tar.gz' for
8.24 LaTeX2HTML for @math
and @tex
if set, uses latex2html
for generation of math
8.24.1 Where to find latex2html
name/location of latex2html
8.24.2 Skip calling LaTeX2HTML
if set, skips actual call to atex2html
tries to
reuse previously generated content, instead.
8.24.3 Temporary files for LaTeX2HTML
if set, l2h uses this directory for temporarary files. The
path leading to this directory may not contain a dot (i.e.,
a "."), otherwise, l2h will fail
A. Indices
A.1 Command Line Option Index
A.2 Variable Index
Table of Contents
Short Table of Contents
1. Overview about texi2html
2. Installation of texi2html
3. Customizing files
4. Customizing what gets expanded
5. Customizing page layout:
6. Initialization file
7. Extension file
8. Command Line Options
A. Indices
About this document
This document was generated on April, 9 2004
using texi2html
The buttons in the navigation panels have the following meaning:
Button |
Name |
Go to |
From 1.2.3 go to |
[ < ] |
previous section in reading order
[ > ] |
next section in reading order
[ << ] |
previous or up-and-previous section
[ Up ] |
up section
[ >> ] |
next or up-and-next section
[Top] |
cover (top) of document
[Contents] |
table of contents
[Index] |
concept index
[ ? ] |
this page
where the Example assumes that the current position
is at Subsubsection One-Two-Three of a document of
the following structure:
- 1. Section One
- 1.1 Subsection One-One
- 1.2 Subsection One-Two
- 1.2.1 Subsubsection One-Two-One
- 1.2.2 Subsubsection One-Two-Two
- 1.2.3 Subsubsection One-Two-Three
<== Current Position
- 1.2.4 Subsubsection One-Two-Four
- 1.3 Subsection One-Three
- 1.4 Subsection One-Four
This document was generated
on April, 9 2004
using texi2html